Fates Hands by Lori Ameling

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Jack Dawson watched from the shadows of a doorway, watching two men who had been asking all day

how to get into the castle. Seriously, killing these two idiot’s felt like he would be doing their species a


The Moron’s even asked if the was a secret way into the Ladies quarters. He shook his head, how was

Rising Moon able to do all this evil crap and not get caught, Did we kill the only smart ones, when they

came into our territory?”

Yesterday, there was two more, they were caught trying to climb into a window on the east side of the

castle. The dumbasses managed to climb into the guard barracks. They were promptly taken care of

and questioned. They squealed like little girls, easily giving away their plan and that there were two

others as well.

Jack waited for the two moron’s to walk past him, when they did he broke the n*eck of the first one

instantly. The other started running, Jack shifted into his bear and chased the screaming idiot for two

hours before finally just ending it.

Tack had a feeling that there had to be more to it

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than just the four idiots, then it dawned on him. They could be just a distraction and there was a real

threat out there. They all smelled like they were from Rising Moon. So they were not hired out form

another pack. That means their targets had to be Lady Adira and Duncan. He headed back to the

castle to find Duncan and share his idea’s on how to handle this.

Marco stood over Gamma Nolan with his arms crossed and a very angry face. Nolan had seen better

days, his face was swollen and he couldn’t see out one eye. He now knew what a punching bag felt


“Nolan ExGamma of the Storm Crow Moon Pack, you will tell me everything you said to that piece of

smelly shit spy, you are also going to explain yourself and why you betrayed our pack.”

Nolan spit out a wad of blood and teeth before speaking,

“Marco please, they have my son. He has been into drugs for awhile now, no matter what I said or did

made no difference, they were going to kill him if I didn’t tell them what they needed to know. Even

then, I told them nothing of importance, everything I said to that spy was

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already common knowledge in the Pack

“Why didn’t you come to me or the Alpha, Nolan?”

“I was ashamed of him and myself, for what I let my son do to me. He has used up all his mothers

money, he continues to ask for more. I said no finaly, I just didn’t have it. I guess that was when he

went over that Rising Moon pack, Please punish me as you see fit, I understand the rules and what the

punishments were for breaking them.”

Tell me everything you told them, everything even if you thought that it was of no importance. O

It was a long night for exgamma Nolan, in the end he told them everything. As for the spy Marco was

leaving him for the Alpha to take care of. Marco hoped it was sooner than later, the guy was stinkin up

the dungeon.

Marco called Duncan immediately telling him everything he found out and what he was doing with the

prisoners untill Duncan came back to the pack. He also told Duncan that when they found the spies

vehicle they opened the trunk and found two very young girls around the age of 7. He sent then to the

pack doctor and is trying to locate their parents.

12:55 PM10.7KB/ Duncan told Marco what he wanted done with the spy, as for gamma Nolan he is to

stay in the dungeon, he will be given one good meal a day and water twice a day. As for the rest he can

sleep in his cell like any other prisoner. No one is to speak to him.

The Prince got dressed in his royal ceremonial attire. Three guards then came and marched him to his

fathers private rooms. When the Prince knocked on the door, his father answered, “Come in Adam.”

When he heard those words he cheered up, his father was an old fool. All he had to do now was play

nice and charm his father once more. Then everything will just get swept under the rug. He will have to

do some stupid community service crap, to make his family look good and then he can go back to

playing again.

He smiled as he opened the door, his father sat at the end of the dining table with an expression that

Adam didn’t understand. It gave him the chills. He shrugged it off as not eating much the last couple of


“Come and sit down my son, you must be starving by now. I have taken the liberty of ordering your

favorite dishes.”

12:55 PM2.5KB/s Adam was so happy he could burst, food, real food. He wasted no time and began

eating like it was a mission.

The King watched his son in disappointment, he just went to eating, didn’t ask about his predicament or

what punishment awaits him. Sadly, he came to the conclusion that his son must be insane, It did run in

the family, though distant.

He still remembered the day that Adam was born, his first time riding a bike, learning to read, the first

shift and even potty training. The King smiled and pretended that this was just an ordinary dinner with

his son.

“So Adam perhaps after dessert you can play the piano for me, I do so love to hear you play. Then

perhaps I can read to you like I used to do. Have a discussion on the topic afterward, I would love to

hear you give opinion one more time.”

It was as Adam thought, he would just have to play nice and smile, dance a merry tune for his father,

listen to his boring stories and then in the morning all this stuff will just go away.

“Sure father, I would love to. Sounds like fun.”

The night went well they laughed and talked, Adam played four songs on the Piano. They had

12:55 PM 2.2KB/s 0 0 wine and cigars. They had black forest cake with coffee, the night went on for

hours. They went through old photo albums and talked about all the fun memories they had together.

At midnight there was a knock at the door, it was the guard to take the Prince back to his room. Adam

looked at his father and hugged him.” I knew you would understand Dad.” The King smiled back, “I will

love you, son. Always and forever.”

Then Adam happily left his father, not knowing that it was for the last time.

The WereBear clan got the word from their leader Jack, that it was time to go and clean house on that

Rising shit smear Moon pack. They were to go to the factory and warehouses first. Kill any one found

to be guilty and free the innocent, taking them to three different pack hospitals.

If for some reason any of the victims decide to just run, track them down quietly and see if they need

medical attention. If they seem alright let them run. Any of the girls that come to you for help, give them

any help that is withing your power to do so. Remember they have been traumatized over and over, so


12:55 PMI 2.9K0/ of the might not exactly have all their fries for there happy meal. Treat them gently

even if they go wild on your ass. If you have to restrain them, till they can be safely delt with by the

pack hospital.

Then they were to go to both Pack houses and remaining residences of the pack and clean it all out.

When all houses are empty, they are to light the whole thing on fire and let it burn to the ground.

They were also to burn the forest surrounding the pack territory in a 5 mile radius. For the burning they

were to us a spelled fire called Ghost Flame. It burns hot, fast and best of all it can’t be seen by any

humans. So the fire department won’t show up to ruin the party.

Once it was done they were to return to their clan house, if they needed to they could take in some

refugees, till the King could find places for them all. Make sure they are clean, ask Helda to scan them

for any lies.

If anyone steps out of line, you have persmission to kill them on the spot. Make sure that you tell them

that. Might help keep things calm.

The King wants you to find as many of the head pack members that were involved and behead

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them. He wants you to then send the heads to him and let the bodies burn. However if that piece of

crap Alpha happens to be home, he is to be taken before the King. The King wants no harm to be done

to him, he wants him fit for trial and punishment.

Rising Moon Pack will no longer exist, all record of it will be taken from the books, there will be a royal

order that no one will ever speak of the pack again.

After everyone was briefed on the plan, Sam a particularly good smartass, stood up on a table and said

in a sing song voice.

“Look out big bad wolves, we are going to huff and puff till your houses all burn down.”

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