Fated Triad: Shadows of the Forbidden Moon

Chapter 1: Shadows of the Moon

Amara Lyall's POV

The old grandfather clock in the library ticked methodically, its sound a constant friend to the mild hum of my laptop and page turning motion. My haven was the library, where among the stacks of worn-out books and antique tomes I could immerse myself. Here I was invisible, something I found comforting. In Silverwood, an Omega like me fit nowhere among the great intrigues of the Alphas. But behind the cover of my ordinary work, I carried secrets that might upset the fragile equilibrium of our planet.

Five went on the clock, and I got ready to close for nighttime. At this hour, the library was always empty; the last users had long since left. I went throughout the aisles returning wayward books to their correct locations. A shadow dropped across the front door just as I was ready to lock it.

Startled, I looked up to find someone standing outside framed by the last of the light. The shape was striking, with a strong posture suggesting might. My pulse skipped a beat-no typical werewolf could create such a powerful presence. My fingers chilly and clammy, I stumbled with the keys.

"May I help you?" Trying to keep a steady voice, I spoke out. The man emerged from the darkness looking really good with dark, disheveled hair and piercing blue eyes. He wore a custom coat that represented authority and riches. "I hope I'm not invading," he replied smoothly, his voice like velvet. I'm Kaelan Blackwood. I was informed I might come across you here.

The name struck me like a stomach punch. The strongest Alphas in Silverwood were the Blackwood triplets, Darius, Lucian, and Kaelan. I never expected them to find me; their presence was hardly sensed outside their own fields. Though my heart surged, I kept a blank face.

"I'm Amara Lyall," I said, attempting to project calm. " How might I help you?"

Kaelan fixed a focused stare as though he could see right through me. Stepping inside as though he owned the place, he said, "We need to talk about a matter of great importance." His nearly overpowering warmth was simply amazing. "May I come inside?"

I hesitated, but I nodded because of curiosity-and maybe a deeper sense of doom. Hoping the alone would help me to better assess the matter, I guided him to my little office at the rear of the library.

Kealan leaned forward after we were seated, his gaze never leaving me. His tone solemn, he said, "I'm here because of a prophecy." "It's thought that a fated mate will bring our split groups together and save a coming calamity. I think you are your partner.

Like a thunderclap, the words strike me. Prophecies were the cornerstone upon which our planet was constructed, not just tales. It was both exciting and terrible to realize that, as an Omega with nothing to identify except my latent skills, I might be the key to such a historic occurrence.

Trying to digest the weight of his allegation, I answered, "I don't understand." " Why would you think it's me?"

Kaelan's face turned even more grave. "You have a very unique gift for foresight, Amara. The prophecy describes a mate who can see behind the curtain of the present into the future. Though the Council-those who uphold our laws-will never accept a union like this, we have seen images like you.

THE Council. The very idea of them made my back hurt. For people like me, their exacting adherence to tradition has always made life challenging. The mention of their displeasure made me start to get scared. "Why would the Council turn against this?" My voice quivering somewhat, I asked.

According to Kaelan, "they fear change." "They are limited by old rules stating one mate per Alpha. It is anathema to three Alphas to have one mate shared among them. But the prophecy is unambiguous. We have to come together to stop a certain disaster.

A great crash sounded in the library just then. My heart shot up into my mouth. I looked at Kaelan, who was already on his feet, his face turning to one of worry.

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"Stay here," he said, his voice low and urgent. I'll have a look at it.

Though my thoughts were racing, I nodded. Driven by curiosity over fear, I trailed him to the noise source. I spotted smashed glass and tipped furniture when we arrived at the main hall. The front door swung gently in the breeze, open. "It seems we're not alone," Kaelan said, his voice tense with conflict. He moved quickly, his better senses scouring the space. His eyes gleamed with purpose, and for the first time I felt an odd draw toward him a connection I could not completely grasp.

A man suddenly sprang out from behind a book stack. My breath seized in my throat when I identified the invader: a man hidden in shadows, his face covered by a black hood.

"Drop down!" Screaming, Kaelan pushed me behind a bookcase. I hardly had time to respond before the mysterious figure surged toward Kaelan, a bloody conflict starting.

Watching in dread as the two figures collided, the sound of their conflict echoed around the library. Kaelan battled with an intensity that was both hypnotic and terrible. Though skilled, it was evident that the shadowy man was equally dangerous.

Amid the tumult, I caught a glimpse of a small, glistening object on the floor-a pendant with a complex design. Though I couldn't really put it, it was familiar. My hands shaking, I grabbed for it when the shadowy man turned to face me. "Leave her out of this!" Kaelan cried out loud. The man stopped, their eyes locked with mine for a brief, disturbing moment before turning into the darkness.

Kaelan turned to me, his countenance a mix of relief and frustration, breathing heavily. "Are you right?"

I nodded, though my heart was thumping. What was that about?

Kaelan gave a somber look. "The dark man was a spy, someone trying to undercut our work. This is only starting now. The Council won't welcome our meddling, and some will stop at nothing to see us fail.

The weight of his comments fell mostly on my shoulders. I had believed my life was limited to the tranquil areas of the library, but now I was thrown into a risky political and prophetic game. I felt as Kaelan and I stood among the debris that my world had permanently changed.

Is there any way to prevent this conflict? My voice was no more than a whisper, I asked.

Kaelan turned to face me, a mixture of hope and resignation evident. "We haven't found it yet. Nevertheless, we have to give it a try. It determines the course of our planet.

Though the library was destroyed, the real harm came from the evening's disclosures. The road ahead felt dangerous as Kaelan and I confronted an uncertain future; I couldn't help but wonder if the prophecy that had brought us together would finally save us or cause our death.

The warning of the shadowy figure still lingered in my head, and I knew the next few days would be dangerous and fascinating. And when Kaelan's palm touched mine, I experienced an odd mix of anxiety and excitement a disturbing preamble to the challenges ahead.

One thing was certain as we got ready to meet the future: my life as I knew it was dead. I was now in the middle of a tempest that would completely change everything I knew since the shadow of the forbidden moon had cast its spell.

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