Fated For Lycan's Luna

Chapter 101

I gazed at the familiar road that led to the Silver Pack, my heart unsettled within me and I was feeling a lot of mixed emotions.

After agreeing to return, Blake wasted no time arranging for our homecoming. Surprisingly, some members of the Red Moon Pack showed reluctance of letting me go. Vanessa, on the other hand, could not wait push me away.

To ensure my comfort, Blake instructed everyone to give me space and rest. From the moment we left the Red Moon Pack, although everyone was respectful, no one has said a word to me. Walking beside me, Blake's presence was reassuring, but I couldn't help but notice the sorrow etched on his face. He was giving me the space and time I needed and does not talk with me, yet he glanced at me every few minutes. It was as if he was afraid I would vanish before his eyes. It was as if he was guarding me with unwavering devotion.

A few hours has passed like this. Just then, someone approached us.

“King Blake, I have something to report,” it was a beta who urgently talked to Blake. Blake's cold eyes turned to the beta before his eyes flickered to mine. I cleared my throat and pretended to be engrossed to the book I was reading. Blake hesitated for a moment, before he quietly walked away, promising to return soon.

Just a few moments after he left, I felt a sudden poke on my back, startling me. I turned around swiftly and saw a familiar looking face.

It was Arthur, his eyes filled with intensity as he looked at me without blinking. Surprised, I took a step back, almost losing my balance. Fortunately, Arthur acted quickly, preventing me from falling. "Dear lord...! Don't fall...! Chloe, I'm not ready to die yer!" he exclaimed, panic evident in his voice. His reaction confused me, and I blinked in surprise, trying to comprehend his words. "Why would you die?" I asked with a hesitant voice, seeking an explanation. Arthur rolled his eyes, his expression exasperated, before he let out a sigh. "Don't you know? Blake would kill me if you fell!"

"He won't even let anyone come near you!" he explained, his tone laced with a mix of fear and amusement.

His words left me feeling flustered and a bit uneasy. Arthur had been one of my closest friends, but I had severed ties with everyone, including him, when I left the Silver Pack.

Sensing my discomfort, Arthur's own sheepishness became apparent, and he tried to lighten the mood. He waved his hands in the air before bursting into laughter. "Well, it's good to have you back," he said with a warm smile, his arms outstretched for a hug.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. But realizing that reconnecting with old friends could be a positive step, I embraced him, returning the hug. However, before our embrace could fully unfold, a strong grip suddenly seized Arthur by the collar, forcefully pulling him away.

It was Blake, his eyes burning with possessiveness and protectiveness. He glared at Arthur and issued a stern warning, "Don't touch Chloe.”

Arthur's eyes widened in surprise, and he quickly raised his hands in surrender. "Yeah, yeah. I won't touch your mate. She's all yours. I'll just look at her when I do a check-up for your child,” he quipped dramatically, attempting to ease the tension in the air. Blake's intense glare made it clear that he wasn't taking any chances.

After a few hours, we finally reached the entrance gate of the Silver Pack. It hadn't changed much since I left—still beautiful, grand, and yet, simple in its elegance. The complex feeling in my heart turned stronger as I looked at the familiar gate.

'A gate to my home..." I thought before freezing. Then, I started to feel depressed.

Clearly, before I left, I resolved to forget about this warm place. But in the end, it really turned out that I was unsuccessful.

When we entered, to my surprise, a large crowd had gathered there, their attention fixed on me. My heart skipped a beat, and nerves began to creep in.

They were all people I knew... The people who showed me warmth and respect. Suddenly, I couldn't help but feel ashamed for running away and causing so much trouble. Would they all hate me now? Maybe, it was a mistake to come back?

Amidst my unease, my eyes met Teacher Astor's gaze. I froze, before hurriedly looking away. Fear and shame overwhelmed me. I could not... meet my teacher's eyes, afraid to see hate... And worse... Disappointment in them.

Before I could gather my thoughts, someone came running towards me, desperate to embrace me. The person was moving too quickly, but Blake was faster. He swiftly grabbed me and moved me aside, leaving the person embracing thin air.

It was Carrie. Carrie didn't seem bothered by the missed embrace and started crying uncontrollably. "Chloe... Chloe..." she sobbed.

"You're back! Why did you take so long? I've been waiting for you for so long!" Carrie sat on the ground, weeping with all her might. My heart ached seeing her like that. What was initially an awkward encounter turned into a flood of emotions. I joined her on the ground and gently wiped away her tears.

"I'm sorry, Carrie," I whispered softly. Carrie heard my apology and forcefully wiped away her tears. Then, she lunged at me again, but Blake remained vigilant. He swiftly scooped me up in a princess- style carry, not allowing Carrie to reach me. Carrie glared at Blake, scolding him, "Blake! What the hell! I just wanted to hug Chloe!" sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Blake met her gaze with a stern expression. "You can hug her, but can't you be more careful?" he retorted firmly. "What if our baby gets hurt?" His words hung in the air, causing the crowd to freeze in surprise.

Suddenly, in the middle of the silence, I heard footsteps. I turned my head and saw Lyra standing there, and I couldn't help but feel surprised. Despite the smile on her lips, I sensed that her eyes were trying to convey something to me. It was a fleeting moment, though, as her expression changed when she blinked. I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"You're back?" I managed to say, a mixture of surprise and happiness in my voice. "And, as I heard, even back with a baby?" I continued, my words hanging in the air. Everyone's attention shifted to me, their eyes locked onto my face, waiting for confirmation. I felt my cheeks turn hot, a blush creeping up. I nodded, suddenly feeling a rush of nervousness engulf me. How would the pack react to this news?

There was a moment of silence, a pause that seemed to stretch on forever. And then, as if a dam had burst, everyone erupted into cheers and applause. I was taken aback by their overwhelming support, and a sense of joy swelled within me. The pack was happy for me, for us.

But amidst the jubilation, I noticed Lyra in my periphery, her gaze fixed on me in a strange manner. I couldn't shake off the feeling of apprehension that washed over me. Instinctively, I found myself covering my belly with my hands, as if to protect the tiny life growing within. Yet, I quickly dismissed my unease, telling myself it was just fatigue playing tricks on my mind.

"I'm tired,” I whispered to myself, trying to brush off the uneasiness. "I must be seeing things wrong." But deep down, a nagging doubt lingered, leaving me wondering what Lyra's gaze truly meant.

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