Fated Triad: Shadows of the Forbidden Moon

Chapter 11: Shadows in the Night

Alan's POV

Breathing deeply, I turned and headed for my building. Every stride felt more weight than the next, doubts and worries flashing through my head. The truth was out there, there in the shadows, waiting for me to discover. My hand hesitating over the doorknob, I paused when I got to my house. Something did not feel right. My instincts shouted at me to turn around and go before it was too late. Still, drive and inquiry propelled me on. I unlocked the door gently and entered, the gloom swallowing me fully. I waved on the light, and my breath stopped in my throat.

In the middle of the room, on the floor, lay one crimson rose. And Beside it, a note.

My hands shook as I grabbed it; my heart hammered. Though the note was short, the point was obvious.

"I'm observing you."*

I dropped the note; my blood changed to ice. Whoever had left this was clearly pointing out that I was in their sights, not only warning.

My eyes flicked around the room looking for any indication of an intruder, but nothing changed. Every second stretched out like an eternity, the silence was intolerable.

As I stood on the balcony peering out at the city lights, the evening air was heavy with anxiety. My hands held the frigid railing, knuckles white as I tried to calm my ideas. Everything was sliding out of control, and I had no idea how much more I could put up this front.

The reality was a weight I had been bearing for far too long. Every day that went by just made the weight more difficult to bear, and every lie I uttered undermined my will. My imagination flashed Ariel's face, her eyes wounded and confused. Though I had no choice, I despised myself for misleading her. Not if I intended to guard her.

But things were becoming dicey now Marie was sniffing about. My sister was unrelenting and naturally good at uncovering secrets. Everything I had worked so hard to keep secret would come apart if she discovered the truth. And beautiful, naive Ariel would be caught in the crossfire.

That cannot be allowed to happen. Not I would.

My phone vibrating in my pocket caught me off guard from meditating. I drew it out and looked at the screen. From an unidentified number, a message I opened and my heart skipped a beat while my eyes rapidly scanned the words. * "Meet me in the old warehouse. Moonlight. We should have a conversation.

My blood turned frigid. Only one person would have sent a message like that, hence if they were getting in touch now, things were certain to get much worse.

I noted the time: 11:30 PM. Thirty minutes allowed me to get across town. Not much time allowed me to consider. I had to react.

I shoved the phone back into my pocket, got my coat, and walked toward the door. Nobody asked questions in the warehouse, which was in a bad area of town and lacked security. But that was precisely the reason this was the ideal venue for a meeting of this kind.

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I felt as though I was being watched as soon as I left into the cold evening air. My eyes flew over the vacant street, but nobody was there. Still, the anxiety persisted, a continual warning that peril was hiding just beyond view.

I turned aside the ideas and concentrated on the current work. I had to act fast and silently if I were going to protect Ariel. None knew, least of all Ariel, where I was headed. Should she come upon it...

I shook my head, refusing to allow my thinking to go. I afford to consider the fallout. Not at the moment.

The silence in the car was broken only by the sporadic sound of a passing car; the drive to the warehouse was underlined. Trying to predict what lay ahead, my mind was racing. This was not going to be a friendly conversation. The person that got in touch with me was not one for politeness.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood on edge as I drew up to the warehouse. The home was as run-down as I could recall, the old metal siding corroded and peeling. Though I knew better, it seemed deserted. This location was really much in use just not for any lawful purpose.

Parking the car, I got out and felt the gravel crunch underfoot. The sole light came from one flickering streetlamp far away; the air smelled of oil and rot. I hesitated for a time, looking about for any movement. nil.

I inhaled deeply and headed toward the door; the big metal door creased loudly as I pushed it open. The interior was black; the only source of illumination was a little lamp in the far side corner. My feet sounded eerily loud in the stillness, resonating off the concrete walls.

Midway across the room, I spotted Lucas seated in the shadows facing away from me. His face unreadable, he turned slowly as I came up.

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You're late, he murmured, his voice low and frigid.

Trying to remain impartial, I said, "I got here as fast as I could." Attaching him with hostility had no benefit. Not while in possession of all the cards.

Lucas fixed me for a long time, his eyes dulling into mine. " Alan, you have been irresponsible. You have let things fall between the gaps.

There became a knot in my gut. "I have exercised caution." None known.

He drew nearer, his face tightening. Marie is aware of. And, if she knows, everyone else will follow suit very soon.

My heart was hammering in my chest, the knot tightened. Marie will be handled by me. She knows less than she believes.

Lucas's mouth turned to a sneer. "You feel you could manage her? To everyone, you have been lying, Alan. Consider yourself. Not that far off is it before everything collapses.

I tightened my hands, the resentment seething within me. "I'm doing what I have to do." To defend Ariel. to shield you.

For a brief instant, his tone softened. "This goes beyond simply Ariel now." This is survival-related. Hiss. Mine, Her's. Should you fail to find control over this, we will all suffer the cost.

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