Fated for Two

Chapter 16

“She is my mate,” Brenton answered from the doorway.

Both women looked over to find him and Everard standing there.

“Oh, my sweet boy, it is so good to see you again,” Elizabeth squealed as she jumped up and ran to Everard and hugged him. She then pulled back with a frown as she asked, “Have you been sick? You’re so skinny from when I last saw you, nothing but bones.”

“No, ma’am,” Everard whispered. “I just don’t have much of an appetite, too much stress I suppose.”

Elizabeth hummed, looking as if she didn’t quite believe him, but let it go as she gave him another hug.

“Ms. Elizabeth,” Everard softly said, “it has been so long, how have you and that rascal Willard been doing?”

“We’re good. Still just as crazy about each other as we were the day, we met at eighteen,” Elizabeth said. “Have you found your mate yet? I bet she’s a beauty.”

“She is, and you’ve already met her,” Everard said, his voice still quiet.

Elizabeth pulled back and stared up at him, a puzzled look on her face. Everard smiled shyly as he glanced over her shoulder.

Elizabeth moved back, shock now on her face as she turned to face Farrah, saying, “Farrah? She is your mate too?”

“She is,” Everard agreed.

“Oh, oh my,” Elizabeth murmured looking from one to the other in shock, her hand over her heart. “Well, I’ve only ever heard of a she-wolf having two mates one time and that it was to twins.” She shook her head. “All I can say is I’m glad it’s her and not me. I have enough trouble keeping Willard straight, I can’t imagine having two of him to deal with.”

Farrah laughed and stood up as she said, “Elizabeth has been filling me in on your cuteness as babies. It seems the two of you enjoyed cuddling.”

Brenton grunted and Everard turned red causing the women to laugh.

“And they continued to do so until they reached the age where it wasn’t “manly” to snuggle together,” Elizabeth said, making quotes with her fingers. “I see nothing wrong with it though. I have a sister and we’re very close, always have been. We still have girl’s night and get-together, leaving the men to do their thing. Even at sixty-one we still cuddle together and tell our secrets.”

“Yes, well, be that as it may, you are women and it is acceptable to do such things,” Brenton argued.

Elizabeth just snorted and muttered, “Nothing wrong with a good cuddle.”

“That’s right, we’re men and men don’t cuddle,” Everard muttered then, poking his lip out in a pout when he finished.

Although Farrah couldn’t help but notice he looked a bit sad when saying it.

Brenton must have noticed the sad look also because he gave Everard a puzzled look before turning back to the woman. He asked, “So, did you learn anything helpful?”

Farrah nodded and said, “I think so. When Elizabeth brought the suitcases in and saw the mess there was no Lysol smell. I’m thinking whoever did it was still here at that time.”

Brenton frowned and glanced around. Stiffening, he pulled something from his pocket and without a word began to move through the room waving it around.

Farrah opened her mouth, only to have Everard shake his head to silence her.

As Brenton moved toward the suitcases, the black box-looking object in his hand began to flash a red light. He laid it down and opened one of the suitcases. Pulling something out he crushed it beneath his foot before moving on. He did this once more to another suitcase, then again from one of the paintings. Once he was finished, he placed the box back in his pocket and turned to face them again.

“What was that?” Farrah asked.

“That was three electronic bugs or listening devices. I’m guessing they planted one in my room in case I return and the ones in the suitcases in hopes of me taking it wherever I go,” Brenton replied. “I also found one in that mess I call my office and one in Owen’s office. I’m not sure if finding one in his office rules him out or makes him even more devious.”

“Why would beta Owen need to place a listening device in your office and bedroom, Alpha?” Elizabeth asked softly.

Farrah walked over to wrap her arms around Brenton’s waist to give him comfort when he sighed sadly. Everard moved and wrapped his arms around her, and she smiled up at him.

Brenton answered, “Something is going on and we’re trying to figure it all out. That’s all I will say for now.”

“You are dismissed Elizabeth, we’ll take it from here,” Farrah said softly. “Thanks, so much for your help.”

