
Chapter 7 - Fireworks

Hana leaned over the railing of her balcony. Her heart had become heavy along with the setting of the sun.

The garden looked brighter tonight with extra lanterns being lit. But it was just as quiet as it usually was.

Hana wondered if the other girls had already gone to bed, or were they somewhere else right now; celebrating New Year’s however the old area beside the mountain traditionally did so.

Hana hoped Megumi was managing okay.

After being shamefully scolded by Tomi, Hana had since been sulking in her room. Even refusing to emerge for dinner.

There had been a clashing glimmer of hope and fear that Hana’s mother had been called to collect her after the incident. But it looked as if she had not been that lucky. Or rather, unlucky.

Hana sighed and leaned forward. Closing her eyes, she pushed her forehead against the painted wooden trimmings.

When she opened them again long trailing fabric, partially dampened from snow residue, was in front of her.

Hana let out a squeak of surprise and shot upwards.

Lord Hirano standing gracefully before her was dressed in dark attire again. Still in thick layers that were ridiculously long, but now his curious beastly mask sat on the side of his face.

His face remained particularly obstructed by the thick black scarf around his neck. But Hana could still see he was laughing at her reaction.

Hana tried to cover the embarrassment in her cheeks by bowing in a polite gesture.

“Good evening, Hirano-sama“, Hana forced herself to say.

The Hirano master’s head tilted as his laughter ended.

“Tomi-san informed me you did not join the others for dinner. Aren’t you hungry?”

Hana shook her head.

“You still aren’t happy to be here,” the lord observed.

“I’m fine,” Hana replied while avoiding eye contact. “I just... Am sad I’m missing the fireworks tonight, is all.”

“Fireworks?” Lord Hirano repeated curiously.

“Yes. I was going to celebrate New Year’s by watching them with my friends in Tokyo.” Hana explained.

“I see.” The young lord replied.

A silence stretched between them. Hana was eyeing retreating back behind the doors to her room when Lord Hirano spoke again.

“Are you truly not afraid of me?”

For some strange reason, Hana hesitated to respond with her usual confidence.

She shook her head again glumly.

“I don’t know,” she responded with honesty. “I don’t know what to think anymore.”

There was another awkward silence. Hana was aware Lord Hirano was still staring at her, but could not bring herself to look back in his direction.

Hana was surprised when the lord’s hand outstretched towards her.

“Come with me.”

Hana’s heart beat at the words, a fear began to nag at her.

“Come with you to where?” She asked him suspiciously.

“I know a spot where you can watch fireworks. They’re a bit far off from here, but we do have them in Nikko.”

Hana remained silent as her mind reeled from his offer.

“Is it safe? I won’t disappear, will I?” She blurted out before she could stop herself.

Lord Hirano blinked. Hana questioned the confusion that crept across his face.

“I promise you will not disappear,” he assured Hana.

Hana felt a warmth spread inside her as she hesitantly placed her hand into the lord’s.

“If you try to kill me, I’ll kick your arse,” she warned.

Lord Hirano laughed again. It only made the warmth inside Hana bloom more.

“Understood,” he responded taking her threat humorously as his fingers linked to Hana’s.

Hana’s breath heaved as she forced her feet to persist in front of the other. Clambering through the mountainside was not as cold as she had assumed it would be with her hiking up the uneven slope.

Hana had been nervous as she and the Hirano lord initially walked together a little ways off the property into the street. Suspicion and fear intensified, and regret for her decision began to brew as they diverted up the dark forest that transitioned into the mountainside, leaving the lights and sounds of civilisation behind.

But now Hana was just tired and annoyed.

The snow was denser higher up the forested mountain and Hana’s boots struggled to grip, even as she walked directly onto the lord’s footprints that he left behind. How the master was making his way upwards so easily wearing more layers than an onion was baffling to Hana. How had he not tripped yet with that exaggeratedly long coat?

“How much further is it?” Hana exclaimed with irritation.

“Oh? Are you tired already?” Lord Hirano asked smoothly.

“I’m not!” Hana sniffed stubbornly.

Hana felt her footing stumble and she reached for a balding bush to have its branches steady herself, only to have her trip face-first into it.

Hana yelped as she tasted shrubbery.

Lord Hirano laughed at the scene as he made his way over to assist her. Tugging some of the snagged twigs free of Hana’s coat he then hauled her upright. Hana wrangled out of his grip as quickly as she could, pretending she wasn’t embarrassed by the stunt.

While Hana felt dishevelled, the lord still held a regal dignity about him and it caused her to pout saltily.

“We’re here actually,” Lord Hirano informed her.

He pointed up to a large, well-trampled, flat-looking ledge.

“We’re heading up to there.”

Hana grimaced at the sight. That particular overhang looked rather steep, and as she wandered closer to it Hana began to shake her head.

“There’s no way-” Hana began. But suddenly the master had hauled her upwards by grabbing her legs. Hana let out a squeal as she scrambled at the edge of the natural platform she was suddenly thrust against.

“I’ve got you. Just hold on and pull yourself up.” He instructed her confidently.

Hana grunted and heaved herself up. It was awkward and ungraceful but she managed to eventually drag herself atop. Once her breath was caught, still in a crawl, she went to turn around to attempt to help Lord Hirano up too. But then let out another squeal as he easily jumped up beside her like a graceful cat.

Hana was stunned speechless as he helped her off her knees and to her feet.

Lord Hirano guided her along the ledge, the side of it opened out onto a larger cranny that faced downwards onto Nikko. The view was incredible.

The silhouette of trees against the dark encased into the town below, lit up by the glow of lights and lanterns.

Diluted by the distance, the ringing of bells and sounds of old music could be heard.

As muffled cheers erupted, the sky that was clear enough to reveal thousands of sparkling stars was suddenly accompanied by a rainbow of beautiful explosions of light.

The fireworks weren’t loud and extravagant like they were in Tokyo. Nor were they overhead, with the latest loud tunes playing in the background combating against the roars of a crowd. But joy bloomed in Hana’s heart all the same at the sight.

Hana watched in awe, not wanting to miss a moment of it. And when it was over Hana spun to the lord who still stood standing beside her.

“Happy New Year, Hirano-sama!” She exclaimed gleefully.

Lord Hirano was initially surprised by the glee of Hana’s attitude, but then a warm smile crept across his lips.

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