Fated To The Wrong Alpha

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Rejecting my mate

Alexis's Clark POV


I don't know what hurt me the most. The fact that my mate was having pleasant sex with my sister right in front of me, or the fact that he probably knew I was his mate from one year ago.

As long as I remember, he had turned 18 last year, which means he knew I was his mate, but he still chose to ignore the mate bond and get along with my sister.

Now that I think about it, all his possessiveness, protectiveness, and care for me suddenly make sense. It was like all the pieces of puzzles were finally falling back in place. Looks like it was all his guilty conscience.

So what now, he rejects me? For what? Because I was an omega, or because of my sister? I couldn't help but shiver at the thought of it.

I was the hated wolf of the pack. No one likes me because I was a lantern. Now that I will be mateless and rejected by the to-be alpha, I am sure everyone will loathe me more than ever.

And my dad, he will kill me. Even the council head won't want to interfere anymore if my pack says I was killed in a rogue attack because I was a mateless she-wolf without a wolf

I was weak, that's what they have always called me, and maybe that's what I was.

'Will shut up with your self-loathing and get this over with. I need to mourn over my lost mate too. Now with your pathetic self-loathing, what am I supposed to do? Mourn over my loss or cradle you?' My conscience shouted at me, and for once, I didn't find it annoying, it was soothing.

My conscience was right. Now was not the time to mourn and self-loathe me for what I don't have. Now was the time for taking some action.

As if they smelled my scent out of the room, the door of the room was jerked open, and may I bring it to your notice that I was leaning on the door? Yes, I was, and I pathetically made a joke out of myself when I almost fell on my butt, if not for the door's knob that I took the support of at the last second.

"What are you doing here, bitch?" I heard the ever so lovely greeting of my sister, Brittany.

However, this time I wasn't going to take her shit lightly. I was done with this pack. This pack, and its filthy people, and more importantly, its filthy alpha.

I don't know if it was all because I was hurt and knew I would be rejected or because there was a strong sense of betrayal in my veins, but I was feeling a strong surge of energy in my bones. An anger that I've never felt before.

"I am not here to talk to you, bitch. So you should move aside because if I throw you out, it will be really painful." I retorted back at my sister for the first time, and the shock in her eyes was visible and understandable.

Well, it sounded good even to me.

My moment of happiness was cut short when I saw her hand about to slap me, however, before her hand could reach me, I kicked her in the abdomen, and I must say, with her contorted face, it must've hurt like hell.

Besides the fact that Brandon was ravishing her a few minutes ago, she must be feeling sore already. Well, that reminds me of Brandon.

Looking at my mate, who was looking at me with an apologetic look, I wanted to smash his face but chose not to because I didn't want to get my hands dirty. From his expression, it was clear that he understood what I know. I know that he is my mate and that he has been cheating on me for quite some time now.

"How could you?" I asked the question that I had been wanting to ask since the moment I saw him banging my sister.

"Alexis, you--"Brittany started again. However, I was in no mood for her drama at the moment.

"Shut the f*ck up!" I shouted back at Brittany, cutting her off as she looked at me in horror for the first time.

Training my eyes back to Brandon, whose eyes were as wide as soccer's probably because he was seeing me retorting to her like this for the first time. Well, did he thought, I would take this betrayal lightly? "You knew that I was your mate from one year, and you still got together with my sister and did her even when I was around you?" I shouted.

'Jesus! That sounded so wrong. It's like you are asking him to do you!' My conscience shouted, making me roll my eyes at her.

"She is your mate?" My sister asked horrified, looking at Brandon with disbelief.

"Alexis, I can explain. Let's calm down. It's not like what I wanted, but I am the future alpha of this pack. The pack needs a strong Luna and not a-"

"-not a lantern-like me who didn't even turn into her wolf and is just a weakling. Right? So this is what it was all about." I completed it for him.

"Look, it's not like I am rejecting you

or throwing you out of the pack. You can still live in the pack, and I'll treat you as my mate. I'll fulfill all your responsibilities, however, you need to understand that as the alpha of the pack, I need a strong luna."

