Fated for Two

Chapter 31

Farrah took another deep breath as she ran her fingers soothingly through Everard’s hair and asked, “So, what now?”

Brenton stood up and said, “I never thought I would be in this house when I walked out the door that day four years ago, but here I am. With Everard’s house destroyed we have nowhere else to go unless we move into my room in the pack-house.”

“Oh, Brenton, I don’t—” Farrah hushed when Brenton gave her a silencing look.

“I know you don’t want to live there Farrah, and it really isn’t big enough for the three of us anyway,” Brenton said. “So, we’ll stay here. It hasn’t been as hard as I thought it would be and I must admit I have missed having more than just a bedroom to live in.”

Farrah smiled and beckoned him closer. When he was close enough, she pulled him in with one arm and rubbed her face against his chest. “I like it here Brenton, it has that home feeling to it.”

“I know,” Brenton whispered. “There are a few things I’d like to change though, just to make it a bit easier for me to live here. I’d like new furnishings in the front room and my parent’s room needs to be cleaned out. However, I don’t want to be here when it’s done. So, tomorrow I’ll be going to the pack-house and telling my warriors about our new training and patrol schedules. I’ll send the women who were here today to help you clear everything out. I want the master bedroom completely emptied.”

“What about personal things, like jewelry or pictures?” Farrah asked.

Brenton took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he answered, “Mom didn’t wear much jewelry. What little she had was costume jewelry, nothing real. I know she had a few pictures on the wall of their bedroom, one of me as a newborn, one of her and Dad, and one of us in our wolf form. I’d like those pictures placed in one of the empty bedrooms upstairs for now because I’m not ready to look at them right now.”

“Okay, so everything goes,” Farrah said and received a nod of confirmation from him. “We’ll get it done.”

“Now, I know Dad had a safe in his office, so I’m going to go through it as soon as I find the code to get into it,” Brenton said, stepping back.

“Where would you even put something like that?” Everard asked with a glance at Brenton.

Brenton laughed and said, “This is Dad we’re talking about, where do you think?”

Everard frowned, his brows furrowing in thought. The frown cleared, and he laughed, saying, “Among the pictures.

“Yep,” Brenton agreed as he turned for the door, “and there are only hundreds of them in his office. It’s gonna be a long night, so don’t wait up for me.”

Everard and Farrah stood watching Brenton as he left the room, his shoulders tense.

Farrah huffed and turned her attention to Everard as she said, “Did he think I could get you up the stairs?”

Everard laughed and pulled her down for a kiss before saying, “I feel much better now that I’ve eaten. I think I can make it back up the stairs, but how about we watch a bit of TV first? It’s been a long time since I could just relax and do basically nothing for an entire evening.”

Farrah nodded and helped him to his feet. She waited until he was steady before they slowly made their way to the front room. As they sat down, she gave a sigh, looking around. “This really is a nice room.”

“I agree, but I think Brenton feels the need to make it ours, not his parents.”

“I suppose,” Farrah agreed. “Since the floor is hardwood, it will be easy enough to replace the area rug. It will mean going furniture shopping though.”

“True, but think about it, this furniture has sat unused for four years,” Everard said as he snuggled his head into the crook of her neck and yawned. “It’s full of dust that will never be completely gone. Although, those women did a good enough job that we didn’t choke on dust just now, and that’s a good thing. However, I think it’s time for something new.” He hummed lightly before adding, “You know, we could shop online and just have it delivered.”

Farrah grinned as she said, “I think I like that idea. What color should we go with though?”

“Well, I’m partial to blue, but Brenton always wore a lot of blacks.”

Farrah snickered. “Oh, Brenton, the bad boy alpha. I suppose if we bought an area rug that was mostly black and drapes in dark blue, hm… it could work. Have cherry wood for the coffee table and any wood on the sofa and chairs?”

“Mm-hm, that sounds good,” Everard said, sounding half asleep.

Farrah gazed down at him and sighed before kissing the top of his head. So much for TV. I think he’s already out, time to get Brenton.

Brenton awakened the next morning to find himself lying half on and half off the couch in the office. He blinked dumbly wondering how he’d ended up there. As his brain slowly began to function, he remembered thinking he’d close his eyes for just a moment after finding the combination to the safe. He’d planned to make his way upstairs but must have fallen asleep.

Sitting up, he scrubbed a hand over his stubbly cheeks and gave his jaw a slight scratch as he yawned. Looking at the paper he’d found that held the combination to his dad’s safe, he picked it up. He’d finally found it at about two o’clock that morning and would have whooped for joy had he not been so tired. Hopefully, now they would finally know why they were being harassed.

Standing up, he muttered, “I need a shower to wake me up and some coffee. Those papers have waited this long, they can wait another hour.”

So, walking over to the desk, he shoved the paper with the combination on it into the top drawer. He then moved back to the coffee table and picked up the five photo albums that lay there. Putting them back on the shelf they belong on, he left the office.

Heading up the stairs, he walked into the bedroom next to his. He knew the bathroom there had been cleaned and stocked with towels, so moving into the bathroom, he used the facilities. Then, stripping he stepped into the shower and turned it on. For long moments he stood with his forearms propped against the wall, warm water raining down on him with his eyes closed.

