
Chapter Chapter IV - Introduce Us, Winterbourne

I lie down and rest my cheek on the cool kitchen tile. It would probably give Mrs. McEwan a fright to find me like this.

I gaze longingly out the french doors that lead to our backyard. Mom forbids me from going, but everything looks so bright out there. So green. So happy.

I untie my hair and take off my glasses. It’s not much, but it gives me an illusion of freedom.

My eyes stray outside again and suddenly, it doesn’t feel like it’s enough. Not even close. The craving to be free gets too much. On an impulse, I get up, unlock the back door, and walk straight out into our backyard. I walk past the oak trees that mark the end of our property line, across the rolling field and stop at the edge of the woods where the grass is taller and wildflowers grow.

I flop down as exhaustion takes over and spread my fingers through the grass, seeking the soft soil. The familiar, subtle vibrations of mother earth travel to my fingertips. It moves up to my arms and soothing feelings spread through me. It feels like warm welcoming arms reaching out and I touch it, embrace it. It feels so familiar and so good I almost cry. Several pairs of eyes peek at me from the bushes, from between the tree branches, and underneath the flowers. The creatures here feel different...benevolent.

When I lift my hands up from the ground a few minutes later, I feel the shift in the energy flowing just beneath my skin, zapping at my fingertips. So I let it out, enjoying for the first time in a very long time, the feeling of letting it go free.

A wispy trail of white light forms and snakes out from each of my fingertip. I bring my hands together and soon the lights fused and roll around in between my palms. They form a little ball of sheer, soft, white light. It gets bigger as I slowly let more energy into it. When it reaches the size of a beach ball, I will it away. It shimmers in the sun.

I look around me and see a family of white-tailed deer and a jackrabbit slowly approaching from the forest edge. A red fox shily comes out of its hiding place in the foliage. The creatures that were hiding and peeking out from under the bushes and tree branches earlier are also moving slowly closer as if in a trance. The white ball or energy is now floating in the air. It’s flickering and glowing, but also soft, almost gossamer-like... and beautiful. The deadly ball of energy looks deceivingly harmless.

I learned from experience that if any earthly creatures like the jackrabbit touched it, the cute rabbit would burst into nothing but icky sprays of blood, gut, bones, and chunks of fur. If it’s any of the other creatures, their lights would dim before they crumble into black ashes, then blown away by the wind into nothingness.

One of the deer is now standing within my arm’s reach, its nose is just a few inches away from it. “Not too close, my love,” I whisper as I reach out and touch the pretty globe of light. It stings my fingertip. Just a tiny little prickle. It doesn’t hurt, but it’s not very pleasant. As soon as my finger touches it, it sizzles and fades away. The trance is broken and now all creatures, big and small scurry off in fright. I giggle softly to myself.

I haven’t done this in years; coming here and letting my energy out. Guilt from disobeying my mom lays heavily on my shoulders. I look around me in regret and take a deep breath. I should go but I’m reluctant to leave.

Finally, I turn around. As I slowly make my way back, I can’t resist a glance at the shimmering lake. There it is- the weeping willow tree. Underneath it was where I stood in my dreams. I go to stand underneath it, trying to remember. I remember the piercing blue eyes and not much more. My thoughts return to the new boy in my school- Ruen. There’s something about him. I push the thought of him out of my mind, or at least I try to. I try to hum the song, the words don’t come to me. It’s there, trapped in my head.

I look around in frustration. The water looks inviting and I can’t help myself. Before I know it, I jump in, clothes and all.

As I lay floating motionless on my back, an image of myself lying in the river just like this flashes in my mind. Beautiful creatures with long, silky, pale hair, in their sheer, white dresses swim and swirl gracefully around me. One cradles me close. Flashes of soft, joyful giggles, a beguiling beautiful voice singing, and gentle loving fingers like butterfly wings. It’s a brief flash, maybe it’s just a dream but it makes me happy. I sigh contently, staring up at the blue sky. Before long, I start humming, then words roll off my tongue,

“In my arms, thou shalt lie,

whilst gentle slumber kisses thine eyes,

in my arms my pretty little one,

whilst gentle rivers flow through Idathach.

whilst gentle rivers flow through Idathach,

my pretty little one...”

I stop and frown. Where did that come from? It had sounded like a lullaby. Huh, it must have been something I’ve heard from a tv show or something. I sink into the lake, all the way to the bottom, then float on my back again and hum the lullaby to myself. In my mind, another sweet, enchanting voice sings the words softly in my ear.

