Fated for Two

Chapter 35

Farrah, Brenton, and Everard were softly talking and enjoying a late breakfast. It had been a long two weeks since the war with the rogues had ended.

Brenton and Everard had been busy dealing with the few rogues that had survived the attack and had been placed in their cells. After talking with the prisoners, they uncovered the truth, that all of them weren’t rogues. A lot of them were pack, the pack Joseph had become alpha of.

Apparently, he had gone off and found a small pack further north. They were a small pack at that time, barely fifty wolves, and their alpha had died with no heir. Joseph showed up and offered to be their alpha, they had gratefully accepted him. They said he’d been a good alpha and helped their pack grow, but he was bent on revenge. He’d talked of how unfairly he’d been treated and how both packs deserved to be destroyed.

So, Joseph had told them enough lies to have them feel sympathetic to his cause. He’d also managed to find a few of the rogues he’d been running with, they’d found a few more, and eventually he had an army. Of course, after the first fight years ago, he’d had to regroup, but they had continued to keep an eye on the pack using rogue scouts.

It was all a mess, but they had ended up letting the wolves that were a pack leave and go home to their families. Most of them had felt guilty when they had found out the truth and had promised to never cross the borders of the Phillips/Steward Pack again.

A long howl went up at the border causing Brenton’s head to come up as he let out a low growl.

Farrah and Everard also looked up, their forks faltering almost to their mouth.

“Border patrol,” Everard murmured. “Do we need to go see what is going on?”

“Someone has crossed the border and entered pack lands,” Brenton muttered as two more howls went up. “Our wolves are following… that third howl was closer, so whoever is coming isn’t stopping.”

All three of them stood up, just as another howl sounded, and it was close.

Brenton let out an angry growl, an angry frown now on his face as he stomped toward the door.

Farrah and Everard exchanged looks. Farrah murmured, “I’m guessing whoever it is had headed this way. Who would come here though? Most stop at the pack-house, not come to the alpha’s personal home… unless we expect them to come.”

Brenton opened his front door with a snarl as a car pulled to a stop in his driveway. He could smell rogue the moment the car door opened, and his wolf clawed for the surface. What rogue dares to cross my borders? Do they have a death wish?

From out of the car came a woman. She was short and small, her once dark hair showing gray.

Brenton snarled, “Who are you and how dare you cross the border of my pack lands without permission?”

The woman removed her sunglasses as she stepped away from the car. Her familiar features had the snarl leaving Brenton’s face. The door opened behind him, and a loud excited squeal rent the air as his mate ran past him, almost leaping off the porch.

“Mom!” Farrah yelled as she threw her arms around the woman.

Everard came to a stop next to Brenton and surveyed the reunion. He softly asked, “Did you know she was coming?”

Brenton shook his head, asking, “Did you?”

“No. I’m guessing Farrah didn’t either or she would have told us,” Everard answered.

Farrah turned, a big smile on her face as she beckoned the two men, excitedly saying, “Come, my sweets, come meet my mom!”

Brenton and Everard stepped off the porch. Brenton still had a frown on his face as he slightly growled, “I like to know when someone is coming to visit, Darlin’, surprise visits tend to get the pack in an uproar. It doesn’t help that it is soon after what happened.”

Farrah huffed but looked around to see quite a few of their warriors in wolf form at the edge of the woods. Her own wolf was on edge, feeling the worry of her packmates.

“She did not know I was coming,” Farrah’s mother said calmly. She stepped closer to Brenton and scrutinized his face with her head tilted sideways in thought. She then turned and gave Everard the same scrutiny before turning back to Brenton.

As her mom continued to study the two men, Farrah stated, “This is my mom, Regina.”

Before either man could speak, Regina said, “You are the angry one, Brenton, your eyes tell a story of anger, yet if I look deep enough, I can see heartache there also. I told Farrah as soon as she told me about her dreams you were an alpha. I knew the anger she spoke of could only be from an alpha male. Then she told me that her next dream showed her his deep pain. I believe that too was you, for I still see it in your eyes.”

Regina turned to look at Everard then, adding, “A few days later she had a third dream. This one was filled with crippling sadness, a sadness that showed her mate deep in a depression to the point of wishing to die. I can see it, the sadness in your eyes is so heart-wrenching it makes my heart hurt, Everard. So, I believe you are the one that filled my daughter with such sadness.” She sighed as she stepped back and observed them, saying, “When she first told me of her dreams, I believed it to be one man, however, I knew the reason for her dreams was because the moon goddess made it so. The only reason the goddess would become involved was if there was devastating heartache causing all the sadness and anger. I think both of you suffer from heartache, one dealt with it by becoming angry, and the other fell into depression. Tell me, did finding your mate help?”

Both men turned to look at their mate, giving soft smiles.

“She has given me new energy and a reason to get up every morning,” Everard said.

“She soothes the beast in me and takes the anger away,” Brenton added. “She is the glue that holds us together.”

Regina smiled and said, “Good.”

Farrah cleared her throat and asked, “Mom, why are you here? I mean, I love that you are here, but it is so unexpected.”

Regina sighed and told them, “I realized something after you left. My mate and my sons are gone, they are never coming back, but I still have you. You have found love and will soon expand that love by having children, and I don’t want to miss that. I was only being stubborn when I should have been coming with you to find your mates.”

Farrah threw her arms around her mom once more as she cried, “Oh, Mom. I love you and I’m so happy you’re here. Are you going to stay?”

“I will if you’ll have me,” Regina answered.

“You are more than welcome to stay,” Brenton said, and Everard nodded his agreement. “The house is plenty big and…”

“Oh, no! I don’t wish to be in the same house as new mates,” Regina said with a laugh. “I will find a place to stay since I have a bit of money saved.”

They began to walk into the house as Everard mentioned, “If you would like to stay at the elder’s pack-house for a bit, my house is undergoing a bit of construction. It will be ready for someone to move into before long and it would be close enough for Farrah and you to visit each other often.”

Regina stopped and turned to smirk at the two men as she asked, “And close enough to visit the grandbabies and spoil them?”

Farrah laughed as Everard’s face turned pink and he looked down. Brenton, however, threw one arm around Farrah’s shoulders with a grin as he answered, “Most definitely. We plan to have a house full.”

Regina nodded as she walked ahead of them and went inside.

Farrah looked up as Everard joined in the hug, wrapping his own arms around her. Each of the men nuzzled a side of her neck that had her sighing with contentment. “The moon goddess knew what she was doing when she gave me both of you. I don’t know what I would do without you both.”

“Mm… I love you, Darlin’,” Brenton murmured lovingly.

“As do I,” Everard chimed in.

Closing her eyes, Farrah sent a thank you to the moon goddess before giving each of her sweet men a kiss. “I would have been blessed to have one man to love me but to be fated for two. I guess that makes me doubly blessed and I plan to love each and every moment I spend with the two of you. Now, how about we go in and let the two of you get to know my mom.”

“Yes, we should do that because the sooner we get her settled the sooner we can start on those babies,” Brenton teased as he nipped at her ear.

Everard chuckled as he gave her a nip also and said, “I second that motion.”

Farrah laughed and with a sway to her hips, she headed inside, calling back over her shoulders, “I accept that motion, so come on boys let’s get this party started!”

With a chuckle, they followed her inside, closing the door behind them.

The End

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