Fated Triad: Shadows of the Forbidden Moon

Chapter 24: Shadows of the Unseen

Ariel's POV

The reality of what we were dealing with grew clearer and more terrible as the evening progressed. Underneath the anxiety, though, was a sliver of hope-a conviction that Marie would somehow be returned from the shadows. And all we had to hang onto as the storm loomed around us, poised to swallow everything in its path was hope.

Outside the cabin, the wind howled, shaking the glass as though nature herself were alerting us of the threat ahead. Leaving Alan and me in the darkly lighted living area, Elijah had entered another room to acquire the supplies we would require. The whole house seems haunted by the terrible shadows the flickering flames of the fireplace create on the walls.

The sense of gloom that had crept deep into my chest persisted. Everything about this felt weird, improper. And yet here we were, ready to start a quest either to save my sister or wipe out all of us.

Alan sat next to me on the worn-out couch, his face austere as he gazed into the fire. Though there was something else too-determination-I could see the anxiety carved across his features. Even if it meant confronting unthinkable threats, he was prepared to do whatever it took to support me.

"I wish we didn't have to involve you in this," I remarked gently, breaking the stillness. "Your fight is not this one."

Turning to me, his countenance softened. "Ariel, you are not alone going to have to face this. We live in this together.

His comments warmed me, yet the terror in my heart just deepens. I was pulling him into a fight that would cost him everything and thereby endangering him. Though I wanted to shield him, I realized I couldn't do this by myself. Right now more than ever, I needed him.

The door to the rear room creaked open before I could say anything else, and Elijah emerged with arms full of odd-looking stuff. He laid them on the table in front of us: stones, candles, and what appeared to be an old parchment sheet with markings I couldn't decipher.

"These are the things we will need for the ritual," Elijah stated, his voice quiet and deliberate. "Everyone has a certain goal; every action has to be done exactly. Errors cannot exist in this space.

I nodded, although the weight of what we were about to undertake felt like it was smothering me. "What should our first action be?"

Elijah drew attention to the candles. "We will have to build a protective circle with these. This is the only way we can complete the ceremony and keep the darkness at far. Should the circle break, the fallout might be disastrous. Alan stretched out and grabbed one of the candles, scrutinizing it. "How can we guarantee the circle holds?"

"Once it's developed, you'll have to concentrate all your efforts on preserving it," Elijah said. You cannot let the circle be broken regardless of what happens. Should it be so, the darkness will find a path within.

Though I shuddered at the prospect, I pushed my anxiety away. Now, not when Marie's life was on the line, I could afford to be afraid. "What else are we supposed to do?"

Elijah gave me a piece of parchment, the firelight flickering faintly with symbols. Throughout the ceremony, you will have to repeat these words. They will enable the sorcerer to cut off his link to the dark powers he is employing. Be advised, though, this spell calls for a sacrifice. That is the only approach to weaken the link.

"A sacrifice?" As I repeated the word, my voice shook and dread crept in. "What type of sacrifice?," asked

As Elijah responded, his eyes were dark. "It can be anything very valuable, someone or something you treasure. The darkness will trade it for the power you want to wipe out. You have to be wise.

The room went quiet as his comments sank in. Alan's eyes were on me, waiting for my answer. My head, though, was whirling. Anything I could possibly have would be sufficient to lift this curse? And could I live with having given it up?

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Before I could consider it, a tremendous crash came from outside and then a deep, frightening growl made me shiver. Alan lunged to his feet, his body stiff and primed for attack. What was that?

Elijah's expression darkened, then he hurried to the window to stare into the gloom. We have been discovered. Right here are the minions of the sorcerer.

My heart sprang into my throat. How had they come upon us so fast? Though I pushed myself to remain cool, panic shot through me. Not with the stakes so great, we afford to lose our heads now.

Elijah stated hurriedly, moving to ignite the candles: "We need to start the rite. "They will not be able to reach us once the circle is finished."

Alan drew me to the middle of the room by grabbing my hand. "Stay close," he advised, his voice calm despite the terror I knew he must be experiencing. "We will make it through here."

I nodded and firmly squeezed his hand. As Elijah started to set the candles in a circle around us, their flames danced in the air. The growling outside got louder, more forceful, and I could hear someone or something-scratching at the cabin's walls.

As Elijah lit the last candle, "focus on the circle," he advised. "Don't let anything throw you off."

Closing my eyes, I tried to block out the terrible outside sounds. I concentrated all of my efforts on the flickering candle light, guiding the circle to hold and protect us from whatever monsters might be hiding in the dark.

Elijah started chanting, his voice low and steady as he ran over the phrases on the sheet. Tension thickened the cabin's air, and I could feel the spell's power starting to surround us.

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But a big crash broke my focus as I started to think we might perhaps survive this. Half the candles were instantly out as the cabin door blasted open by a blast of frigid wind.

"No!." Elijah cried out, desperate in voice. "The circle-focus on the circle!"

But it came too late. My skin crawled as the dark outside pushed into the room, breaching the safe barrier and filling it with a terrible presence.

Alan came forward to meet the door, his posture defensive. He said, "Get behind me," his voice strained.

My heart hammering in my chest, I peeked over his shoulder as he advised. Shadows swirled and shifted in the doorway as if alive. And suddenly from among those shadows a man appeared. The sorcerer it was.

His eyes glowed dark, unnatural as he entered the room. I could feel the wickedness radiating from him like a physical force; the air around him seemed to pulse with power.

"You believe you might stop me?" He snorted, his voice icy and contemptuous. "You are nothing but children using forces you do not know.

Elijah moved forward, his face white but resolved. We will stop you, he insisted strongly. "You won't succeed and you won't have Marie."

My blood ran cold as the sorcerer laughed a terrible sound. "We'll see about that."

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