Soaking wet, I trudge back to the house. My energy is draining away with each step that I take. By the time I enter the house, I’m on my hands and knees, dripping water all over the gleaming tiles, shiny hardwood floor, and on mom’s precious antique Persian rug. I climb the stairs on all fours.

I shed my wet clothes off and leave them in the corner of my bathroom floor before I crawl into bed, snuggling under the cover. My body aches all over.

It’s after midnight when I wake up next. In my dream, I saw him again; the boy with eyes bluer than the sky. The haunting song was calling for me again. The voices soft and mesmerizing, tugging at my heart.

Something is different this time but I don’t know what it is because when I wake up, a big chunk of the dream is still missing from my memory.

It seems that mom is determined to make Luella drive Madison to school this morning. Luella seems to be in a good mood- which is rare for Luella, so she agrees without protesting too much. Madison, however, gives me a pleading look as she follows Luella out. Her dark blue eyes are full of apprehension. I take pity on her and discreetly holds my phone up, meaning: call me if Luella left you stranded in the wasteland between our house and the school.

“I’ve set an appointment for us at the hair salon at five today. I set us an appointment for mani and pedi as well,” says mom. She’s been watching me very closely this morning. “I thought it’ll be great for us to spend some quality mother-daughter time together, don’t you think so, darling?”

“Yes, mom.” How am I going to keep going this evening when I’m already feeling drained?

The guilt from yesterday’s venture into the field near the woods and the swim in the lake is crushing me. I open my mouth to confess a few times this morning but I think she already knew. Mrs. McEwan must have been in my room because my wet school uniform was gone from my bathroom when I wake up this morning and Mrs. McEwan tells mom everything.

“You’re my sweet little girl.” She strokes my hair gently. “You’ll tell mommy everything, won’t you, sweetheart?”

I look down at my plate that’s still full of waffles and eggs and blurt out, “I went swimming in the lake yesterday.”

Her hand on my hair stills. After a while, she resumes caressing my hair. “I know,” she says carefully. “Your uniform was wet. Your shoes are ruined. Why would you do that, darling?”

I look at my mom. She’s in a designer black pantsuit. Her dark brown hair is beautifully coiffed. She has two strings of white pearls around her throat and one on each earlobe. She’s in her mid-forties but there are hardly any lines on her face. Everything about her is classy and expensive. She even smells expensive.

“I couldn’t help it. The water looked so good,” I confess. “I’m sorry, mom.”

“Promise me you won’t do that again.”

I nod my head.

“Say it, promise me you won’t do that again,” she insists.

“I promise,” I tell her. I promise I won’t jump in the lake with my school uniform again.

“Good girl,” she says, kissing my cheek tenderly as if I was a fragile porcelain doll.

“Ugh, she’s so fake! I can’t stand it,” says CeeCee, glaring at the line of students in our lunchroom.

“I know right?” agrees Georgina. “Also, she’s wearing a ton of make-up today and oh, that shade of red does not look good on her.”

I know they’re talking about Luella. They’ve been talking and gossiping about her almost non-stop since yesterday. I also know that Luella is here because I sensed Ruen and Finley the moment they entered the lunchroom five minutes earlier. I try not to look at them because I know Luella is hanging onto their arms like a barnacle.

I’ve been avoiding the three of them all morning and it’s been working rather well, before lunchtime, that is, especially when Ruen and Finley weren’t even in the world history class this morning. They’re supposed to be in that class with Hailey and me but I heard that they’ve changed their schedule to be in all the classes that Luella is in. I don’t know how they managed to do that but a lot of girls in my history class were disappointed.

“She’s seeing both of them at the same time. Jesse confirmed it with Kate last night,” CeeCee says.

“What a skank,” scoffs Georgina.

“Oh, god! Can we please stop talking about her before I lose my lunch?” moans Hailey.

“If you’re going to hurl, aim it the other way. I happen to like my lasagne,” Lauren says, sliding her tray away from Hailey. Students from other schools might complain about the food served at their lunchroom but Belfountain Academy serves the best lunch. The spread is scrumptious, almost like that of a Michelin starred restaurant.

I push the pasta slowly around my plate. The weakness and the pain in my body are getting stronger and my appetite is waning.

Lauren bites a forkful of salad before she looks over my shoulder and says, “Oh, that is interesting.”

“What’s interesting?” Against my better judgment, I turn to look at the serving line.

There they are- Ruen, Finley, and Luella. Emmet and his friends are there too and they seem to be standing next to the growing line, talking to Ruen and Finley. After a while, they all pick up their trays and walk together, heading this way.

