F*cked Right: A Spicy Novella (She Teaches Him Book 3)

F*cked Right: Chapter 3

Callie’s dress is going to fucking melt my goddamn brain. I haven’t been able to think straight since she got into the truck, and it only gets worse the longer she sits next to me. I’ve been on edge, doing my best to conceal my hard cock, not wanting her to see how much she turns me on.

For the last few months, I think I’ve done a good job covering up my attraction but this dress is ruining all of my resolve. I don’t know how the fuck I am supposed to keep my hands to myself when she looks like she was sculpted by the gods. I have half a mind to skip the party altogether and just beg her to let me worship her body the way it deserves, giving it my attention well into the night.

I look over at her, not even knowing what to say. I wish I was better with my words. I wish I didn’t freeze up when she was around me. I never seem to be able to think when she is around, and now I can’t even look at her without needing to hold back a groan.

The dress leaves very little to the imagination, hugging her body like it was made for her. Her full hips fill out the dress in a way that makes my hands ache with the need to grab her, to feel her skin on my own. The forest green color contrasts with her dark hair and dark eyes, making her look like a fucking dream.

I wouldn’t have invited her if I knew she was going to look this good. Honestly, I’m regretting that decision a little bit right now as I white-knuckle the steering wheel, unable to even glance in her direction.

I stare at the road ahead of me, desperate to calm myself down. My cock is already hard, and I know I need to stop thinking about how amazing she looks or it won’t go away all night. If I don’t stop now, tonight is going to be agony, thinking of all the ways I want to please her, and finally show her with my body how I feel.

I keep my eyes ahead, knowing if I look at her, I’m going to blurt out every thought in my head. If I look at her long legs again, I’m going to confess how many times I’ve thought about her wrapped around me while I fucked my own hand, moaning her name in the shower, thinking of only her.

I finally pull into Finn’s driveway, successfully avoiding looking at Callie for the rest of the drive. The driveway is long, almost a mile, which was Finn’s main reason for buying the house in the first place. Privacy was a huge factor; I’ve heard him talk about putting a gate out front a few times.

He never used to care about privacy until he met Emma. I mean he hated when people stood around his house, waiting to catch a glance at the man himself, but he never felt unsafe. The second he started seeing Emma he shifted his perspective, becoming extremely protective. It would almost be sweet if it didn’t make me want to throw up.

I pull up to the house, put the car into park, and keep my eyes forward. “Ready to go?” Callie asks, and I find myself drawn to look at her before I even have the chance to stop myself. A small smile graces her lips and I take her in, fully, appreciating every piece of her, wanting to commit the details to my memory, as if they weren’t already there.

I want her more than I’ve wanted anything in my entire life, but Callie is also my best friend. She’s always in my corner, always on my side. She doesn’t always agree with me, but she will stick up for me around anyone, making sure they know where she stands. She is beautiful and smart and everything I have ever wanted in a person.

But I can’t have her, at least that is what I keep telling myself.

“Let’s go,” I cough out opening my door and looking away. It feels like a rock has sunk into my stomach. I push it away, not wanting to deal with it right now. We both step out of my truck, Callie hopping out more than anything, and we make our way to the giant house in front of us.

Sitting at seven bedrooms and eight baths – why he needs more bathrooms than bedrooms is beyond me – the house is as tall as it is wide. It had a modern look to it: all white and clean-looking siding lines the outside, making it feel warm while also regal at the same time. The windows are big, giving a lot of natural light to the inside. The grass around the house is always cut to perfection, and the entire estate looks clean and proper, something that Finn has never been. The pool that wraps around the house is a little much for my taste, especially because I know Finn doesn’t like to swim, but nothing is too good for my brother.

“I can’t wait to see the ring. I bet it’s a fucking rock,” Callie says, meeting me at the front bumper so we can walk in together. I tuck away the jealousy swarming through me, knowing I need to leave it at the door and be happy for my brother and his future wife.

We make our way to the door, ringing the doorbell as we take in the beauty of the house. I’ve been here before but never paid it much mind. This time though, I have things to avoid looking at, so I look at the house suddenly extremely interested in every single detail.

I look over at Callie, just for a second, not able to help myself. She stares at the house, bewilderment in her eyes while the sun shines over her, and I get lost in the sight, unable to take my eyes off of her. I open my mouth to speak, not even knowing what I’m going to say, but the door bursts open instead, interrupting whatever I was about to say.

“Oh my god, you guys look so cute!” Emma exclaims, the door opening fast and smooth. I warn Emma to stop with my eyes, willing her not to make things more awkward than they already are for Callie and me. She’s wanted us to get together since the first time she met us and even though we have insisted that we are just friends, it’s like she can see right through us.

