Fated to my Enemy by Diane Doherty Novel Full Episode

Chapter 170

Book Two Chapter Sixteen Channing

I was happy for my brother, I was, but I couldn't help but be jealous of him as well. Everyone thinks I have it all with my hockey and school but it was hard being away from my family, especially my mom. I know she's happy and she deserves it, but I miss her. Everything has changed so much and I'm having a hard time dealing with it.

Aspen had dropped me off after we ate. He was going to pick Tessa up from work and spend the night with her. I grumbled in frustration as I walked up the front steps of the house.

"You should be happy for him. We always get the attention and he found someone who only has eyes for him," Bliz, my wolf chimed in.

"I should be living it up at college, but there's so much to worry about here. And I miss my wingman," I sighed, entering the house.

Mom and Dad were having a heated decision, which didn't surprise me. She's pregnant and he's trying to keep her safe. What could possibly go wrong?

"You promised you would keep me in the loop, Blake. This isn't keeping me in the loop," she growled at him.

"What the hell do you want me to do? Put you and our child in danger? That's not going to happen. I'd rather you be mad at me than put you at risk," he retorted.

I on the other hand can see both sides. My mother has always been strong. If you were going to war, she is someone you would want on your side. But then Blake won't be able to concentrate on the battle. He






Book Two Chapter Sixteen

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would be so worried about his mate, that others could get hurt or killed. It was something my mother was having a hard time understanding.

"Channing, sweetie, how was your time out? Did you eat?" My mother turned her attention to me when I entered the kitchen.

"It was good. And yeah, I ate," I went to the fridge to get a bottle of


"Where's your brother?" Dad asked me.

"He stayed out tonight," I shrugged. He pinched the bridge of his nose before his phone rang.

"I have to go," he pulled my mother close but she kept her arms crossed over her chest. He sighed before k*ssing her cheek. He gave me a nod, before leaving the house.

"You could be a little more understanding. He just wants to keep you safe, Mom. That's not a bad thing." I told her.

"I'm the Luna, Channing, I should be his equal. I'm not fighting him because he wants to keep me safe. I'm fighting him because I'm his Luna and I deserve his respect. It is also my job to keep the pack safe and he isn't letting me do my job," she huffed. I reached into the higher cupboard above the fridge and pulled out a chocolate bar for her. I slid it across the kitchen island and she caught it. "Chocolate, really?" She gave me a pointed look. It was the secret stash we boys had for when she was grumpy.

"Come on, let's go watch a hockey game. We haven't done that this season," I offered. She grumbled but she followed me into the living room. I grabbed the remote, and she sat down beside me on the couch, resting her head on my shoulder.




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I shouldn't be helping my father deal with his wife and mate. He knew what he was getting himself into. But this was more for my mom than for him. She was pregnant and over-emotional. She cried like a baby when I left for college. I know all she wants to do is help, but right now she can't be putting herself in danger. I would lose my mind if anything happened to her.

I also know she comes to all of my home games. She may think she is being sneaky but I see her. I'm not sure if she thinks she is cramping my style or something, but I like it when she's there. Everything has changed, but her being there, supporting me, means not everything has. And I'm having a hard time with the change.

My mom always said she would move when I picked a college to be closer to me, but after meeting Blake, I knew that would have to change. She's his Luna and he can't pick up his pack and move. I'm only a few hours away but it's still a lot to deal with. Hockey keeps me busy and then classes.

I know she trying to give me space to grow, but I miss it when it was just the two of us. I love our family, but sometimes it was simpler when it was just the two of us. And the irony isn't lost on me. I wanted to have a family and now, I want some time with my mom.

"Mom, I have a game next weekend. I want you to come." I asked her, as we watched. I haven't invited her to a game for fear she wouldn't be able to show up. I didn't want to get my hopes up. "Really?" She looked over at me with misty eyes.

"Really, mom, please don't cry," I pleaded. She quickly wiped her eyes and sniffled, before putting on a smile.

"I would love to watch you play, sweetie."





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