Fated for Two

Chapter 20

Farrah grabbed hold of Everard’s hand and practically dragged him forward, away from his pack to where the platform was. Brenton was already there, speaking low with his beta. He glanced up at their approach though and said, “Shall we get started?”

Everard just nodded.

Brenton turned to face the crowd and let out a loud howl. The field became silent of talk as everyone moved in to see what their alpha wished to tell them.

“Greeting, Phillips and Steward packs. For anyone who may not know us, I am Alpha Brenton Phillips, and this is Alpha Everard Steward. We are all gathered here today because there are things both packs must be told about. There are changes we wish to tell you all about, changes that have to be made and will affect both packs,” Brenton began. A small muttering began, but quickly quieted when he put his hand up. “Some of you probably already know about some of the things that will be discussed, some will have figured it out on your own, and some of you may be completely clueless, but bear with me please.”

Quite a few of those in the crowd answered, “yes, Alpha”, then silence.

Brenton took a deep breath and began once more, saying, “I will begin with years ago for those of you who are new to our pack. I will start at twenty-six years ago, to be exact, when two boys were born. One boy destined to be alpha, one boy the second-born son of an alpha. Those two boys were the sons of Alphas Phillips and Steward. They became the closest of friends from the moment their mothers placed them side by side one sunny afternoon in a crib at Alpha Phillips’ home. From there, Everard and I were as close as two could be, wolf brothers of the heart. As we grew, there was no doubt in my mind that Everard was meant to be my beta since his older brother was the alpha heir of his pack. However, life got in the way and our brotherhood was broken.”

The crowd once more began to make noise.

Brenton gave a low growl, and they were silenced. He continued, “For four years now, I have refused contact with Everard and my anger toward him has known no bounds. A lot of you have been privy to my anger, heard me at my worst.”

Everard stood his face blank, his body tense, staring out at the crowd. Some looked at him with pity, others with anger, while others looked as if they didn’t care one way or another. As for himself, right now, he felt like hurling as his stomach churned violently, but he put on a brave front because he didn’t want to shame his pack by looking weak.

“Four days ago, there was a disturbance at the boundary line. I and five of my warriors went to check it out when patrol told us a car had stopped there. When we arrived, we found the car, straddling the borderline between the two packs, and a woman standing next to it. Alpha Steward had also come after feeling the disturbance at the boundary line. Together we stood over the woman who had fainted and wondered what to do with her.”

“Wondered what to do with me,” Farrah muttered, drawing the attention of both men. “Like I was a fallen tree limb or something that needed to be cleaned up.”

Everard couldn’t help but see the humor and choked back a laugh.

Brenton frowned and gave a slight growl at her interruption.

Farrah turned her head up to glare back at him before saying, “What? It’s only the truth. If you don’t like it then sorry for you, but that’s how you just made me feel. And stop frowning at me Mr. Growly, it isn’t nice and you’re giving me wrinkles again. You know I don’t want wrinkles; I tell you often enough.”

The group closest to the platform gasped, holding their breath as they waited for their alpha to explode.

Brenton clenched his fists, taking a deep breath as he felt anger rise slightly. He felt a bit disrespected by her comments, she was supposed to be silent while he spoke. Feeling a hand on his back, he glanced away from Farrah toward Everard.

Everard gave a slight shake of his head as he whispered, “She didn’t mean any disrespect, Alpha, but felt hurt at your words. Find the humor in it and let us move on, please. I’m tired of having holes of hate drilled into me.”

Brenton turned his gaze once more to the crowd. He saw that Everard was right, he was being glared at by a lot of the pack. Releasing a heavy sigh and relaxing his hands he continued, “When she awakened it became clear to all three of us that she was not only my soulmate but Everard’s also.”

A loud gasp went up and someone shouted, “That is impossible and unheard of in anyone but twin alphas! Even that hasn’t happened in a hundred years or more!”

Brenton looked out over the crowd and spotted the man who had yelled. It was not one of his pack members.

Everard also spotted the man and answered, “Levi, what you say is true, it is mostly unheard of, but not impossible obviously. I will be the first to admit that when it happened it was a shock to the system, and it didn’t go over well with Brenton who left in anger. However, just that morning I had pleaded with the moon goddess to keep me strong. Told her of my longing for a mate to stand beside me and help me be a better alpha for my pack. She sent Farrah and I am blessed.”

“I am blessed also, in finding my mate and in once more having my brother wolf in my life,” Brenton agreed. “Will this change a few things? Certainly, it will. However, it is nothing that we can’t handle because as a pack, as a family, we are strong. Yes, it will be an adjustment on all our parts, but I have no doubts that together we can make this work. That said, if there are any of you, in either pack that decides you don’t wish to be here because of this, you may meet Betas Owen and Mason in Beta Owen’s office tomorrow morning and they will gladly help you in relocating to another pack.”

