Fated for Two

Chapter 14

Everard was right behind him. Walking into the living room they found Farrah on the couch. She patted each side of her and waited. Once the men were seated, she turned as she had the night before, on her knees between them and facing them, and smiled.

“So, tell us, fair lady, what is the plan?” Brenton asked.

Farrah laughed at him as she leaned in and gave him a kiss. She then gave Everard one before saying, “Well, I was thinking…”

“I believe you think too much,” Brenton growled and pulled her onto his lap. “I am through talking, Mate, now I want something else. I’m twenty-six years old and have waited for you. I think I have been aroused since you opened your eyes and looked up at me and now, I’d like to do something about that.”

Farrah stared at him, her eyes wide, then she laughed and exclaimed, “Well, alrighty then!” Turning, she glanced at Everard and asked, “Do you feel that way too?”

Everard gave a nod as his face turned red.

Farrah reached over and pulled him closer as she softly said, “I’m not sure how this will work with three. My mom hit the highlights about mates and mating, but that was about it. Of course, she never said anything about having…”

Brenton placed a finger over her lips, whispering, “Shh… you’re rambling, baby. There is no need to be nervous, we’ll figure this out together. Everard and I are just as puzzled about having a mate together as you are about having two mates.”

Farrah took a deep breath and nodded, saying, “Okay. I just don’t want to make one of you feel less wanted than the other or for one of you to feel neglected.”

“Don’t worry, we won’t,” Brenton soothed as he ran his fingers through her hair. “You are so beautiful. Everard and I have always liked girls with long dark hair and dark eyes. You are the perfect image of what we dreamed of in a mate.”

Farrah glanced over at Everard to find his eyes moving over her body as if wishing her naked. She laughed softly, his head jerked up and his face reddened once more at having been caught. Biting her lip, she decided she wanted them to look at her, so she swiftly pulled off her shirt. Both men inhaled sharply at the sight of her lace-covered breasts.

Brenton groaned, his hand going to cover one breast, giving it a squeeze. Her skin was like peaches and cream, looking as if she rarely showed it to the sun. It was so much lighter than his own, but he loved the contrast. Softly he asked, “Want to know how to really get Everard going?”

Farrah tilted her head and looked at Everard as she asked, “How?”

“Take your pants off, Everard likes the view of a nice plump butt,” Brenton said, “and I bet yours will be just perfect in his eyes.”

Everard’s face once more lit up, and he managed to say, “I agree.”

Farrah stood up and unfastened her jeans as she watched Everard. His face was still red, but his eyes were glued to the bottom half of her. With a smile she turned slightly, putting her backside to face him as she slid her jeans down. Everard let out a groan as she bent over to pull the jeans over her feet. As she straightened, Everard reached out, grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into his lap, her back to his front.

Everard groaned again, burying his face in her hair as he ground her butt into his now hard erection. He was breathing fast as he nipped at her neck.

Brenton moved around to kneel on the floor. Moving Farrah’s legs so that they hung over the sides of Everard’s, he moved Everard’s legs apart so he could move between them. Next, he leaned closer, pulling down her bra straps before latching on to her left breast with his mouth, her right breast with his hand. With his free hand, he pushed her panties aside and began to fondle her damp folds. He soon felt Everard’s fingers join his and they began to work together to bring their mate pleasure.

Farrah moaned, her body heating up quickly. She tossed her head on Everard’s shoulder, her hands gripping Brenton’s hair tightly, as her hips bucked under their onslaught. She was so close to falling over the edge she could feel her stomach tensing in preparation. Her hips jerked up, so close to release, a cry falling from her lips as she panted for breath. She begged, “Please!”

Just as she hit her peak and cried out, a cell phone began to ring. Blaring loudly and bringing all three of them from their lusty haze jarringly.

Farrah blinked her eyes, whining about them being interrupted. At the same time, both men growled at the interruption, just as the ringing stopped.

“What?” Farrah began.

The ringing began again, and Brenton growled loudly as he pulled a phone from his pocket. He muttered, “I should never have let Owen talk me into this stupid contraption. I knew one day it would ruin my life.”

Farrah had to giggle at the pout now on the big, bad, alpha’s face.

