Fate of the Empires

Chapter 7: City of Lies

We are divided! Draccus is missing and Jun has gone off to infiltrate the Shadow Guild. Magnus and I have been assigned with finding Draccus. The real challenge for us will be putting our differences aside long enough to be an efficient team. It’s not that I hate him; I just can’t stand being around him for more than a few moments at a time.

Jun was the first to discover that Draccus was gone. There was obviously a struggle and not much effort to cover it up. I haven’t seen Jun angry before, but this morning he was out for blood. He seems to think the Shadow Guild had something to do with Draccus’ disappearance. He said he was going to have a word with the man we met yesterday on the docks. I hope Jun doesn’t do anything foolish. I don’t want to lose him too.

Before Jun left he told Magnus and I to sniff around and see if we could find out anything. We are to meet him back at the inn tonight at midnight. I don’t like this separation, but I must keep a clear head. The longer I am around Jun the more my emotions seem to be spiraling out of control. I catch myself gazing at him, taking pleasure in his smile and comfort in his words. Why does he make me feel this way? In the name of Arus, focus!

Magnus and I begin by examining the site of the struggle by the stables across from the inn. There is dried blood on the ground in a few different places. The dirt is littered with many different tracks. Whoever attacked did so in force. The stables are empty. The horses and the urruk are missing. “I found something,” Magnus calls to me.

“What is it?” I approach him.

“It’s a dart of some kind,” Magnus touches the tip of the dart, “It’s laced with something.”

Magnus tastes the residue from the dart. “Should you be doing that?” I ask.

“It’s a sedative.”

“How do you know?

“Part of my studies at the tower involved working with herbs and toxins to make potions, salves, that kind of thing. We also created some powerful sedatives for certain organizations that shall remain unnamed. This particular concoction is made from the yusra plant which is found only on Orrock.”

“The yusra plant?”

“Yes, the sap from the yusra plant is one of the few things that can break down an Orrock’s immune system. Whoever attacked Draccus knew what they were doing.”

“If they drugged him odds are he’s still alive. We had better act quickly.”

“Let’s see if Alarra may know where this dart came from.”

Magnus and I hurry inside the Black Widow Inn to find Alarra waiting for us just inside the open doorway. She wears a slinky black dress that immediately catches the mage’s attention. I don’t like this woman. There is something twisted in her aura and it makes me uneasy. She flashes a devilish smile. “You wanted me?” she asks as she leads us towards the front desk.

The entire lobby is unusually well lit. All of the windows and doors to the inn are open this morning. It’s not half as eerie in the light. The front desk is carved entirely out of marble. It is rather exquisite considering the plain stone that the rest of the building is made from. “What can I do for you?” Alarra crosses her legs and hops up on the desktop.

“We need information,” I say sternly.

“Ah yes, about your friend,” Alarra replies with a smile.

“What do you know?” I ask forcefully.

“I know nothing,” Alarra keeps up her smile, “What sort of information do you seek?”

“We found this in the street,” Magnus holds up the dart, “It’s laced with a very powerful sedative and we were wondering where it might’ve come from.”

Alarra takes the dart from Magnus. She holds it to her nose and takes in a deep breath. “Ah, yusra,” Alarra says as she hands the dart back to Magnus.

“That’s what I deduced as well,” Magnus says suavely, “Not common to these parts, but then again since Cove imports from all over the world I suppose it wouldn’t be too difficult to get a hold of either.”

“True, however, there are few that have the skill to make this sedative.”

“Do you have the name of one who can?” I ask, growing tired of playing around.

“Well, I can’t be certain, but I would start at the Seaside General Store by the docks,” Alarra keeps looking at Magnus, “Ask for Mortimor.”

Magnus takes Alarra’s hand. “Thank you, my dear,” he kisses her hand, “I will return your kindness…later.”

Another grin creeps across Alarra’s face. You manipulative wench! There is something sinister in the way she looks at men and Magnus is no different. I don’t entirely trust her information either, but since we don’t have anything else to go on… “Let’s go,” I say as I walk towards the front door.

Magnus eventually follows me out and we begin our long walk towards the docks. The sun has actually made a break in the clouds casting light into the streets of this dismal city. Nothing in this place is what it seems to be. I sense evil all around. There is so much of it I cannot pick out what is good and what is not. There is just a haze of evil that covers all of Cove. The sooner we leave here the better.

It is almost midday by the time we reach the docks. The Seaside General Store is easy enough to find for it is the smallest building around. The one-story shop is fashioned to look like a small ship. It must be popular with visitors, if indeed any visitors stop here. On the side of the building is an opening with a cloth draped down over it. We decide to let ourselves in.

