Feral Crown: An Age Gap Romance (Crown Brothers Book 4)

Feral Crown: Chapter 15

Tears stream down my face as my hands desperately cling to my abdomen. Our baby. I was growing our baby.

Never will I get to see its tiny face or count its tiny little fingers or toes. Gone. Our baby is gone.

And if the pain couldn’t get any more gut wrenching, the door creaks open, the other half of my soul stepping right through it.

Fury. It’s all there is. Nothing but boiling rage consumes me and all I see is red.

“Get out! Get the fuck out!” My vocal cords rattle as my hands fling to either side of me, gripping onto the bed rails for dear life. “Right now! Leave!”

The tears that’d already been falling down my face intensify, my vision blurring and going right along with them.

“Baby doll.” Hunter walks toward me with speed, his massive frame crawling onto the bed as he covers my body with his own. “God, I’m so sorry, baby. So damn sorry.” His arms have flung around me, pulling me closer into him as his head falls to the crook of my neck, both hands holding me tight. “I’m so damn sorry.”

I lose it. I break down and lose all strength I’d had, turning into a pile of mush in this man’s arms. There’s no more exchange of words. Tears are the only communication between us, both mine and his.

Hunter shakes against me, his own sadness dripping down my back as we both grieve the loss of what will never be.

It’s these moments in life that make absolutely no sense. What lesson was I supposed to learn? Why did a life who’d just begun lose its spark?

I don’t know. Have no damn clue. All I know is that this shared sadness stretches for what feels like forever before there’s a clearing of someone’s throat.

“Glad you could finally make it.” There’s a hint of sarcasm behind my brother’s tone and it’s not something Hunter takes lightly.

With uncanny speed, the large man removes himself from my bed, only to come toe-to-toe with Eric, their faces a mere breath apart. “Watch your mouth, Ericson. This is all your fault.”

My brother scoffs, taking a good step back. “My fault? Last I checked, I wasn’t the one that got her pregnant.”

This makes Hunter turn an almost purple shade of red. “Are you fucking kidding me? I thought I told you—No visitors! What in the hell made you think your dead-beat father was the exception?!” He shoves at Eric, my brother taking a tumble into the wall before he’s righting himself, his palms up in defense.

“Hey, he said he needed to talk to me. Said he wasn’t going to be stopping by the bunker until later that day.” His brows have dropped, and the pain etched on his face isn’t something I miss.

My brother has his own set of demons, and I don’t doubt him for a second. I know he didn’t mean any harm by it. Was probably looking forward to Bruce’s fatherly attention—something that was rare in our home—but Hunter isn’t buying it.

“I don’t give a damn what that man told you. He’s a known liar and cheat. What makes you think he’d suddenly have good intentions?” Thankfully, Hunter doesn’t make another move against Eric, he simply stands there with both hands on his hips, his head shaking in disapproval.

“I fucked up.” Eric’s eyes close before he’s running the palm of his hand over his face.

“Yeah, you did.” Hunter gives my brother his back, his eyes landing on me, the honey-colored orbs trailing my body from head to toe. “Mel is coming home with me.”

“What?! Like hell I am!” I may be torn into a million pieces but there is no way I’m shacking up with Hunter.

He’s my kryptonite and I’ve just now started to overcome the shellshock of our last conversation.

“He’s right, Mel. I can’t keep you safe.” Eric chimes in, his sheepish expression one I’m not used to. “Just look at you.”

My brother’s eyes trail my battered body, most of which I had no memory of happening. Bruce’s first punch pretty much knocked me out, with only bits and pieces of his beating filtering through my consciousness.

Turning toward Hunter, I see that his jaw is ticking, eyes narrowed on Eric.

“I don’t care. I’m not going with him.” I steel my face, knowing myself well, and if I’m left alone with this man, I’m bound to shatter once more.

Hunter lets out a deep breath, his eyes closing as his chest rises and then falls. “Ericson, can you give me a minute with your sister?”

My brother looks between us, his eyes flitting to Hunter and then back to mine. “Okay, but I’m just outside this door. You holler at me if you need me, Mel.”

My heart warms. Eric and I don’t have the best of relationships, but it’s good to know that he’s here when it really matters.

Nodding, I answer, “Thank you. And Hunter, you have ten minutes… starting now.”

I look at the clock, intent on keeping my word. I’m not sure how much more of him I can take.

“I didn’t mean it. Any of it.” Hunter’s words have my eyes abandoning their post and fully taking his features in. “Our lines were being tapped. They were listening to everything we were saying and I couldn’t risk them finding out what you meant to me.”

I’m stunned speechless. Not sure how to feel about what he’s just said.

“Mel,” Hunter lowers one of the bed rails, his large frame lowering down to the edge as he grabs hold of my hand. “My family isn’t perfect. Far from it. We’ve got secrets that run deep. Battles that still rage on with very unsavory people.”

My brows push together and nose scrunches. “I sort of figured that out when we had to go into hiding.” I chuckle, but there’s no humor in it. “And hey, turns out I didn’t need protecting from your family. Just my own.”