Oh, no...what are they doing?

“Oh uh, I think they’re coming here,” says Hailey.

I grasp the edge of my tray and about to slink quietly away when Lauren grasps my wrist. “Where are you going, Mel? Your boyfriend is coming over and you’re running off?” She has a sly grin on her face.

Emmet spotted me and flashes me a smile. The kind of smile he gives to make girls swoon at his feet. It does nothing to me but I stretch my lips, trying to return his smile.

Emmet might not be as beautiful as Ruen and Finley but he is handsome- glamorous looking even and he knows it. He reminds me of a Ken doll with his perfect wavy, dirty blond hair, bright hazel eyes, sharp features with a cleft chin and a smile that shows off his straight white teeth. I bet that smile could land him in any toothpaste commercial. He’s popular, handsome, and rich and he could have any girl he wants. I don’t know what he’s doing with me.

“Hi, babe, did you miss me?” he asks as he places his tray next to mine. I didn’t reply to his text message last night but that doesn’t seem to bother him. Nothing seems to bother him when it comes to our relationship.

“Hi, Emmet,” I say, moving my chair a bit so he can fold his tall frame into his chair. The table is a bit cramped with a few added occupants.

To my dismay, I note that Ruen, Luella, and Finley are taking the seats right in front of us. Luella instantly leans close to Ruen as if she’s staking her claim. Her smile is smug as Hailey, CeeCee, and Georgina give her hateful glares.

I clench my teeth, hiding my fisted hands under the table. Angry, zapping energy is stinging my fingertips. I raise an eyebrow while looking at Emmet in question. Why is he bringing new people to our table? My friends don’t like Luella. Luella had been dying to sit at our table for ages and today, it seems that she’s getting her wishes.

“I’m asking Ruen and Finley if they’d like to try out for our basketball team,” says Emmet. Emmet is well over six feet tall and Ruen and Finley are about the same height, so I understand why he’s asking them to join the team.

“You don’t know if they’re any good,” I comment, averting my eyes from looking at them.

“That’s why I’m trying to convince them to try out. If they could play, it’ll be awesome for the team. What do you think, babe? Tell them that they should do the tryout.”

I turn my head and slowly run my gaze over them as if the sight of them doesn’t bother me. My fists are painfully tight on my lap, underneath the table. The zapping of energy isn’t going down.

Both boys are staring at me now and up close, both of them are even better looking. They have flawless skin and their eyes are mesmerizing.

Ruen’s striking blue eyes are surrounded by long, thick, sooty eyelashes. His dark hair is tousled with a bit of curl. His full lips are red and there’s a touch of pink to his high cheekbones.

Finley’s bright green gaze on me is playful and amused, but also hold a little bit of interest, like I was an insect he’s just discovered. Interesting but unimportant. Totally beneath him.

Ruen is also staring at me with fierce curiosity but his electric blue gaze is very intense and probing. Our eyes locked and I can’t look away. My energy spiked even more and the crackle of power between us is almost visible to me. The sense that a slight movement could cause the whole room to burst into flames stops me from moving.

I belatedly realize that our whole table has gone quiet. Could they feel the charge of energy in the air between us?

Suddenly Emmet wraps his arm around my shoulders and the energy shifts. Emmet’s hold feels almost territorial as if he’s staking his claim. I find it strange because Emmet is not usually the possessive type.

Ruen’s eyes follow the movement and they narrowed. Suddenly, I feel the heat in the air as Ruen and Emmet stare at each other. What’s going on with them?

“So, what do you think, guys?” Emmet kisses the side of my head without taking his eyes off Ruen and the temperature jumps drastically.

Ruen’s eyes blaze and his jaw works as if he’s clenching his teeth. His nostrils flare. Yes, I can definitely feel the heat in the air intensifying. I think the others feel it too because they’re fidgeting in their seats and I see in my periphery vision some of our friends pulling their ties loose.

Finley grasps Ruen’s arm and holds it tightly as if in a warning.

After a while, Ruen’s lips curve up at the corners into a smile even though his eyes remain hard. “I think we might give it a try after all,” he says. His smile seems roguish. His voice is deep and beautiful. Melodious, almost.

“Really?” Finley sounds surprised.

“Yes,” he answers and they exchange a look. Something seems to pass between them.

I sigh in relief when the temperature slowly drops down.

Finley smiles as he says to Emmet, “Why don’t you introduce us to everybody, Winterbourne?” His eyes flash briefly to me. His smile appears every bit as calculating as Ruen’s.

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