“Cock blocking phone,” Brenton growled before answering, “Phillips.”

“Alpha, we have a problem,” Owen said on the other end of the line.

Brenton growled and asked, “What happened?”

“Elizabeth went to pack your clothing as you requested this morning. She found your room had been tossed.”


“Yes, Alpha they tossed the room. Clothing and papers were thrown everywhere. I looked in, but I have no way of knowing if anything was taken.”

“Did you pick up any scents?”

“Lysol. It was sprayed so strongly it burned my nose.”

“Did Elizabeth see anyone in the room?”

“No, but she did say she’d been in there earlier and had pulled out your suitcases. She decided they wouldn’t be enough, so she went to find more. While she was looking, Ferris asked her to get his laundry for washing and so it was more than an hour before she returned to your room. That’s when she found it tossed, “as if a tornado had blown through,” her words.”

Brenton growled again, tugging at his hair as he stood and began pacing. “All right, I’ll be there in a few minutes to look through everything. Was my room all that was disturbed?”

“I don’t know.”

“Have you been to your office, your room?”

“No, I’ve been out in the training field all morning,” Owen answered. “Then I went to lunch before heading back out. Elizabeth found me on the field.”

“All right. Check your room and office and I’ll check my office when I get there.”

“Yes, sir,” Owen said before disconnecting the call.

Brenton turned to face Farrah, who was now standing fully dressed, and Everard who was standing behind her. “It would seem that someone is getting antsy about me moving and tossed my room.”

“We should get over there,” Farrah advised.

“Agreed,” Everard said.

They all headed out the door and climbed into Brenton’s truck.

Brenton peeled out of the driveway, anger coursing through him at the violation he felt. How dare someone go through his things like that? He might have been able to deal with his office being torn apart, but they had the nerve to go through his room, his personal belonging. That angered him beyond all rationality. Whoever this person was, was a dead man, or woman, walking right now.

Less than ten minutes later they were pulling up in front of Brenton’s pack-house. The men got out of the truck first, then waited for Farrah before they began walking toward the double doors.

Farrah looked around, seeing a few people around and about. Some completely ignored them, others stopped what they were doing to stare. Looking back at the house, she saw it was quite big, three stories and looked more like an apartment building because of all the windows instead of a house. It did, however, have a huge covered-over front porch with multiple places to sit and even a few small tables.

Everard walked slowly behind the other two. His mind was split between the joy of being here after so long, and the nervousness of how the pack would react to his presence. Most would still remember him, remember what had happened and how their alpha had reacted. He knew a lot of them would hold him responsible for the death of their former alpha, just as Brenton had. He knew it would all have to be explained, but that was tomorrow’s worry.

Moving a bit faster, he caught up with Farrah, and now that he was closer to Brenton, he realized he could feel anger from his friend in waves. He saw the tightly held body, the fisted hands, and knew his friend needed to calm down. If he didn’t, he would scare everyone, and they would get no answers as to what had happened today. There was a time when I could have calmed Brenton down easily, but that was a long time ago, so it would be best if Farrah is the one to do it today.

So, stepping closer to Farrah, Everard leaned in and whispered, “You need to calm him down before he explodes.”

Farrah’s head swung forward as she focused on Brenton. Moving swiftly, she took his hand and leaned into him, whispering. Brenton glanced down at her.

Everard watched Brenton’s body instantly relax as he answered her. Everard took that moment to casually look around for anything out of place. He stiffened slightly as he noticed a lone wolf sitting at the edge of the forest, not moving. From the distance, Everard didn’t know if it was friend or foe but knew he needed to tell Brenton. So, closing the distance between himself and the other two, he said softly, “Lone wolf, at the edge of the forest, nine o’clock, watching.”

Brenton leaned in toward Farrah as if to say something so he could look without being obvious. As soon as he spotted the wolf, he gave a nod and straightened. By that time the three of them had reached the porch. After walking up the stairs, Brenton opened the door for Farrah to walk in ahead of him.

Everard kept an eye on the lone wolf and noticed it left as soon as Brenton and Farrah were out of sight. Stepping inside, he saw Farrah and Brenton looking at him. He murmured, “The wolf left as soon as you were no longer in sight.”