Brandon said, making mexat

him with wide eyes.

Is he the same guy that I had been infatuating for so many years?

Just how twisted his thinking is? So he needs a strong Luna for the pack and himself, which undoubtedly is my sister, and what will I be? Just a fuck-buddy? A baby providing, and a desire fulfilling machine? "Woah, you are surely a demanding alpha, Brandon," I commented, not believing my ears that this was the same guy who I was falling for. The same guy who was my mate.

The guy who I have loved for so many years and wanted to marry.

It's indeed true, once you know how the thought process of a person is, you start to hate people.

'He is insulting you and us like this, and you are just standing there and taking it? If it would've been me, I would have killed him already.' My conscience said, making me sigh again.

As if that was possible. Can the conscience of someone kill a living person? That to be an alpha?

Scoffing at my thoughts, I looked at Brittany, who had an arrogant smirk on her face and then at Brandon, who was waiting for my answer with a smile.

He was expecting me to stoop so low like him. He was expecting me to accept all the bullies of the pack, and now this shameful arrangement just because I was a lantern. Because I don't have a wolf? 'Well, you have me.' My conscience interrupted.

"You know, your offer is lucrative-"I started, making Brandon smile more while Brittany's smirk got more arrogant.

"-however, the fact that you are

expecting your mate to accept everyone's bullying along with becoming your baby-making

machine is enough to disgust monet

Guess what? I may be a lantern, but I am not a slut. Like my sister is. Even it ham not a beta, I still have high standards." I said while looking at


His face turned paled with his smile wiped off his face immediately. Brittany was also shocked by my words. But I haven't gotten to the most important part yet.

"I..." I continued with a firm voice.

"I, Alexis Clark, the daughter of the moon goddess, hereby reject Brandon Sterling as my rightful mate because I can't live as a person who wants nothing from me apart from my body.

I hereby announce my soul as a free soul, and reject the mate bond with the alpha of the black mist pack, and hereby decline the position of being the luna of the black miss pack and the mate of Brandon Sterling.

I, Alexis Clark, also deny the pack

bond from the Black mist pack starting today, and will be living my life as a free soul until I decide so."↓ finished, making their eyes go wide as I felt a scrutinizing pain in my body as the pack bond started to break from my body, the shock in their eyes working as a mild painkiller for me. I am sure, even in his worst dreams, Brandon would've never imagined that he would be rejected like this.

I could see Brandon clenching his jaws and fists, clearly feeling the pain of the rejection of the mate bond.

I was in pain too, the pain of having all my fantasies about finding a mate has been crushed. However, this rejection pain of the mate bond and the pack bond was nothing compared to the pain I've suffered all these years. Today, I not only rejected these bonds, but I also rejected all the relations.

Today, I promise myself to not let anyone influence me in the future ever again.

Turning around towards my room, I packed my little belongings before keeping Mark's gift in my pocket and descended the stairs.

Almost everyone in the packhouse was gathered in the hall as they all must've heard and felt my rejection of the pack and the alpha through their mind links.

Turning up my family, that included my mom whose eyes were brimming with tears, my dad, who was looking at me with animosity, and my sister who was looking at me with a proud smirk, I smiled before saying,

"I wasn't a disgrace to the pack or the family. It was all of you, who were a disgrace to a Werewolf species who couldn't cherish the only lantern in the pack when they are cared for like the child of the moon goddess out there.

You all are a disgrace to humanity, and more than you guys, your alpha who even after knowing I was his mate for one year banged another wolf. The sacred mate bond that is created by the divine moon goddess is for the purpose of finding your true love, but our alpha thought that it was for the strength of the pack.

An alpha who can't even accept his mate, let's see how well he'll run this pack." I scoffed before walking out of the packhouse, my tears flowing uncontrollably now that all the pain started to gush out of me. 'Shhh...don't cry. You've still got me.' My conscience said, and I couldn't help but chuckle at her fake attempt of making me laugh.

Let's see, how well can I survive his rogue world now.


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