“You’re most welcome,” Elizabeth said. She then turned to leave but turned at the door to mention, “By the way, those two suitcases you found those devices in? I didn’t bring those. I had the two-flat soft-sided ones in one hand and the hard one in the other. I had no room for any more than that.”

“So, whoever was in the room saw an opportunity and took it. Their room must be close if they could slip the suitcases in before she returned,” Farrah mused.

“Not necessarily,” Brenton argued as he watched Everard shut the door. “She had to go get Owen from the training field and that would have to take her some time, not a lot if she ran at wolf speed, but long enough.”

“It’s still worth looking into,” Farrah told Brenton and he nodded in agreement. “So, Elizabeth told me a few things…”

“What kind of things?” Brenton asked.

Farrah proceeded then to tell them all she had learned from the older woman.

Brenton’s frown became harsh as he realized the implications of what he was being told. As he began to pace, he harshly muttered, “So, there really is a possibility that Owen is involved.”

“Perhaps, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Farrah soothed.

“Wait, but you were the one that…” Brenton began to argue as he stopped pacing.

Farrah frowned at Brenton, and he quickly hushed. Walking over to him, she gave him a kiss on the cheek and then continued, “I think you need to feel him out. Obviously, there is a problem of some kind with Owen, but you need to find out if it’s just insecurity about his position or if it’s more. I think what you need to do is call him into your office and talk to him.”

“Oh, really?” Brenton asked with sarcasm. “And just what do you propose I say? Hey, Owen, are you working with the rogue alpha, or are you just mad at me for some reason? Are you the one who trashed our offices? Tell me, I really want to know.”

Everard laughed quietly but stopped when Brenton turned an angry frown at him.

“No, nothing like that,” Farrah told him. “I’m thinking more along the lines of telling him that you had been thinking about Everard a lot lately and then fate placed him in your way along with your mate. Seeing him again yesterday made you realize just how much you truly miss your friendship.”

Brenton huffed, “What about the fact that you’re Everard’s mate too?”

“That is for later,” Farrah told him. “Although, you could confide it in him and tell him that it won’t change the way the packs are run. In some way, let him know that his position is still safe because sharing a mate with Everard doesn’t really change anything.”

“But my wolf isn’t an alpha,” Everard reminded her.

“Honey, I know that,” Farrah said as she hugged him. “But the fact is, for the sake of the pack you still have to play the role of alpha until we have this issue resolved. Once that is resolved we’ll talk about what your role in the pack is, but I don’t think it will ever be beta.”

Everard didn’t look happy, but there was nothing she could do about it right now. Pulling his head down she kissed him and felt Brenton move in behind her, grabbing her by the waist. Pulling from her kiss with Everard she looked up just as Brenton leaned down to kiss her also. As Brenton moved back, she giggled softly and said, “I’m beginning to wonder if there is enough of me to go around.”

Brenton chuckled, saying, “Of course, there is, baby, or the moon goddess wouldn’t have given you to both of us. Now, you and Everard play nice while I go talk to Owen. The sooner we get him straightened out, the sooner we can go home.”

“Home,” Everard whispered.

Brenton looked over at him, and seeing the sad look on Everard’s face, he informed him, “At one time I thought you would be my beta and we would build a huge house big enough for your family and mine. I never dreamed that our life choices would tear us apart, my wolf brother, but we are family again. That means that where your home is, that’s where mine is too.”

Everard gave him a big smile and wrapped one of his arms around Brenton’s back, pulling him close and breathing deeply of their mixed scents. “A home, a family with my mate and my brother wolf. The moon goddess has blessed me this day. Now go brother wolf and talk to your beta. We will finish the packing and get it loaded into your truck. Do you just want your clothes?”

Brenton stepped away and headed for the door as he said, “Yes, although, leave a few items here in case I need them at some point. As far as everything else, once the packs know what is going on then I’ll worry about those things then.”

Everard and Farrah watched him leave, then they turned to quickly finish the packing.

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