Fates Altered: A Halven Rising Prequel

Fates Altered: Chapter 4

Theda folded the soft white shirt Alex had lent her last night to sleep in, and placed it on top of the dresser. He’d even given her his bedroom for the night and slept on the couch because the other room in the house contained only a desk and chair. Alex had no notion of her roots, yet he’d been a complete gentleman, treating her like a princess more than her own fiancé ever had.

In her land, men did not cater to women; women catered to men. But Alex had prepared a meal just as a servant might. Perhaps these humans were different from the ones her people had studied? Or maybe humans had simply been observed through the eyes of male Fae who hadn’t noticed such kindnesses?

Fae were not normally abusive to women, but neither was a woman viewed as an equal. A woman who wasn’t clever never rose above the role of breeder unless she possessed strong magical powers. But even then, she was still used for procreation to ensure her powers lived on. Women weren’t allowed to lead soldiers, and very few became advisors. This was changing, but a long history meant a long memory of how things had always been done. Millennia-long habits were difficult to extinguish.

Theda was a part of the royal family and allowed privileges because of it, but she didn’t possess aggressive powers. She wasn’t much more than a breeder. But maybe in this land—where a man like Alex had found no shame in catering to her—Theda could become more than she’d ever hoped in her realm. She could build a life for herself on her own terms and earn the respect of both women and men.

It was more than she’d imagined possible when she’d entered the portal and left her home. For the first time since she’d arrived, a small smile pulled at the corners of her mouth.

She slipped outside Alex’s bedroom to the water closet he called a bathroom. Though she trusted Alex thus far, she was too nervous to use the shower. Instead, she removed her clothes and sponged off, then put her clothes back on and cleaned her teeth with the new toothbrush Alex had given her.

She took a deep breath and re-entered the hallway, taking in the sketches along the walls. They were of the landscape she’d run past as she made her way to this property—farm and animals and sunsets—all beautifully rendered. Somehow the emotion pouring off these images gave her hope. Hope for a better future. Though she still had to figure out how to survive in this world. She couldn’t live with Alex forever.

Sadness filled her at the thought. Which was silly. Of course she couldn’t live with Alex forever. But he was kind, and she would miss it.

The smell of cooking meat and bread filled the room as she entered the kitchen and silently sat at the table. A plate and fork, as well as a glass filled with something orange, had been set out. Alex stood with his back to her, wearing thick blue pants like the ones he’d worn last night and a clean, fitted white shirt that stopped just above the large muscles on his tanned arms. She stared at his trim waist and the muscles in his back moving beneath his shirt as he worked over the stove, then glanced away, mentally scolding herself.

No wonder Fae had been tempted throughout history to make love to humans, siring the half-bloods known as Halven. She found herself more tempted by Alex’s physical appearance than she’d ever been by the Fae men she’d known. But then, Fae men had always treated her as a possession, while Alex had treated her like a person. Now that she no longer feared for her life, she was able to notice how handsome he was. But not so handsome that she’d risk more than friendship.

When born, Halven were the most unfortunate creatures, kept on Earth and never allowed in the Fae realm. They weren’t tolerated by her kind, and neither were the Fae who produced them. Unless it was a male Fae who sired the child—then her people overlooked his indiscretions.

Over the years, a few males of noble blood had created Halven without punishment, though the children were never formally recognized. In fact, she’d known of at least one instance where the child had been slaughtered like an animal.


Theda had never agreed with this treatment of Halven. Perhaps it was her connection with animals and the common spirit she saw in all living things. Killing wasn’t something she wished to do in her long lifetime.

Alex began to hum, his deep voice sending a rush of heat down her chest. The tone of his voice, the way his body moved around the kitchen, his kindness—all of it had a powerful effect on her.

She shook her head. He’d offered his home, and she couldn’t stop staring. Maybe she was more ready for marriage than she’d thought. Perhaps her father would let her return and marry a man of her choosing? Only that was the problem. Her father wouldn’t budge on whom she married. To marry was to doom herself.

“Good morning,” she said, to let him know she was there.

Alex turned quickly. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you slip in.”

“Did you create the drawings along the walls?”

He glanced down the hallway. “Those are old. I don’t sketch much anymore. How did you sleep?”

“Better than in the small room.”

A vee formed between his dark eyebrows. “You mean my tool shed? Yeah, I would think you’d be happier in a bed.” He shook his head, looking unhappy. “No more sleeping in sheds, Theda. You’ll stay here until you get back on your feet. Agreed?”

It was a kind offer she couldn’t afford to pass up. Alex’s home on the large farm was isolated, and the perfect place to hide out while she determined her next move. “Agreed.”

“Good. How about some bacon and eggs?”

She had no idea what bacon was, but eggs she loved. “That sounds wonderful.”

Alex carried over a pan and scooped scrambled eggs onto her plate. He set it back on the stove and grabbed a dish with strips of meat above thin paper, the grease soaking through. He forked two strips onto her plate and dished out some for himself. He glanced around the counter and picked up a platter with a cover on top. He set it in the middle of the table. “Toast.”

The scent of warm bread and grease filled her nose, making her stomach rumble. She’d eaten very little these last few days, aside from the sandwich Alex had made her last night. And though Fae could survive much longer than humans without food, she was eager to eat more.

Theda waited for him to finish putting dishes in the sink before she touched the food, but her belly rumbled again.

He sat, scanning her. “Dig in. You don’t need to wait for me.” He scooped a large forkful of eggs and shoved it in his mouth. Once he swallowed, he bit off a piece of the meat and chewed, watching her.

Theda took a small bite of the strange meat, and decided it tasted like herm, a type of stout animal raised for food back home. She preferred to not eat meat, because she spoke with animals. Eating what one considered to be a friend wasn’t the most appetizing. But here she’d eat what was provided and be grateful.

They chewed in silence for a minute or two, until Alex began to drum his fingers on the table. “Theda, have you thought about what I asked last night? About where you came from? I know it’s not a comfortable subject, but I want to help. It would be easier if I knew more about your past. Or pretty much anything about you. Are you in danger? Should we reach out to the police?”

“The authorities? Please do not.” She kept her tone even, but inside her heart raced. The human authorities were the first place her father would send men. Most Fae in the Earth realm lived on the Dawson University campus secretly owned by her kind, but there were others spread throughout the human realm, and many were connected to the authorities and other high-ranking positions.

“You said when I found you that you weren’t in trouble with the police…”

“I am not, but they also cannot help me.”

He scratched his head, looking perplexed. “So there’s no family or friends you can go to, and the police can’t help… Did you have a job?”

A knock sounded at the front door and Theda looked over, thankful for the interruption, but also wary. It could be anyone—including a palace guard in search of her.

A pretty, dark-haired woman with a baby in her arms waved in the window, a bright smile on her face.

Theda’s shoulders loosened. This woman was no Fae, though she seemed to take in every detail of Theda and Alex at the table.

Alex groaned and set down his toast. “I spared you from my family as long as possible, but they’ve arrived. I’ve got to let my sister-in-law in. I’d like to continue our conversation later, if that’s okay?”

Theda didn’t answer, because she couldn’t lie and she couldn’t tell him the truth. Anything she shared about her past put her or Alex in danger.

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