Emma has acted like my sister since she started dating Finn. I was used to a certain kind of woman that hung around him, snotty and entitled, but Emma surprised me. She was nice from the first second we met, greeting me as if she had known me for years, making me feel comfortable around her. She has this way about her that is zero bullshit. She is fiery and she is warm, her red hair matching her personality almost perfectly.

“You guys look amazing!” Emma says, her eyes darting between both of us with a hint of mischief in her gaze, but I ignore it, already knowing what she is thinking.

“Let me see the ring,” Callie blurts out as if she couldn’t wait to ask. Emma became like a sister to me, but she became a friend to Callie too. Emma holds out her hand to show the small diamond sitting on her ring finger, small enough that it surprises me. I’m not one to be materialistic, but I know what Finn could afford, and it is a lot more than that.

“That’s how everyone looks at it,” Emma says with a smile, her voice radiating humor and understanding all in one. “I didn’t want anything too big. I wouldn’t have felt right getting a big diamond. I barely feel good about living in this beautiful house. I didn’t want him to spend someone’s income on a ring.” I feel myself smile, my respect for her only increasing. It’s still shocking to me that she is with my brother. Finn always felt bad about a lot of things that his fame brought on our family, but his money has never been one of them. He has no problem spending money and spending a lot of it. I can already imagine Emma challenging him on that, and the thought of my brother being put in his place makes me laugh a little to myself.

“Well, come join the party!” Emma says while leading the way into their house. I’ve been here a few times before but not enough to know my way around quite yet. From the outside, it looks decently sized, but from the inside, it looks like a fucking mansion, a place you could get lost in.

The house opens up into an entryway that is about the size of my apartment. Hooks for jackets hang to my right, and cubbies for countless shoes sit to my left, making the space feel homey instead of cluttered. The light in the room is what draws you in. The walls are all white, the natural light bouncing off the walls and making the space look brighter. The space is lived in but not cluttered, clean but not spotless. There are things dotting the counters all around us, but they look like they have a purpose and order.

In front of the entryway is a hallway that leads to the kitchen, lined with pictures of Finn and Emma on various vacations, my brother smiling more than I have ever seen. Emma leads us into the kitchen while Callie stares around her. While she looks at everything, I look at her, desperate to look where she is looking, wanting to see the home the same way that she does. I glance at her and then follow her gaze trying to find the thing that amazes her and puts that beautiful, stunned look on her face. Her brown hair frames her face perfectly as she takes the entire house in, her eyes wide, and all I can imagine is grabbing her hair in my fist and crashing our mouths together. She walks around the space effortlessly as if she belongs here, and I want, with every fiber of my being, to give her something like this.

I try not to think about the fact that I won’t ever be able to give her a home like this. I push the feeling away, wanting, just for tonight, to feel as if I could deserve her someday.

We make our way into the entertainment room – at least that is what Emma calls it. You could fit a whole house in this room alone. It is bright and white, like most of the house, making it feel welcoming and open but also clean and modern. There are a few couches in the middle, making the shape of a box. The room is almost full of people, people I have never met before. Bartenders that Finn must have hired sit behind the bar in the back of the room, all making drinks, rushing around, and trying to manage the crowd surrounding the bar, desperate for a drink. The room vibrates with energy, the sound of voices becoming more of a hum than anything.

“Nice, huh? I told Finn getting new couches and adding the bar would be a nice touch for the party,” Emma says, looking at the room with pride, as if she has slowly made it hers. “You wanna do shots?” Emma whispers to Callie, leaning over to her like they have been friends for ages. Callie looks at me, looking for confirmation that she can step away with Emma. I just nod, seeing my brother across the room and knowing I should go say hi.

Callie walks away, her ass and hips swaying, and I can’t help but imagine sinking my fingers into her hips, leaving marks that she could find the next morning. I can’t fucking look away. I stare, my cock growing hard in my slacks, knowing I’m going to be thinking about her in that goddamn dress all night if I don’t stop now. But I keep staring, unable and unwilling to take my eyes off of her.

She turns around suddenly and I straighten, my face heating with embarrassment, knowing she caught me staring at her ass. She sends a small smile, her eyes connecting with mine before getting lost in the crowd.

I try to stop thinking about it. I try to, if not erase then at least, tame my thoughts of her, but it doesn’t work. I think about that goddamn smile. My eyes linger on the location where she just stood, willing her to reappear just so I can see her again.

I’m going to need a fucking drink if I’m going to get through tonight.

I turn toward where I saw Finn, intent on finding as many drinks as humanly possible. I know I can’t have her no matter how badly I want her, and I can’t deal with that while being sober.

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