Fated to Them (book 1+2)

Chapter 47

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 47 - "Mind if I join you?" He asks and I shrug, not really caring and he strips off his shorts. He steps in behind me, turning the other showerhead on before putting his face under the steady stream, his hands braced on the tiles, the water cascading down his back.

I couldn't help but admire the way the water moved over the lines on his body, I marvelled at the hard toned muscles that humans spend thousands of dollars and hours in gyms to try to achieve yet, not once did I ever hear them speak of gyms or see them do any form of exercise. I envied that. I eat a Snickers bar and worry about gaining weight while they look like gods effortlessly.

"You're gawking," Cyrus says, snapping me out of my daze. I could hear the smile in his tone.

"Do you work out or is this a vampire trick?" I blurt out. Cyrus laughs his muscles flexing from the movement.

"No vampires are changed, so whatever form they were in before the change is the state they remain in"

"So you were like this before the change?"

"Yes Addie, I was born in a different era where people actually did manual labour not stare at their phones and computers all day, actual work" he says.

"What about Eli, he is built the same as you?"

"Lycan genes, they got the good genes with no effort"

"Speak for yourself, I work," Eli says, stepping into the bathroom. I look over my shoulder at him and see his eyes trailing up the back of my body before looking over at Cyrus.

"I am yet to see you do anything that resembles work unless you count the hours spent watching the foyer cameras spying on Addie" Cyrus says.

"What? there are cameras in the foyer?" I ask horrified wondering if I ever did anything embarrassing while he was watching, s**t I hope they don't have sound.

"Calm down Addie, I can hear your heart pounding at the thought of me watching you. And I wasn't always watching the cameras, Cyrus is just making me out to be a creep" he says glaring at Cyrus.

"I promise he isn't a creep, that's why he has a pair of your panties in the top drawer next to the bed because he isn't one" Cyrus says with a laugh.

"G*d I hope they are clean, did you try them on?" I ask, reaching around Cyrus and grabbing the soap. Eli growls.

"No of course not, I don't wear thongs" Eli says, making me look at him.

"So you do have my panties?" I ask and I see him blush realising what he just admitted before he suddenly turns walking out.

Cyrus chuckles at him shaking his head.

"So what sort of work did you do that made you look like that?”

"Why, are you thinking of a career change?"

"No just curious"

"When I was human, mostly farm work, I was a blacksmith and stonemason for a bit, and a bit of mining. Things were different then whatever work you scrounge up you did. Work was work we didn't have the opportunities you do these days Or cushy jobs"

I nod trying to imagine what it would have been like, it probably wouldn't have been a nice time to be a woman back then.

"What about family?"

"What about them?"

"Did you have family?"

"Everyone has family, and yes actually I was married, had a wife she was a scullery maid"

"What happened to her?"

"She died from the plague just before I was changed" he answers.

"How did you and Eli meet then?"

"in a Saloon actually, he was there with his pack and I stumbled in looking for blood, his scent lured me there. He was not impressed with me being his mate. Chucked quite the hissy fit" he says a smile on his lips like he was remembering something funny.

"Why wasn't he happy?" I ask, they seem so in tune with each other.

"Because he was straight, sexuality was never a thing with me. I like both genders but Eli had only ever been with women, he had strong views of what mates should be"

"So what changed his mind?"

"The mate bond but also the fact that like you he couldn't stay away, it made him curious" Cyrus says.

"Did it upset you that he didn't want you?"

"Nope because he was mine, he just didn't know it yet"

"Whatever you chased after me" Eli says returning and Cyrus shuts off his shower and I do the same grabbing a towel.

"I am pretty sure you came knocking on my door not the other way around" Cyrus retorts.

"Yeah to tell you to stay away" Eli deadpans. I found their relationship fascinating even now they seemed so carefree with each other.

"I opened the door and you practically jumped me"

"Your scent overwhelmed me, a moment of weakness" Eli taunts him. Cyrus steps toward him with a smile on his lips and Eli steps backwards into the room.

"Not how I remember it, care to replay it?" Cyrus asks him.

Eli Huff's but Cyrus grips his shirt, ripping him toward him and crashing his lips against Eli's. Eli's hand moving over Cyrus' hard chest. Arousal hitting me at watching them together, there was something e****c about watching them, the way they devoured each other's lips, their hands touching and grabbing each other. Cyrus pulls back pecking his lips once more.

"Enjoy the show love, you smell Divine, care to join us" Cyrus asks looking over at my blushing face. I press my lips in a line, wondering how being with both of them would work. The thoughts running through my head cause a delightful shiver to run up my spine.

Eli growls low making my eyes dart to his.

"I would love to know what you are thinking, that has you so turned on right now" he says, his eyes flickering to his beast.

I shake my head too embarrassed to ask, I have watched p**n before but never of three people.

Cyrus turns to face me, his towel low on his hips, his v line disappearing into the towel covering him from my watchful eyes.

He reaches forward pulling me to him before gripping my face, his hypnotic eyes dazzling me. "What are you thinking?" He asks and I couldn't help but answer him, his scent was overwhelming, the feel of his hands soothing as they ran down the sides of my arms. I could get lost in the feel of his hands roaming over my body.

"I was wondering how it would work being with both of you" Cyrus lips tug up, his lips moving to below my ear making me shiver as he kisses my skin n*****g and s*****g on it. "We can always show you my love, show you all kinds of things"

The thought aroused and scared me at the same time.

"You would like it, Addie. You were made for us in every way" Eli says, stepping closer, his warm chest pressing against my arm, making me look up at him. Cyrus lips on my skin sending sparks all over my body with his gentle caresses.

Eli grips my chin before kissing me, his tongue moving between my part lips as he tastes every inch of my mouth.


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