Fated Hellhound

Chapter 13~ Under the Full Moon

Tobias clears his throat and speaks “There are two alphas we answer to. The one who destroyed my pack and the one at Blackwater. We aren’t told their names..it is considered disrespect. The older one is the father, though. The son..has only one apparent objective..and that is to locate and recapture a girl he once had custody of. The father wants your Alpha dead. But…and the son is unaware of this…he also wants the same girl. He wants to breed her. The guards talk. I can’t say my information is accurate..but all the guards seem to hold the same opinions. Around half of them..dislike what we are being ordered to do. In battle…the disgruntled ones try to hold back and not attack..unless in self defense. Other Alphas showed up with their own warriors two days ago. The attack today was to test west border strength. The north border is the next test. They send out the ‘expendables’ on these raids. None of us have any real information…only gossip and rumors. Those alphas don’t care if we die…they only hope one of us makes it back with useful information. It’s suicide missions..and most of us don’t even care if we’re killed. And you will find that same mentality among half of all the warriors they have”

Abraham sits a moment…then he says “We agree to your conditions. You will take a blood oath with the BlackAlpha now…then Aaron here will get to release some tension all over your body…feel free to try and fight back…he’ll like that…and then you will be dragged..in front of your comrades…to a different cell..where doc will attend your wounds..Tomorrow night..you will ‘escape’.. with your blood oath you will have an established mindlink with BlackAlpha…betray him and your own blood will boil you alive”

Renata is getting her nails painted by Becca..and Melody is curling her hair. They have been pampering her for an hour.. She’s so excited! She clears her mind and searches for her connection to Orion and whispers “Orion? Can you hear me?” And she hears his chuckle in her mind 🐺 Yes, mi amor! I hear you! What are you doing? I’m just heading over to grab my suit for tonight! I can’t wait to make you mine in every way! I love you, tiny fairy! And Renata just giggles.. Becca says “no triple X mind linking! We have lots to do!” And the three of them laughed!

Renata headed down to Charles’ study and knocked on his door…he bade entry and she stepped in. He looked up and asked “Why so pensive daughter?” She nervously played with her fingers.. and softly speaks “I know we have only known each other a little over a week..and well…my parents died when I was ten…so I don’t really have a dad..but I was wondering… If you could…Or if you would..or even if you will want to..but.. Would you do me the greatest honor of walking me down the aisle?”

And Charles grinned from ear to ear! He said “ One of my greatest regrets in this life..was never being blessed with walking my own daughter down the aisle. You have just granted me my fondest wish! It would be MY honor and my privilege…to escort you to my son! And to threaten him with bodily harm if he ever makes you cry!” She launched herself into his arms..hugging him and kissing his cheek…she whispered “Thank you! You have no idea how happy you’ve made me!” And he shoo’s her on her way…so he can decide which suit is suitable for giving his daughter away.

The final preparations are complete. Renata is back in her room..having just lit the trees with fairy lights…She stands in front of her floor length mirror..twisting side to side..watching the way her gown flows. It’s a simple gown…Ivory silk..spaghetti straps and backless…which makes her happy because her wings won’t have to rip through the fabric. She wears a crown of flowers atop her red hair.. her lavender eyes shining..her feet are bare…allowing her the opportunity to commune with the earth when her power is at its peak in the full moon light. The knock at her door alerts her to Charles’ arrival and she moves to open it. He stands there in a black suit…with an ivory silk shirt and he laughs..saying “Kismet” while lifting the collar of the shirt….and she giggles as she wraps her hand into the crook of his elbow.

They stand together at the entrance to the garden. Her eyes raise and she spots Orion…smiling at her from the dais under her altar. He is standing proudly..looking like a God in his Ivory shirt..and chinos. He stood barefoot, as well.

She felt her wings flutter and stretch..she arched her back and flexed and felt her wings swell with the moon. By the time she reached Orion…her mark was glowing..her wings were ready for flight..and her eyes were shining lavender as she smiled…The ceremony began

Charles officiated the marriage ceremony…and as Orion kissed his bride.. Charles said “You hurt my daughter..you make her cry and your ass is mine!” And both packs busted out laughing!

Orion turned to her and spoke “Do you , Renata Reynolds, pledge and dedicate your heart and your life to defending, protecting, and loving DarkShadows Pack..and your alpha, Orion Demeter..against all enemies?” She replied “I pledge my loyalty and love without hesitation and with absolute dedication!” He held her left hand..palm up and sliced into it..doing the same with his..and clasped their hands together until she felt their blood combine..establishing her link with their people. Then he leaned forward..as his canines sank into her neck…her palm pressed on his..they re-marked each other..as soon as their connections reestablished.. a light shot from the sky..illuminating the couple as an intense energy force entered the land.. And Abraham laughed..saying “we can probably guess our secret is out and the whole world knows the BlackAlpha has found his fated mate!” The packs cheered and howled to the moon.

The pack went for a run and Renata flew to the waterfall..waiting for Heracles. She scented him before she saw him and knelt waiting for him to appear. His mark was glowing as brightly as hers..and she leaned over and kissed it gently… His fur lit up in flames and his eyes burned amber and orange. She giggled and said..”Well that’s new! I wonder what else we will uncover. We really need that book!”

They raced back to the pack house and to their room. As he dropped her dress to the floor..and she stood before him in nothing but a thong..his breath caught and he said “you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen” and tossing her on the bed ..he ripped her panties off and dove his face into her drenched pussy…

He made love to her for hours until they fell asleep entangled in each other’s arms. Renata slept the best sleep of her life..her face buried in his neck. Breathing the scent of him in…all night.

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