Fates Entwined: Halven Rising

Fates Entwined: Chapter 32

Camille portaled them to New Kingdom palace, the end of the portal emptying into a small room off to the side of the ceremony. Maybe small was misleading. It only appeared small—because of the hundreds of soldiers Camille had brought over previously, who were all lined up and waiting.

Reese’s group climbed to their feet and she caught sight of half a dozen guards slumped to the side.

“Dead?” she whispered to Elena, her nerves picking up.

This was real. This was happening.

Elena shook her head. “Unconscious. One of our magic wielders knocked them out first thing. Should last a few more minutes. Enough time for us to squeeze inside the salon where the ceremony took place. There’s a reception going on in there now. That’s where we’ll find Portia.”

Reese drew in a breath and nodded briskly. They had a job to do. Nothing more. She wouldn’t think about the marriage that had just taken place.

Her stomach dipped and she pressed her arm to it, holding back the pain.

Everyone in the room touched the shoulder of the man or woman beside them, wasting no time. Then Derek Blended the army, making them invisible to the outside eye. More of their soldiers hid behind the palace walls, prepared to fight.

They slipped single file through a side door, careful to remain along the walls. Most of the guests stood in the center of the room on either side of an aisle. The antechamber where the portal had tossed them was large, but this room could hold a small airplane with space to spare. And it looked nothing like a church.

Very little furniture was inside the room, and the floors were bare except for a massive rug underfoot. Instead of a pulpit, a throne stood at the head, where Portia was regally seated. There were no religious symbols that Reese could see, only a twenty-foot statue of an insanely handsome angel and a child at his knee behind Portia.

The figure was made of marble, the strong lines of the angel’s face more beautiful than any masterpiece. Broad shoulders, arms bulging with muscles, his hand gently resting on the child’s head. He had full lips made for sin, lightly hollowed cheeks, and strong cheekbones that swept up into a broad, refined forehead as he gazed down at those in the room.

If that statue was an accurate representation of the angels, no wonder Fae were so beautiful.

Reese glanced back at Portia, still feeling the weight of the angel’s stare, though it was nothing but marble. Even the pretty child at the angel’s feet felt real. But as Reese took in Portia’s expression and emotions, all thoughts of the statue faded. Because Portia was pissed.

What had happened?

Portia wore a deep purple gown, her eyes inflamed—which seemed odd, since she’d gotten what she wanted. She held the power in New Kingdom, and if she had her way, she’d soon hold the power in Old Kingdom too, now that Illa and Keen were married.

Reese swallowed. There was nothing she could do about the marriage. It was done. But she could prevent Portia from taking control over anyone else’s lives.

The soldiers around her carefully drew arms while maintaining contact with one another. Silently, invisibly—thanks to Derek’s ability to Blend them—they prepared for battle. And that was when Reese caught sight of her sister across the room next to Hakon. Illa held her head high, and she was utterly beautiful in a pale gold gown with a beaded train and thin veil.

Reese cared about Illa—was coming to love the sister she’d never known—but in this moment she wanted to bum-rush the woman who’d married Keen.

Then Reese realized Keen was nowhere in sight.

Illa was alone.

And the queen was still pissed.

Reese glanced questioningly at Elena, who shook her head, her brow furrowed in confusion.

Portia slammed her fist on the armrest of the throne. “Enough! Seize him!”

Just then, people stirred and all heads turned toward the entrance of the chamber.

“No need.” Keen sauntered inside, looking handsomer than any man should. He wore emerald court dress the precise color of his eyes.

Keen had only ever worn his soldier’s uniform—and he already looked good enough to eat in that. In the courtly fitted pants and a tunic with shimmery embroidery at the wrists, the top stretching the breadth of his shoulders—he was tall, powerful, and so, so beautiful. Reese wondered for a split second why she’d ever thought he would want to be with someone so plain, because in this moment, Keen glimmered like the angels from whom he was descended.

And then her spine straightened. No man was better than she was—equal, certainly, but Reese was as good as the next person, and she deserved a guy who loved her wholly.

Keen was looking straight ahead at Illa, but the moment he passed Reese’s large group, his perpetual insolent smile dropped a fraction. No one else seemed to notice, but Reese had.

He glanced around and held on the area where Derek stood with Elena and their soldiers, scanning briefly and discreetly until his gaze landed on Reese. That was when a frown pulled down his handsome mouth.

How did he know?

There were hundreds in the room. He could listen in on any number of thoughts, but not Reese’s. Yet somehow, she’d swear he sensed her.

Or maybe he’d picked up on the thoughts of some of their soldiers? Keen couldn’t read thoughts from those he didn’t know, but unfortunately, he knew quite a few of their warriors, and none of them knew how to block Keen’s ability the way Derek and Elena had learned to do.

Elena and the others had never told Keen of their plans to invade New Kingdom, though of course he’d suspected. Which was why he’d ordered her to not fight before he’d left Old Kingdom.

