Fated Hellhound

Chapter 15~ Who is your mate?

Renata’s POV~

I am done! When I found her ankle bracelet inside my back door.. I lost it! I let the guys know they could come or not! Now here I sit, trying to get my breathing under control before I burn this place to the ground! I glance at Orion “I’m sorry in advance. I am fixing to fuck some shit up…and I didn’t think about your alliance.” He grinned at me and said “Our alliance was null and void when your house was damaged. It’s on pack property. Would you like me to address that issue first?” I nodded!

I stepped out of my side of the car and Lionel sputtered “What’s the meaning of this? Get off my land!” I replied “Uh…no! I want to talk to Sluticia!” He asks “Alicia?” “That’s what I said! But first…my husband would like a word…” And Orion stepped out of my car! He has a flare for the dramatic..I linked “I love you “ and he winked. Yep…need new panties! How does he do that!? He says “Baby…I can hear you” …and he started laughing. Ughhh!

Orion strode to Lionel and said “Your office now! Come on, baby! Guys!” And we all follow behind Lionel……we walk into the office..and he whirls on Orion and screams “I demand to know what this is about!?” Orion stood to his full height and growled STAND Down! NOW! I looked over my shoulder at Brian and whispered “big puppy pissed” and they tried not to laugh..I thought it was funny…

Lionel said “I’m sorry…Alpha Orion..what is this about please?” Orion responds “Sit! I’m going to tell you a story… A year ago…a beautiful young woman moved to this town and opened a wonderful restaurant that put this place on the map…employs members of your own pack.. buys her provisions from you…Yet! Your pack she-wolves set her on fire…when her car was shot up…or being told to stay away from me…Her Mate!? Or…how about being offered money to not tell anyone!? But now…now her home has been destroyed…desecrated.. And since that house sits on My packland… that is considered a declaration of war! Our alliance is null and void!”

Lionel sputtered “what why?? What happened? I have heard nothing! Let’s discuss this! There must be an explanation!” I said “There is. Have your daughter meet me out front. She has crossed her last line! Ten minutes!” And I stormed out… Orion grabbed my hand and started swinging them between us and we started laughing.

Alicia stepped out of the house… When she spotted me…she started walking towards me..looking at my mate..licking her lips..She snapped her eyes back at me and sneered “What do you want freak!” I shrugged and said “ To settle a score! Do you remember what I told you….the night you set me on fire? The night I fried your boyfriends? Do You?” “Nothing you ever say matters..so nope” she retorts.

I look around.. I see her dad and mom on the porch. I notice we are being surrounded by Lionel’s pack…and I spot our hounds hidden behind the trees . I open my link to our whole pack. “Thank you all for supporting me! I love you all!” 🐺 We got your back..always,Luna

I look back at Alicia “Get your two friends out here.. I’m sure they helped you trash my house. Get them!! Now!!” I looked at Lionel and said “I want the men who attacked my friends at My restaurant!!! Bring them here!” Alicia tries to bluster her way “You can’t tell me what to do! You have no proof!” And I punched her in the throat! I growled “Make me tell you one more time! Please push it!! Deny you’re guilty again! I fucking dare you! You have two minutes!”

I glance at Orion to see him smiling at me..and I hear him in my mind “I love you!” Now I’m smiling. Glancing up…I really smile! “Awwww look! It’s Elizabeth and Belinda! Look Baby! It’s Elizabeth and Belinda…the last two members of Whores Anonymous.. Oops sorry girls! That’s supposed to be a secret right? Hence the word anonymous!”

Elizabeth snarks “What the fuck do you want?” I reply “ I worry, Elizabeth….I worry that hair bleach has fried the only brain cell you were born with! I told all three of you something the night you hurt my tree. The night you set me on fire causing his death! Five of you! Fucking five! And you couldn’t be bothered with tying me to the 4X4 fence post 6 feet from the tree?? You deliberately chose to tie me to that tree! You knew I had healed him! And because of you…He died! Now..what did I tell you that night? One of you has to have at least one surviving brain cell…What the fuck did I tell you??” Belinda says “that we had better never harm another living thing or we would answer to you.” I snorted “Close…What I said was If you ever bring harm to another living thing, I would be coming for you and hell would be coming with me” and I lost my own shit… looking at Orion and he was laughing when he said “you just didn’t realize hell would be hounds!” And even our hounds in the trees laughed!

I was bouncing a ball of light on my hand..I knew the girls would think it was lightning. It’s nothing more than fairy lights. “Now girls…I will give you the opportunity to be truthful and let everyone know what you did.. if you do that, I will let you go. I know you are followers. You aren’t bright enough to lead…who’s it going to be?”

After about five minutes..could have been two..seemed longer.. I hate waiting..no patience! Shit! Out of your head Renata! Belinda speaks “Oh for the love of Goddess! Alicia told us her mate wants you back at some backwater so she had to run you out of town. She told us to help and she would pay is with a spa day and five mani/pedis and that’s not just something to sneeze at..you know!”

I said “No! I don’t know…You literally trashed my house and scarred Maggie for fake fucking nails??What in the fuck is wrong with you?” She literally replies “Who’s Maggie? We didn’t hurt anyone!” And I responded “Get out of my sight…both of you..you ignorant twits!” And they both took off running

I looked at Alicia… I pulled her ankle bracelet from my pocket and held it up. “Recognize this? Know where I found it? Behind my kitchen door! In my house! Which has been destroyed! By you! For what? Jealous? Because you tell me to stay away from my mate. He isn’t yours! And now we find out you have your own mate” I spun to my left and summoned tree roots to pin down the man trying to sneak up on me..I looked directly at Lionel and told him…” Try that shit again and you won’t like what I do! You’re on my shit list too! You better hope I don’t find out you’re on the wrong side of this alliance and that’s why you let your daughter pull this shit and sent warriors to destroy my restaurant!”

“Tell me why…Alicia!” I ordered her. She said “you have to go back! You fucked my mate and now you need to go back!” Well…color me confused! I said “I was a virgin when I met my mate! He is the only man I have been with!! Who is your mate Alicia??” When she didn’t answer, Orion stepped forward and in his duel voice says “WHo is Your MATE?” She draws back away and says “Robert Demeter” Well…fuck my life…

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