He was exhausted, physically and mentally. He’d been running on empty for a long time because of the rogues his pack had to continually battle at his borders. He never understood why they continued to come, only to be defeated and killed. Yet, still, they came. Then Farrah, his soulmate, showed up. She had brought a light with her that had filled his life, taking away the continuous anger he felt. Not only that, but she had brought Everard back into his life, and with her love for them both the damage to their brotherhood had been repaired.

He heaved a heavy breath as the water began to turn cold. Quickly washing, he stepped out and dried himself on a fluffy towel before hanging it back on the towel rod. Striding from the bathroom, he headed for his room and his suitcase full of clothes.

Stepping into his bedroom, he paused to look the two on the bed. Everard was laying on his back, one hand pushed up under his pillow, the other cupping Farrah’s breast, his arm under her head. Farrah lay facing him, one leg shoved between Everard’s, her arm over his chest with her hand curved around his neck.

Brenton had to smile at them cuddled together, and wished he was cuddled up with them. His smile turned to a frown though as he stared at the bed itself. It was only a full-size bed, they needed at least a queen, if not a king-sized bed.

Since he didn’t plan to sleep in the office again tonight, he’d call Owen and have his bed from the pack-house delivered today. With that plan in mind, he dug through his suitcase that was still open on top of the dresser and pulled out briefs and shorts. Pulling them on, he headed back down the stairs deciding coffee was next on his agenda.

He was standing at the kitchen counter, sipping coffee as he stared out the window when he felt warm arms wrap around his waist. A soft kiss was placed between his shoulder blades as hands moved over his chest. He felt his shaft jump when one hand slid lower, under his waistband, and cupped him, a thumb gently moving over his tip. A low growl slipped out as his eyes drifted shut in pleasure.

“Good morning, Mr. Growly,” Farrah whispered behind him with a soft laugh. “I missed you curled around me last night and laying on you this morning.”

“Yeah, I fell asleep on the couch,” he mumbled as her hand began to move up and down his now semi-erect shaft. “It wasn’t my plan to do that.”

“Well, how about you make it up to me this morning,” Farrah whispered as she squeezed him gently.

With a groan, he set his coffee down and turned to face her. Pulling her tight up against him, he leaned in to kiss her deeply. Her hands came up, one gripping his neck as the other raked through his hair. He gave another growl as desire pulsed through him, his shaft now fully engorged and pushing against the barrier of his briefs.

Farrah pulled back, taking gulps of air as she said, “I need you, Brenton, now please.”

Brenton chuckled and began backing her up. When he reached the table, he turned her around and pressed her, chest first, over it. Shoving her sleep shirt up to her waist, he found her bare underneath it and gave a growl of pleasure as he cupped her butt in his hands.

Farrah whined, moving her legs restlessly as she turned to look at him over her shoulder. Looking into her eyes, he pushed her thighs apart with one hand as he buried two the fingers of his other hand deep in her heat. Her eyes widened even as she gave a moan of pleasure.

Leaning down, Brenton placed kisses all along her back as he worked her into a lather, preparing her for his girth. His free hand slowly moved up over her stomach to cup her breast, giving it a squeeze. She whimpered again and her hips bucked under him.

No longer able to wait, Brenton removed his fingers and lined himself up with her as he whispered, “Are you ready, baby?”

Farrah quickly nodded and he thrust balls deep inside of her wet heat. Thrusting in and out, he grunted his pleasure as he listened to the sweet sounds she made. As he felt her walls tighten, he sped up, thrusting harder. Her cries told him she was close, so he moved his hand around to her front, rubbing at her clit until she exploded with a loud cry of his name. With two more thrusts, he found his own release and groaned at the feel of her milking him. His eyes shot open then and he looked down at where they were joined.

Farrah was panting slightly, her eyes closed in pleasure when she felt Brenton stiffen behind her. Opening her eyes, she raised her head a bit to look at him. On his face was a panicked look. “Brenton, what’s wrong?”

His eyes moved up to connect with hers as he answered, “I didn’t use protection.”

Farrah smiled as she told him, “It’s alright, Sweetheart, no harm done. I would love to have a baby with you and Everard, but I understand that until this with the rogues is taken care of, a baby is the last thing we need. I suppose I should have grabbed a condom when I came down because I already planned to seduce you.” She gave him a wink as he pulled out. Straightening, she spun around to face him. “I didn’t know where they were though, and right now I’m not fertile anyway.”

Pulling her into his arms he sighed, “I want babies too, but you’re right, now is really not a good time to have one.”

Sighing softly, Farrah leaned into his chest, kissing it softly before asking, “Did you find what you were hunting for?”

“I did, but I was too tired to do anything with it,” Brenton answered. “I’ll get dressed, then look in the safe. I need to go talk to the pack though…”

“The pack can wait, we need to know what those rogues want,” Farrah huffed.

“I know,” Brenton agreed. “Let’s go get Everard up and dressed. Then we’ll go into the office and see what the safe holds, if anything.”

Farrah gave him a nod and left the kitchen.

Brenton pulled his briefs back on after cleaning himself with a damp paper towel. Then he followed her up.

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