Fated Hellhound

Chapter 29~Time to take the trash out!

Orion’s POV~

We reach our tent site and I ask Renata to stay within this area. And she said she will try. How reassuring is that!!? I head down to the front line. Abraham is leaning against a tree…watching the border.. I asked “who’s your friend…” He smirks “I didn’t catch his name..” Yeah..that’s going to be a standing joke for who we are now!

Brian trots over and asks where’s Luna? and I say “trying to stay by the tents” He says “trying??” I shrugged..”She’s honest…she gets antsy..and nosy. A fairy’s inquisitive nature…I think” Brian laughs and tells me I will probably find her in a tree feeding baby squirrels….maybe so…maybe so!

A link comes in the first wave was headed our way, with the second wave trailing. As I watch…I see about 80 wolves standing in the treeline. I link Aaron 🐺 I thought our intel had it at 100 wolves per wave 🐺’ yeah…some of them are choosing to die…pity actually..at this rate Elden will be down by twenty percent before he begins! The sense of humor of our crew is twisted! Ain’t nothing better!

I turn and see my wife walking toward me with 4 bottles of water and sandwiches. Her solution to everything! Broke a nail? Eat..you’ll feel better! Stub a toe..have a sandwich! But I smile! And kiss her telling her thank you! I asked “You done trying?” She giggled and says “I wanted you to have something on your stomach before this thing amps up!” I leaned down and kissed her like it was the first time!

Brian walks over and says “Third wave rolling in.. Come on Reni! I’m in the mood for chocolate! I’ll give you a piggy back ride!” And she hops up on his back as I mouth “thank you “ and he sings out “Gamma protects Lunaaaa” and I just shake my head and thank Goddess for him!

I look around and spy Abraham…”any word from the southern hounds? We have three waves…which means two more before Elden finds his balls!” Abraham replies “He will be here within the hour! He wants to make an entrance..and sunset is in an hour! He knows his warriors can’t cross the border without an invitation. And he knows you can’t be taunted into an invite.. without him here. He is a strategist…just not a very good one. More of a ‘you sank my battleship’ type strategist!” “Fuck me Abe! I think that’s the most I’ve heard you say at one time..in years!” He laughs and tells me to fuck off!

Aaron comes through the link 🐺 Paws on the ground…heading to the east…not without protest…but we convinced them I glance at Abraham…good times? He grins “Great times!” Brian runs up and asks if I have seen Reni. I ask “Did you misplace the Queen again?” He shrugs “not misplaced..just wandered off?” I heard a little giggle and said “It’s not nice to glamour to slip your Gamma, Luna” She giggles again.. she Giggles again! And I look around to see if I can catch a hint of shimmer…and sure enough…right behind Brian! I lurched to his side and wrapped my arms around her…she yells “Hey! No fair!” I laugh and kiss her nose. “You can stay…Up there! And glamored!” She nods and pops her wings out…flits to a stout tree branch and sits. I point to the tree and say “Do Not let her fall!” And even Abraham is laughing! “You just commanded a tree dude!” I said “Shut Up!”

Renata shouts “I see them! They’re about ten miles that way!” Pointing southeast. I say to the wolves at the treeline… “If you fight today…you will die. This lunatic you follow is pitting you against 1000 hellhounds! And that’s only a small amount that reside within these borders! If you are fighting to protect your families…know our pack is a sanctuary pack! Ask Tobias! His family is safely ensconced within these walls! His kids are healthy…thriving! Your families can have that same security! Decide! Time is running out!”

None of them move…I look at Aaron and Brian.. they both shrug. Alistair says “I smell dad!” I grin and say “Let’s get this party started!” After another ten minutes or so…it seemed they had arrived. The three alphas stood side by side behind their wolves. Cowards. I stepped straight up to our border…I laughed loud and long! Then, I started to speak “Hello Daddy! Welcome to DarkShadows Pack! Do come in!!” Elden roared back “What kind of trick is this? You can’t just tell me to cross your border!” I laughed again “Of course, I can! It’s my border…to my pack. And I know Beatrice refused to help…If you even found her! I offered your men sanctuary before you arrived. But that offer is about to expire! So…let’s not wait for the new moon! I want to be sleeping before midnight!” And that did it! He sent a wave of about 100…They charged the line…and leaped…hitting the trench…yelps..howls..snarls and growls filled the air and 100 wounded wolves lay still! I told them “try not to move too much..it will make it worse!” And Elden screams “That’s cheating! Where’s your honor! Your pride!?” I said “Up a tree” and my pride giggled! Elden was livid! Growled at his second wave! And they took off charging at us… avoiding the trench…soaring over it and landing…keeping pace with each other…and 50 feet above the trench…claymores detonated..blasting every single wolf with wolfsbane..and now…100 naked men are on the ground writhing in agony. Now he ha wolves running back south…as quickly as they can. I laugh and say “You will die today, Elden! As will Robert…but there’s a special way that he will die! Your other sons will lose their titles..and their packs! Amazing that the only ones to carry on the Demeter name are the two who are ashamed of it! The two who don’t want it!” A lightning bolt slammed into the ground in front of the alphas. I looked in the tree and heard her whisper the fat alpha has a gun… I stand taller and sneer “You accuse me of cheating..yet. Your lackey is the one with a gun! Come on! Bring the fight across my border! You wanted this…you got it! Come kill me so you can pour my blood on my Luna’s burning heart!” And his response is “You took my book!” I laughed..”that’s what you took away from that? It wasn’t Your book dumbass! YOU stole it!”

Something snapped…or someone went stupid..because they all charged the line at once. Brian let about 50 through..then triggered the cables. The fifty that made it through were ripped to shreds and the fifty behind them lay decapitated on the ground… The same thing happened on the next charge and I let 5 come at me..I snapped the first two’s necks…the third I ripped his head off..that was an accident…and I ripped the throat out of the fourth..while the fifth tried to run away and ran right into Aaron…who ripped his heart out.

Glancing at Abraham…he’s burning wolves, right and left..and as I turn..I see Elden and Andre’ standing over our border and I grin over at Alistair…who shifts into his large gray wolf. We charge at them and they shift! Andre’ is dropped by Alistair with one blow. I allow Heracles his head and we shift. We tower over Elden by two feet…Heracles swipes out with his right paw…and rips all the way down Elden’s side. Elden recovers enough to leap at us and Heracles slams him to the ground..looking at Alistair.. backing off…we let him have the kill! I looked around for Robert and when I finally see him…my heart hits my stomach and tries to leap out my mouth! My tiny pregnant fairy is standing in front of him and she’s taunting the shit out of him… and each sentence…she’s popping him in the stomach…the throat..his legs…with little lightning bolts..forcing him back to our border..

She yells “How’s it feel to be helpless? How does it feel to know NoOne is coming to help you? How does it feel to know your captor holds your life in her hands? What, Luke? Nothing to say? How’s it feel, Luke!? What’s it like to know you are about to die??” And she hits him with a bolt strong enough to singe his hair as he lands at my feet. I wrap my hand around his throat and squeeze until he no longer draws breath!

Renata walks over to me and wraps her arms around me! She grins and says “It’s over! Time to take the trash out!

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