Fated for Two

Chapter 25

“I began working as soon as I was old enough because Mom and I needed the extra income with Dad gone. After graduation all I did was work, trying to drown out the emptiness that followed me like a dark cloud. The pack was gone, and I feared the chance of ever having a mate was gone with it. I was only fourteen when the pack wars began, sixteen when they ended with our pack annihilated by the pack two towns over from ours. The alpha of the Greenwich Pack destroyed not only us but the two packs between us and him. He had been wanting the other two packs for some time and we had helped them out when they needed us because we were bigger. However, he came in the dead of the night and burned them to the ground before moving on to us. He didn’t want our pack, didn’t want the pack’s land, all he wanted was to prove his pack was bigger and better than we were.”

The two men sat silent as she took deep breaths to regain her composure.

“Sorry, that wasn’t what we were even talking about, so, moving on,” Farrah said with a huff. “Anyway, I’ll admit there was a guy in my pack when I was thirteen before the war started. He was already sixteen and I thought he might possibly be my mate because he showed an interest in me after he turned sixteen. He was sweet and would sometimes walk me home when my parents couldn’t come pick me up. He lived on the same street, so I guess my parents didn’t think anything of it, or maybe they already figured he was my soulmate because of his interest. He never said anything, so I could be completely wrong about the soulmate thing, after all, I have the two of you now.” She stopped to clear her throat. “When I found out he had been killed, well, I had a lot of “what if” moments when I thought about him. Turning sixteen is an exciting time for most she-wolves because it means we’re finally old enough to begin the search for soulmates and I thought perhaps I’d lost mine already. It seemed like I was right when two years later at eighteen I still hadn’t found him.

“Then by the time I’d reached twenty I’d all but given up, so I decided I’d talk to this human that I worked with. Marcus was a gentleman and he made sure the crazies stayed away from me where I worked in a bowling alley part-time. On Friday and Saturday nights we were open late, and a lot of drunks came in. They were always causing trouble for young women. So, one night I asked Marcus if he’d like to go out for coffee after our shift ended. He’d told me one time that he couldn’t just go home and go to bed because he needed to unwind first. We talked and he walked me home.”

“So, you kissed him after having coffee with him?” Brenton growled.

Farrah shook her head at him as she told him, “No, I didn’t. We went out for coffee for months before I was brave enough to let him kiss me when he asked. The thing is, when he kissed me, I felt nothing except that it was all wrong. I think he felt that way too because even though we continued to be friends, he never asked to kiss me again.”

Brenton and Everard both gave her a nod. They were happy now that the jealously they felt was satisfied.

“Perhaps we should go to the office now?” Farrah asks. “It would seem we’ve forgotten what we’re here for and what Everard wished to tell us about Mason.”

Both men stood, almost in sync with each other. In moments the three of them were in the office, the door locked. Brenton’s shoulders were stiff once more as he looked around the familiar room.

“So, this was where the alpha did his thing?” Farrah asked. “Did the two of you get called in here when you were naughty because nobody could hear you scream in here?”

Everard chuckled and Brenton turned to give her a narrow-eyed look.

Farrah gave him an innocent look as she asked, “What? It was a good question.”

“I’ll bring you in here when you’re naughty so nobody will hear you scream,” Brenton replied.

Farrah smirked, sashaying over to him to run her fingertips down his chest. She then suggestively asked, “Hm, do you promise, Sugar? Cause, I don’t want you getting me all hot and bothered over nothing.”

Brenton let out a low growl, not of anger, but of arousal at his mate’s teasing.

“I think she’s got your number,” Everard mentioned in his own arousal thickened voice from behind Farrah.

“You know, I believe I told you one time that I liked you shirtless, yet for some reason, I rarely see you that way,” Farrah continued, licking her lips slowly. She gazed up into Brenton’s eyes, watching them darken with his need, and knew hers were doing the same.

Brenton grinned and quickly pulled off his shirt. He then began moving around the desk, using his shirt to clean the dust from it. Next, from the far side of the desk, he turned and growled, “Come here, baby, I’d like to show you what happens to naughty girls now.”

Farrah slowly made her way around the desk toward Brenton. Her heartbeat picked up along with her breathing, as she thought about what he might be fixing to do.

Brenton caught her by the waist, lifting her onto the empty desktop before skimming his nose down her neck. His lips landed on her mating marks, bared by the thin straps of her sundress, and gently kissed it. As she moaned, her head dropping back, he pushed the straps of her sundress off her shoulders. As he nipped and sucked at the mark, he’d given her, his hands cupped her breasts and squeezed gently.

Farrah’s hands came up, gripping his neck as her body arched toward him. The scent of arousal filled the air as he moved one hand to push the hem of her dress up.

“Mm… I’m really loving these dresses you wear,” Brenton murmured as his fingers moved slowly over her thighs, moving further and further up as she whimpered and begged for his touch. His fingers finally came to the juncture of her thighs, and he pulled back with a grin. “No panties? Aren’t you a naughty girl?”

Farrah gave a nonchalant shrug, saying, “I’m a shifter, what do I need those for? Most of you men go commando.”

“You could accidentally flash one of the pack males if your dress blew up in the wind,” Brenton suggested, “and we wear pants. I can’t flash anyone while wearing pants.”

“Naw, my dress isn’t that big around,” Farrah disagreed.

