Fear The Reapers: A Dark Mafia Romance (Lovesick Villains Book 1)

Fear The Reapers: Chapter 16

“Everything good, man?” Tristan asked, his eyes shifting towards the restroom.

           Everything was not good. Everything could not be further from fucking good if it tried. I wanted to punch a wall and flip every fucking table in my vicinity. What the hell was this? Some kind of sick joke?

Waring against my instincts to burn the entire place down, I appeased his concern with a nod. He didn’t realize how fucked the entire situation was. None of my brothers did, and I planned on keeping it that way. It wasn’t their fault that my dumbass got attached to a girl I had no business obsessing over. She’d been off limits from the start, but I defied fate and I couldn’t shake the feeling that her being sold to us was my own twisted karmic punishment.

The moment Stevie stepped out of the restroom, every single eye in the building was on her. She was oblivious to the attention, as usual. It was one thing that continued to fascinate me about her. She was striking, absolutely fucking gorgeous, but in the time I’d known her, she never relied on her looks. Never used it as an excuse to be cruel or to get her way.

At the coffee shop, I’d seen a few men crash and burn, trying their best to pick up the sexy barista. She’d always be nice enough and at least pretend to listen as they’d drone on and on, but the minute I’d step through the door, her eyes would light up and she’d quickly excuse herself to greet me.

Maybe I was a selfish asshole, but it made me feel fucking good to know that she was solely focused on me. That I was the man that received her undivided attention and made her eyes light up like that.

I didn’t want to let go of that feeling. Maybe that’s why I kept her from the truth. But my lies had fucked everything up and suddenly I was the poor fuck, swallowing my pride as I watched her make her way towards pretty-boy Joshua. He looked at her body up and down like she was a glass of water and he hadn’t drunk in days. My nostrils flared. The motherfucker better enjoy the view while it lasts because that is the last time he’s ever going to see Stevie.

Envy wasn’t a palatable emotion. Even if I knew he was harmless, Stevie didn’t realize the effect she had on people. The particular getup she had on made her look like a walking advertisement for sin, and every fucker in the vicinity was lining up to join her in hell. Her luscious curves were on full display in the tight black dress she wore, and I had to stop myself from wanting to rip out the eyes of each and every man in the room.

I looked back at my brothers and watched as the three of them stared at her just as hungrily. They saw it too. The light. The thing that made her different from anyone we’d ever met before and the one thing sinning motherfuckers like us couldn’t resist. 

“Tris, get the girl and get her the fuck out of here.” I seethed, making my way towards the back entrance. “Who’s bright idea was it to bring her here in the first place?”

In unison, the twins tilted their head towards Ezra.

“Of course it fucking was.”

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