Brenton paused, but when nothing else was said, he continued, “For now, here is how things will be working. There will be no changes in leadership, both Alpha Steward and I will be co-alphas and our betas will still be in place. Beta Owen and Beta Mason will be working together from now on for the good of both packs. They can tell each other what is needed for the good of both and then they will bring it to Alpha Steward and me. Although, since Alpha Steward has no lead warrior for training, the Steward pack warriors will be combining with ours. My lead warrior will be coming up with a new plan as far as patrols since there will now be more land to patrol. Alpha Steward has mentioned that the rogues have not been bothering him, but since we have been having those issues, I’d like my lead warrior, Richard to come up and address those issues at this time.”

Brenton stepped back as Richard stepped up and began to speak. He took Farrah’s hand in his and let out a relieved sigh. For now, things were calm, and he really hoped they would stay that way.

Everard moved closer, wrapping his arm around Farrah’s waist, and in a very low voice, he murmured, “Ten o’clock and two o’clock. Two wolves, friend or foe?”

Brenton glanced over at the mentioned wolves without moving his head, squinting slightly. He then murmured, “They don’t look like mine, although I do have a couple of wolves running patrol. I have them running in hour shifts, so they don’t miss everything. They should be coming in soon, but not sitting in the woods like that because the next shift needs to know they’re back so they can leave. See, over at the left edge, the two shirtless men? That is the next two, ready to run patrol as soon as the other two return.”

“Ah, and there they are,” Farrah murmured, “four o’clock.”

“The wolves in the woods left as soon as the patrol returned,” Everard murmured. “We are definitely being watched. They want to know what is going on with the two packs.”

“We’ll have to keep our eyes and ears open at all times,” Brenton said. “Be careful who you trust and if there is a possibility of anyone being around, be careful what you say.”

Everard and Farrah nodded in agreement just as Richard finished his speech and stepped down.

Brenton stepped forward once more and said, “Any questions?”

“So, we aren’t combining into one pack?” Someone in the back asked.

“Not at this time,” Brenton answered. “For now, we are still separate packs, but we will be working together.”

“Will Alpha Steward be moving into the pack-house with you and your mate?” A woman called out.

“No. Farrah doesn’t like the idea of so little privacy,” Brenton informed them. “So, for now, I will be staying with her in Alpha Steward’s home. We will be deciding later just where we will live permanently.”

“Your parent’s home is empty,” someone shouted, “have you thought about moving in there?”

Benton stiffened and Farrah rubbed his back gently to calm him. Everard also lay a hand on his shoulder.

Brenton took a deep breath. This is my opening for going to the house and searching for it without questions being raised. So, he answered, “I’ve mentioned my old home to Farrah. She has mentioned that she wouldn’t mind seeing where I grew up. We will be going over there in a few days perhaps, see how the house fares.”

“In other words, we’re leaving our options open at this point,” Farrah added.

“Any more questions?” Brenton asked.

“What pack is your mate from?” Another woman called out.

“My pack was destroyed in the pack wars,” Farrah answered. “My mother didn’t want to leave her home to find a new pack, but I am from Willow’s End, North Dakota.”

“Do you have any family that will be joining you?” A third woman called out.

“It is just my mom and me, and she refuses to leave the place my father and brothers are buried,” Farrah explained, her voice choked with emotion. “So, no, no family will be joining me.”

When no one else said anything, Brenton said, “Let us eat.”

Stepping down off the platform, the three of them, with the two betas behind them, made their way to the alpha’s table which was set up under a huge canopy next to the food canopy. From the crowd, the beta’s families which consisted of two women, one child, and two teens stepped in line to follow them also. Once they had all arrived at the canopy, they began to find their places only to find they were one seat short.

Brenton growled and muttered, “I told them how many places to put around the table.”

“I’m sorry, Alpha,” Owen murmured. “I wasn’t thinking about my daughter being seated with us when I gave a headcount.”

Everard placed a hand on Brenton’s shoulder to gain his attention as he said, “Let Farrah sit on your lap, I know you’ll enjoy that.”

Brenton smirked and quickly sat down to pull Farrah into his lap. Everard sat down also and then Brenton said, “Don’t be jealous now Everard because I get to feed her.”

Everard chuckled and scooted his chair closer so he could run his hand over Farrah’s butt. He then softly answered, “Oh, I won’t because even with her on your lap, I can feed her too, if I wish it.”

“Alpha,” a female voice said from behind them.

Brenton looked up to find a woman standing with a large plate in her hands. He waved his hand toward the table, and she placed it down.

Farrah stared at it as she whispered, “That isn’t a plate, Sweetheart, that is a platter.”

Brenton laughed as he told her, “Well, you know I have a big appetite and most expect us to share because that is how these get-togethers work. The alpha feeds his Lady Alpha. That has been the way of it since my grandfather’s time.”

Another large platter was soon placed in front of Everard and after that, the betas and their families were served. Once that was done, Brenton and Everard both grabbed hold of their forks. Almost as one, they picked up a forkful of food and held it in front of Farrah.

The pack waited, almost holding their breath.

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