Everard stepped closer to stand next to Brenton. He ran one of his fingers over her left shoulder, across the mark he’d given her, as he murmured, “You could bend over and flash someone that way.”

Farrah snickered and gave him a flirty wink as she said, “The only man I’d bend over in front of hoping to entice is you, Everard. I know how you enjoy the view of my backside, bare or clothed.”

“Mm-hm, as much as Brenton here enjoys the view of your front side,” Everard agreed.

“So, maybe I should bend over and push my cleavage in his face?” Farrah asked as she bent at the waist slightly causing the bodice of her dress to gap and show her breasts. The view they both now had caused them to groan.

“You are such a naughty girl, teasing us that way,” Brenton whispered as he ran his thumb over her lower lip.

Farrah sucked his thumb into her mouth and suckled as she watched him, her eyes hooded with desire.

Brenton drew in a sharp breath as the feel of her mouth on his thumb gave him the urge to have her suck something else. He said, “Does my baby need something to suck on?”

It was Farrah’s turn to inhale sharply as his innuendo hit her hard. The image made her whimper and become wet at the juncture of her thighs.

Everard chuckled and moved his own hand to join Brenton’s between her thighs, commanding, “Move your thighs wider apart for us, baby.”

Farrah did as she was asked and felt their fingers invade her folds, working together to pleasure her. Her head dropped back, Brenton’s thumb leaving her mouth with a pop as she groaned at the double invasion. “Please.”

“Please, what?” Brenton asked, pushing her dress further down to uncover her breasts. He bent slightly so he could suck one of her nipples into his mouth.

“I need… please, I need more,” she begged in a whisper.

With her request, their fingers left her, and she raised her head with a whine at the loss. Everard pushed her to lay flat on the desk as Brenton moved back. Her eyes were half mass as she watched Everard push down his shorts and Brenton move out of her sight.

“We’ll give you what you want, baby,” Brenton whispered in a husky voice.

His voice near her head had her tilting it to see him now standing next to her head. She asked, “What?”

Brenton chuckled as he pushed down his own shorts, saying, “You seemed to want something to suck on…”

Her eyes widened at what he was saying. She’d done a lot of things with her mates since they’d made love the first time, but never this and never something so sexual with all three of them together. She couldn’t help the hitch in her breath though at the thought of sucking Brenton off while Everard relieved the ache of need between her thighs. Just the thought of it had her belly quivering and her core tingling in anticipation.

Brenton gently moved her head, so it was hanging over the edge of the desk, one of his hands wrapped in her hair. He used the hand in her hair to slightly turn her head to the left where he stood next to it.

Farrah could see Brenton’s arousal, large and stiff, and couldn’t help but lick her lips. As he positioned her the way he wanted, she felt Everard’s hands, moving her legs until they were draped over his forearms.

Brenton looked up after he’d positioned her, and asked, “Are you ready, Everard?”

“Always,” Everard said, his extreme arousal showing in the huskiness of his voice.

Farrah gave a moan as she felt Everard push through her folds and thrust himself deep inside her, his hands on her hips holding her in place. She gave a slight cry as he went deeper and as she did, Brenton pushed his own hard shaft into her mouth. With another needy moan, she closed her eyes as her mates pleasured her beyond anything they had done so far.

A little later the three of them sat cuddled up on the leather couch that Brenton had dusted quickly with his t-shirt.

Farrah was feeling drowsy from their lovemaking, but she knew they still needed to talk. So, she asked, “So, Everard, what is this about Mason?”

Everard groaned as he remembered his thoughts from earlier. “I have no clue if I’m even close to being right, yet somehow I think I might be. I was played by Fiona and it makes me so ashamed when I look back on how easy it was for her. Now that I think about it though, I have to wonder if Mason is being played also.”

“In what way?” Brenton asked.

“Well, think about it,” Everard began as he sat up and turned slightly so he could look at the other two. “If Farrah’s scenario is correct, and the more pieces we find the more I think she is, then my uncle is behind this. We may not know what he’ll gain from this, yet, but we will know when we find those papers, I just know it. Think about this, Mason is Warren’s number one man, and Warren maybe even goes as far as telling Mason he will be alpha if anything happens. Now, both Warren and my parents are killed, no papers have been left indicating that Mason is to take over…”

“So, Mason is angry because you step up into the role of alpha,” Brenton muses. “Then he became even angrier when I began to help you out.”

“Yes, and he had no problem with telling me that you shouldn’t be interfering in our pack,” Everard reminds them. “He made it quite clear you had your own pack to run and how you should be off taking care of that instead of meddling in our business. I tried to tell him I needed all the help I could get, but it made no difference.”

“So, not only is he angry to not be alpha, but he’s angry because another alpha is lending a helping hand,” Farrah hummed. “He would be ripe for the enemy to use against you, that is for certain.”

“Agreed,” Brenton said with his own hum. “Okay, so we need to keep an eye on him, see who he chats up the most.”

“In one pack, or in both though?” Farrah asked.

“I’m thinking both,” Brenton began only to stop and look toward the huge window.

“What’s wrong?” Everard asked.

“My wolf senses something wrong,” Brenton murmured as he got up and moved toward the window. Once there, he moved the drapes back and looked out. He growled low and said, “Rogues coming in from the woods. Looks to be at least a dozen of them.”

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