Keen was an Oldlander, unlike the rest of the guests inside the chamber. He had a mental ability, and thus, could detect Derek’s disguise if he paid attention.

Apparently, he was paying attention. And listening.

Not good.

Keen had to protect Portia. And right now, he knew they were here, aiming to take control from the queen.

“He knows,” Reese whispered out of habit. No one could hear their voices while Derek had them Blended.

“Are you sure? There are so many in the room. He can’t possibly listen in on everyone’s thoughts.” Elena appeared doubtful, but there was enough nervousness mixed in that she must be worried. “How do you know?”

“I just do.”

Elena leaned toward Derek and told him Reese’s suspicions. A change of plans was made rapid-fire, and all the while Reese’s gaze was fixed on Keen and Illa at the head of the room.

Keen brought his hands to Illa’s face and held her pretty cheeks, staring into her eyes with such intensity that Reese had to look away, her heart breaking again.

It was over—should have never started to begin with. They were never meant to be.

Before Reese knew what she was doing, she dropped Elena’s hand, the only thing keeping her Blended, and pulled out her sword.

She was here.

Even if Keen had not felt Reese near, he would have known something was up the moment he sensed a large army in Derek’s signature Blended state. The disguise was good, particularly in the dim candlelight of the ceremony about to take place, but Keen saw it. The shimmer. The refraction of light that occurred when one was Blended. There had to be hundreds of them—soldiers likely preparing for battle. And once he picked up on a few of their thoughts, he knew for certain.

He’d heard of Derek’s increased powers, but this was the first time he’d seen what the young Halven could do. No wonder Derek had gained the respect of so many in Old Kingdom. He was as powerful as his deceased father, Osulf Niall, but with a conscience and morals.

Keen feared they’d eventually attack, though Radnor had only hinted at such a possibility. Radnor’s information was the reason Keen had sought out Reese before he’d returned to New Kingdom. He’d not wanted her involved in anything like this. Didn’t want her hurt.

Of course she didn’t listen.

Keen sighed and glanced at Portia, who’d just waved the officiant of the ceremony forward.

He turned to Illa and cradled her head between his hands, the butterfly-thin fabric of her veil pulling taut over her face.

He couldn’t speak. Couldn’t warn her. And his ability only went in one direction. He could listen to another’s thoughts, but not the other way around. But Illa and Keen had known each other a long time. He knew of her abilities and she knew of his. He tried to speak with his eyes, and he listened in on her thoughts.

What’s wrong? he heard her say inside her mind. Her eyes flickered nervously to Portia.

Keen glanced at the back wall—and the hundreds of Blended Oldlander soldiers tucked in every leftover space of the room.

Illa followed his gaze. She was Oldlander, like Keen, and more adept at detecting their magic than Newlanders.

Just as he’d hoped, she paused on the Blended Fae, and her eyebrows rose. They are here?

His mouth firmed in subtle assent.

I understand your promise to the queen, but I made no such oath. I wish to help my sister and her friends.

Keen nodded, indicating he would not hold her back.

Illa’s face hardened and she took a careful step toward the guard nearest her. Before she could make another move, a war cry sounded.

And Keen recognized that voice.

He turned abruptly to find Reese visible and on her own, her sword drawn. And she was furious.

Out of all the soldiers and hardened warriors, his little Halven had started the fight. She was larger than life. She was life.

Illa twisted to the side and grabbed the wrist of the soldier nearest her, who was pulling out his sword.

The man looked dazed, and stabbed the guard next to him—instead of the insurgents made up of Fae and Halven warriors now visible and attacking the New Kingdom guards.

Illa’s power was most fascinating. She had the ability to redirect a person’s actions with one touch. Instead of attacking an Oldlander invader, the guard had attacked one of his own men.

Keen still couldn’t fight alongside Reese and her friends, but he made it his mission to protect Illa while she disoriented the soldiers around her. Portia was protected by dozens of guards and wasn’t in danger. At the moment, he needn’t be at her side.

And Keen kept his eye on Reese.

Reese had grown stronger, her agility and strength ten times what it had been when he’d trained her in New Kingdom. At least the Ancient Allon had given her that. It wasn’t enough to completely keep her safe, but it offered him hope she would live long enough for him to reach her.

As Keen and Illa made their way toward Derek, Elena, and Reese, it appeared a Newlander had switched sides: Ulric was making his way to Illa, cutting a swath through soldiers in his path.

Radnor watched the proceedings for a moment, then he too fought on the side of his daughters. He had made an agreement with Portia to help unite the two kingdoms, but that was when Keen and Illa were to marry.

They were not married, and they never would be.

To marry Illa would be to betray the one he loved. And Keen would never betray Reese, no matter what he’d agreed to with Portia. He didn’t know when he’d made the decision, but it felt like it had been there all along. He’d simply needed to acknowledge it.

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