Fated Mates

Chapter Meeting Our wolfs

We had meticulously set boundaries, lines in the sand meant to be sacrosanct. Yet, the fragility of those lines became painfully evident the moment she uttered the words, expressing a willingness to become my mate. I desperately sought control over the primal instincts within me, attempting to rein in the relentless force of my wolf. Alas, he proved insubordinate, seizing the reins of my consciousness and shoving me to the recesses of my own mind.

“Already taken a liking to you, kitten, and I’m patiently awaiting the day you come of age, so I can rightfully claim you,” he declared with a haunting certainty.

“Hello, Bella. I’m Scott, Sebastian’s wolf. I’ve been pleading with him to introduce us, but he’s apprehensive, fearing I might offend you. Did you know you smell like cinnamon and honey? The sweetest fragrance I’ve ever encountered. And I yearn to taste that fragrance, kitten. You’re even sweeter than I imagined.”

Suddenly, a shift occurred—the emergence of crimson eyes and a distortion in voice. It took me a moment to comprehend; it was Sebastian’s wolf speaking through him. I found myself hypnotized by the resonance of his voice and the intensity of his heated gaze. In that moment, I felt the awakening of my own wolf, attempting to seize control—a responsibility I had willingly delegated to her, for she had always shown wisdom and never behaved in such a primal manner before.

Liana emerged, her presence on the surface with Scott unveiling a connection that seemed to transcend time. Their interaction unfolded seamlessly, as if they were intimately acquainted from another era.

“Scott, you’ve taken your sweet time to find me. I’ve been waiting for you, and the restlessness without you was palpable. How have you been?” Liana inquired.

“I’m good, Liana. I believe we may have to wait a couple of months before we can meet in wolf form, but I already feel much better now that I’ve found you in this life,” Scott replied with a sense of profound relief.

In a moment that felt charged with significance, Liza addressed Sebastian and us, shedding light on a celestial connection that bound them all. “Scott and I are eternal mates, chosen by the Moon Goddess for a special purpose. I am confident that with us united, a greater destiny awaits. Sebastian, you are the next Alpha King, and Liza, you are destined to be his Luna. I urge both of you to spend time understanding each other.”

She continued with a sense of guidance and support, “Moon Goddess has blessed you, Liza, with your mate before the age of eighteen. As you’ve now met him, be prepared for the heat cycle during the full moon. You may endure the pain or choose to embark on the mating ceremony. Whatever you decide, know that I stand with you in every way. Our paths have converged for a reason, and I believe we are destined to fulfill a special purpose together.”

Their embrace conveyed a silent understanding, and as they held each other, inhaling deeply to calm their heightened senses, control was relinquished back to the realm of human consciousness.

Once in control, I couldn’t contain the rush of questions. “Did you already know I’m your mate? Why keep it from me? How are you managing to control your wolf? Do you have any intention of rejecting me?” The flood of doubts overwhelmed my thoughts, spilling out in a hurried cascade. “I’ve waited for my mate forever, and when he found me, he chose to hide this information. Why?”

In response, Sabastian enveloped me in his embrace, pressing a tender kiss to my temple. “I wanted you to discover our bond on your own. I craved to witness the genuine look on your face. It never crossed my mind that it might hurt you, Liza. I am forever yours. Never speak the word ‘rejecting’ again. I’ve been waiting for you, but I didn’t want to coerce you into anything. Yes, my feelings are intense because I can feel the mate bond, but it’s not the same for you. Hence, I sought this change from your parents to win you over.”

“Do my parents know?” I asked incredulously.

“Yes, and we have their blessings too.”

Reflecting on their seemingly odd decision to send me off with a practically stranger, I murmured, “I did find it odd for them to send me with a practically stranger. They don’t even allow me to stay over." Oh, love, I can’t express how difficult it was for me to control myself from claiming you as mine.

Doubt lingered in my mind, and I asked, “Do you genuinely want me as your mate? I may not be powerful enough to stand by your side. I have feelings for you, but to be a strong Alpha Luna requires strength, courage, and love. Do you see that in me?”

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