“Baby…” Hunter shakes his head, his glistening eyes trailing my body once more. “That should’ve never happened. If I’d kept you with me, this… our baby…”

I break down. I can’t help it. Tears start falling and my body shakes from the godawful sobs that are wrenched right from my chest.

“Shhh, baby.” Hunter pulls me onto his lap, one of his large palms rubbing slow circles on my back. He doesn’t bother telling me it’s going to be okay, because we both know, it never will be.

There will always be this part of us missing, forever lost.

“From now on, I’ll keep you safe. From both my family and yours. You have my word.”

A snot bubble forms and I wipe it against his shirt. “Fine, but that’s what you get.”

Hunter chuckles, “Baby, you could be covered in snot, and I’d still find you the sexiest woman on earth.”

Unable to keep it in, I laugh, my cheeks smarting at the unusual sensation. “So, what now?”

“Now? We wait for the doctor to give you the all clear. Then we’ll head back to the bunker, get your things and head home.”

My body shudders in Hunter’s embrace. “I can’t go back there. I’m sorry.”

Hunter nods, his face solemn. “No worries, baby. We’ll figure it out.” He lowers me down onto the bed, his lips finding my forehead and pressing a lingering kiss before he’s standing upright. “But first, we need to get you out of here.”

He walks over to the door, pulling it open only to find my brother’s ear pressed against it.

“Hey!” Eric practically falls into the room from the door no longer holding him up.

“Were you eavesdropping?!” I’m screeching from my spot on the bed while Hunter just shakes his head.

“I was just trying to make sure you were okay.” Eric’s brows raise as he skirts around Hunter.

“Whatever, brother. I’m going to find the doc. You keep your eyes on my girl, and don’t you take them off her for a second, you hear me?”

Eric rolls his eyes. “As if I would. I already feel guilty enough.”

“Good,” Hunter grunts before he’s shutting the door behind him.

And as soon as he’s gone, the energy shifts and my heart settles. Truth be told, I’m not sure how I’ll manage being in close quarters with him after everything we’ve been through. Yes, there might be some logic behind the way he treated me, but it still doesn’t shake the feelings he left behind.

“Girl! What happened to you?!” Hayley, the shop owner and high-school friend whisper-hisses, before her eyes float over my shoulder and toward Hunter. “Do you need me to call the Sheriff?”

Laughing, I place a hand on my friend’s shoulder. “I know I look scary, but Hunter didn’t do this. Bruce did.”

Hayley sucks in a sharp breath. “That bastard. I knew he was always no good, but I didn’t think he’d ever hurt his own daughter.”

I scoff. “Well, looks like we were both wrong.”

Cutting into the moment, Hunter clears his throat behind me, “We came to get some things for Mel. You do have things in her size, right?”

It took me some convincing, letting him know that Hayley’s store would carry what I like. Yes, we could’ve driven an hour or two out into the big city, but there’s something about supporting locals that’s just a million times better.

“Of course, I do. She’s my best customer.” Hayley laughs as she walks over to the new arrivals. “Get your butt over here, girl. I’ve got to show you what I just got in.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice!” I’m fixin’ to be in hog heaven when the bell over the door chimes.

“There you are. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Matt’s voice booms from behind me, but it’s Hayley’s expression that has my rapt attention.

My friend is like a deer in headlights. Interesting.

“I told you. I needed to get my girl some things.” The way Hunter so casually calls me his girl almost makes me swoon, but if I were being honest with myself, my heart is still leery after that phone call.

“Yeah, well, I thought you would make like every other normal person and head into the city.” Matt is chuckling but his face freezes as soon as his eyes land on Hayley.

Very interesting.

“Normal is overrated.” Hayley glares at him, her hands instantly flying to her hips. “I’ll have you know that I carry pieces that even the big city can’t get their hands on.”

“She has a point. I know. I’ve tried.” I’m nodding along with my friend, but the wheels in my head are turning. “Do you two know each other?”

“Yes.” “No.” Are uttered simultaneously with Hayley being the one in denial.

Matt rolls in his lips, but just nods. “My bad. I must’ve mistaken you for someone else.”

Hayley looks him dead in the face, one brow arched. “Mhm. Must’ve.”

Needing to end the awkward stare off, I clap my hands together. “Alrighty then. Hayley, how about we let these two catch up and you can show me the goods.”

My friend slaps on a fake smile if I ever saw one. “Right. In fact, there’s a new shipment out back. Why don’t I show you?”

Nodding, I follow her toward the stockroom and away from the Crown brothers. We might’ve put distance between us but it’s obvious one of them is still on her mind.

“Care to tell me what that was about?” I raise a brow as she goes to open a box.

“Nope.” She doesn’t even look at me as she answers.

“Okay, but I’m here if you ever need to vent. I know just how frustrating those Crown men can be.”

She laughs at this. “Yeah. Well thank you, but I have nothing to say.”

I roll in my lips and nod. She may deny it all she wants, but there’s definitely more to this story, and as all things, it’s only a matter of time before it’s out.

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