Fates Altered: A Halven Rising Prequel

Fates Altered: Chapter 8

Once Alex managed to peel his eyes off his beautiful houseguest, the evening ended up being one of the most relaxing and enjoyable nights he’d had in a long time.

He and his brother bantered while Theda and Leti chatted about the baby and Lucho. Everyone wolfed down the Chinese food, including Theda who had even asked for seconds. Tony, of course, stuck his nose into Theda’s business and asked her about her family. She dodged going into detail by mentioning her brother and saying he lived far away.

Before Alex knew it, Leti and Tony were bussing their dishes and walking out the door to pick up Mateo from Alex and Tony’s dad, who could win a grandfather of the year award with his baby-whisper techniques for putting Mateo to sleep.

Alex shut the door behind them, not wanting the night to end, but also knowing he was walking a fine line where his attraction to Theda was concerned. “Would you like to watch a movie?”

She looked over her shoulder and smiled as she rinsed out her wineglass. “I would love to.”

He loved how natural she looked in his kitchen. Which was a first. In the past, it made him cringe if a woman looked too comfortable in his place. But not with Theda.

Alex turned on the television, flipped through channels, and hit the premium stations he subscribed to for movies. “What are you in the mood for? Action/adventure?” Please say yes. “Horror?” He’d settle for that too. “Or romantic comedy?” Say no. No would be the safest.

Theda’s eyebrows pinched in concentration. “I think I would enjoy the romantic movie.”

Shit. Shouldn’t have offered it. “Sure, let me find the newest release.”

They settled on the couch as the movie cued up, and Alex made sure to keep his distance from her.

Unfortunately, his attraction to her spanned the large gap between them. He stretched out his legs and let out a slow breath.

Somehow, after hours of strained movie-watching on Alex’s part, he survived through to the end.

How had he managed to go two years without a steady girlfriend? All of a sudden he felt like a powder keg about to explode.

It was Theda. She was different.

He turned off the television and stretched his arms above his head. “I should probably go to bed.”

She looked over with a smile that wasn’t at all sweet. It was a bit heated and a lot naughty. Alex froze.

She was seriously testing his willpower, and he didn’t think she even realized it.

“Come on.” He grabbed her hand and nearly hoisted her from the couch in his urgency to get them into separate rooms. “Do you need anything?” Even as he hurried her to the bedroom, he couldn’t seem to let go of her hand. “More water? A new nightshirt?”

The nightshirt. Images of Theda in his white T-shirt filled his head. She was his height, and though the T-shirt was baggy on her, it had barely reached her thighs. Shapely thighs…

He blinked away the images. They were slowly breaking him.

At the bedroom door, Theda stopped and stared into his eyes. Her gaze dropped to his mouth, and alarms went off in his head. As though he were watching a movie in slow motion, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his.

He was a statue. Couldn’t move, even if he wanted to. She was kissing him, and there was no way he could put a stop to it. His body—and maybe even a piece of his heart—wanted it too badly.

The kiss was innocent and over as soon as it started.

“You shouldn’t do that.” Was that his gruff voice?

She glanced away, her face turning red. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”

He thrust his fingers through his hair. “No, it’s not that. It’s just, we’re living together, and you’re a beautiful woman. I’d feel like I was taking advantage of you.”

“But I kissed you. That makes it different, does it not?”

He shook his head. He’d lost his damned mind. Because this was beginning to sound like a good idea.

She wet her lips in a nervous gesture, which dragged his gaze down to her full, ripe mouth. “You are kind, hardworking, and…physically appealing.”

“You like the way I look?” The words came out before he could stop them. To the memories of women from his past who’d only wanted him for the way he looked or for what he could provide.

She hesitated, seemingly unaware of the turmoil going on inside his head. “It’s more than that. I do like the way you look, but where I’m from most people are beautiful. You are appealing in a different way.”

And just like that, the bad memories faded and reality set in. Theda was stunning and poised. And she’d never clung to him or acted as though she were using him. It was why he’d felt comfortable offering her his home, and why he liked having her here.

Her gaze flickered briefly away. “And you smell nice,” she said. “Like fresh air from the forests I hail from. I like the way your eyes shine when you look at me, and the way your mouth turns up more on one side than the other when you see something you like.” Her gaze landed on his lips. “I wish to…”

“Yes?” He waited with bated breath. He’d become one of those tools from the dating show. But who cared. Whatever she wanted—whatever she asked for—he’d give it.

Theda would never use him. There wasn’t an ounce of insincerity about her. He didn’t know why he’d doubted how right this was. He’d wanted to protect her, but if she wanted more…

She leaned over and pressed her lips to his neck, and he lost all resistance.

Alex wrapped his arms around her back and kissed her cheek, his lips sliding to her mouth where he covered it, showing her how much he’d been dying to kiss her.

A tiny sound erupted from the back of her throat when he gently sucked her bottom lip. She sighed and moved closer, melting into him. He grabbed her hips, pressing them flush with his body, and she moaned.

That was all the encouragement he needed.

He swept her up and into his arms. She was nearly as tall as he was, but incredibly light and delicate.

He carried her to the bed blindly, kissing her neck and the top of her chest exposed by the sundress she wore. The gold necklace she never seemed to remove draped into her cleavage, forever hidden from his eyes. She smelled like wildflowers and spring, and he thought he’d drown in her scent.

He gently laid her across the bed and climbed up beside her where he could touch the curve of her hip. “Do you want to stop?” he whispered hoarsely.

“No,” she said, and slipped her hand beneath his shirt, touching his chest and sliding her soft, curious fingers down his stomach.

When she reached his waistband, he lightly grabbed her wrist. “Theda, is this really what you want?”

“Yes. I’ve never wanted a man, but I want you.”

He leaned back, some of the sense her kisses had knocked from his head returning. “What do you mean, you’ve never wanted a man? Have men forced themselves on you?”

Even the thought caused anger to rise inside his chest.

“No, of course not. I simply meant I’ve never wanted”—her gaze ran down the length of him—“to see a man’s body. To feel him above me. To touch him and have him touch me—”

He closed his eyes. “I think I’ve got it,” he said in a strained voice. He looked down at her. “Have you…have you ever been with a man?”

She shook her head.

Alex clenched his hand at his side. “We can’t do this. You’re here because you’re running from something that terrified you. I want you, Theda, never doubt it. But I don’t want to rush this.”

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