“So, it could be someone who needs to be here now that I am and will be missed if they aren’t,” Brenton murmured back.

“Could be,” Everard agreed. “I’m just hoping it isn’t your beta since you told him to check his office. If it was him, he had time to throw a few things around.”

Brenton growled again before saying, “I never even thought of that when I asked him.”

“Is that your beta?” Farrah asked as she noticed a man walking toward them from the hallway to their left.

Brenton turned and nodded as he said, “Owen.”

“Alpha, my suite was untouched, although, that could be because my mate was home all morning. However, my office was gone through. I’m going to assume yours was too, but it was locked so I have not entered it,” Owen answered with a bow of respect toward his alpha. “They pulled all the files out of the cabinets as if they were looking for something in a big hurry.”

Brenton felt his anger return, full force as a loud growl left him. He grabbed Farrah’s hand and almost pulled her down the hall as he moved rapidly down it. Coming to the end, he pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. Swinging it open with a hard shove, he stopped to stare at the destruction. His desk was overturned, the file cabinets standing open and files littered the floor.

Farrah gasped as she said, “This wasn’t someone looking for something Brenton. This was someone angry because they have been unable to find what they are looking for and they want you to know they’ve been looking.”

Everard moved forward then and stared into the room, giving a whistle before saying, “A whole lot of anger. I don’t know how important this stuff was, but it will take days to sort it all out. I’ll be more than happy to help you, Brenton, if you need it.”

Brenton snarled, turning as he prepared to lash out at Everard. His thoughts churned in his head, cruel and harsh. This is his fault. If he hadn’t fallen for that stupid woman, my parents wouldn’t be dead. I wouldn’t be fighting a rogue alpha and I surely wouldn’t be worried about a mole in my pack.

Everard saw the anger in Brenton’s eyes. In his mind, he knew Brenton was just lashing out in anger, but in his heart, he knew Brenton still blamed him for the death of his parents. He knew Brenton always would and he shuddered, bowing his head and preparing himself for the onslaught.

Farrah saw it. She perceived Brenton was going to take his anger out on Everard. She watched as Everard prepared himself for the blow, physically and mentally. She also observed, for just a moment before it was gone, a smirk on the face of Owen. Moving swiftly, she positioned herself between the two men as she growled at Owen, “Leave, now.”

Owen started, then frowned at her before saying, “I am the beta of this pack…”

Farrah interrupted and said, “I don’t really care who you are right now. I am your alpha’s mate; therefore, I outrank you and I’m telling you to leave.”

Owen growled low but turned and left.

Farrah turned to the two males and pushed them into the office before shutting the door. She then growled, “Brenton, if you take your anger out on Everard, I’m going to hurt you!”

Brenton turned to scowl at her, low growls of anger rumbling through him. Knowing she was right about his plan he swung away. He then took a moment to survey the mess that was his office as he yanked his fingers through his hair trying to calm the beast inside. He needed someone or something to take his anger out on.

Farrah sighed and wrapped her arms around Brenton as she murmured, “Sugar, anger won’t change what happened here. You need to calm down and let’s try and sort this out. I also have something to tell you that I don’t think you’re going to like.”

“What could possibly make this,” Brenton waved his hand at the mess in his office, “any worse?”

Farrah took a deep breath and then let it out slowly as she told him, “Owen.”

Brenton swung his angry eyes her way as he asked, “What about Owen?”

“When you became so enraged, you had that look on your face, a look that said you wanted to kill someone,” Farrah began. “Everard immediately prepared himself to be on the receiving end of your anger. Owen saw it and smirked. He looked like a man who was pleased with himself over something.”

Brenton was stunned, losing his anger in his confusion about what he was hearing. Owen had been nothing but a faithful beta since the day Brenton had put him in the position. Owen’s father had been a good warrior for Brenton’s father and had lost his life fighting for the Phillips Pack in the pack wars. Feeling so confused, he questioned, “Why would Owen do something like this?”

“Maybe he’s feeling insecure about his position?” Farrah suggested.

Brenton shook his head as he muttered, “He shouldn’t. Even if we combine the packs, I’ll still need a beta because Everard is still an alpha.”

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