The inside of the shop is dark. There is a strong smell of fish throughout the whole room. The walls are lined with shelves that hold mostly fishing equipment. Open barrels and crates fill up the rest of the shop. Each crate and barrel contains different merchandise. Rope, clothing, patch kits for sails, dried rations, feed for livestock, fresh fruit, some rare spices, and of course fish.

An old man sits behind a wooden counter with a ledger, a quill, and a short stack of silver coins. He appears to be recording his profits in the ledger. His gray hair comes down passed his ears. It is stringy and tangled. His breeches are tattered on the bottom of the legs and his tunic, which may have once been white, is now a dingy yellow. I think the smell in the shop may be coming more from him than the fish.

He looks up as we enter. “Sorry, we are closed for lunch,” he addresses us.

As much as I hate to admit it, Magnus has a better way with people than I do so we have decided to let him do the talking. “That’s alright,” Magnus approaches the counter, “We’re not here to make a purchase.”

The shopkeeper puts his ledger and quill under the counter. He scoops up his silver and puts it in a small cloth sack. “Then what do you want?”

“We’re looking for Mortimor,” Magnus looks the shopkeeper directly in the eyes, “He may be able to help us with a matter of great importance.”

“I’m Mortimor and if the Guild sent you I’m already paid up for the week.”

“No, we’re not from the Guild.”

“Then what do you want?”

Magnus tosses the dart onto the counter. “I want to know what you can tell me about this.”

There is an instant of sheer panic in Mortimor’s eyes. He doesn’t show it in his face, but he has seen this item before. “I’ve never seen it before,” he says without hesitation.

“You’re lying,” I say.

“She would know,” Magnus adds, “So why don’t we do this the easy way? You tell me what you know and we’ll leave and forget this whole conversation ever happened.”

“I’m not saying anything to you two!” Mortimor remains defiant.

“I guess we’ll do this the hard way,” Magnus glances back at me, “Leaia.”

We also agreed that I have a better way with sharp weapons and when talking isn’t the answer it’s up to me to be more persuasive. Arus forgive me, but we need answers! I draw my sword and slam it into the counter!

Mortimor runs for the back door. Magnus whispers something and in flash appears in front of the old man at the doorway. The mage grabs Mortimor and holds him still. I walk up and place my blade against his throat. Threatening someone like this is not my way, but how can one show honor to those that have none?! “Now you can either tell us what we want to know or she can start cutting and we’ll find out how long you live with your blood on the ground instead of in your veins where it belongs!” Magnus threatens.

“Don’t kill me, please!” the old man pleads, “I’ll tell you everything I know!”

I lower my sword. “Good,” Magnus escorts Mortimor back to the counter, “Now tell us about this dart.”

“I only make the darts. I don’t ask what they are used for.”

“Who did you make this one for?”

“There is a bandit group called the Ring of Blades. They are independent from the Shadow Guild. I sometimes do jobs for them because they pay me, unlike the Guild who just take, take, take. Two days ago they came to me and asked for a sedative that would work on an Orrock. The pay was good so I took the job.”

“Where can we find them?”

“That I don’t know. They always come to me.”

“Who would know?”

“Sir Wolfeguard, captain of the knights brigade. He’d never admit it, but I know he has hand in every crime organization in Cove.”

“Elric?” I say a bit shocked.

“You know him?”

“We’re acquainted with him,” Magnus replies, “Thank you Mortimor and don’t worry, I am a man of my word. We didn’t get this information from you. This conversation never happened.”

“Thank you, sir,” Mortimor grovels, “I’m just trying to make a living. You understand.”

Magnus and I leave the shop. The corruption of this city knows no bounds! How could I have been so naïve to think that Elric might have been pure? He has taken the nobility of knighthood and soiled it with lies! “We need to have a talk with Elric,” I say holding in my rage.

It doesn’t take long for us to find the knights’ barracks. It is another of the converted castle-like structures. The knights probably live like lords within its walls thanks to their leader. Two guards block us at the outer gate. “No outsiders are permitted here,” one of the guards says.

“We need to speak to Elric!” I demand.

“If Sir Wolfeguard wishes to speak to you, he will find you,” the guard replies.

Magnus turns to me. “Are you prepared to take on all the knights of Cove?” he whispers.

“If that’s what it takes to find Draccus,” I answer.

“Good,” Magnus grins, “Play time!”

With a wave of his hand and a few words in the arcane tongue a force of energy knocks the guards through the iron-gate! “After you,” Magnus motions towards the barracks.

I draw my sword and lead the way through the gates. Our entrance must have made a great deal of noise for five knights greet us at the main doors. They were apparently surprised as they bear only their swords having no time to put on their armor. They attack me, but it is poorly coordinated. It’s as though they have never fought alongside each other before.

Magnus holds back while I easily take on our attackers. I do not bring my anger into the fight with me. I keep my sword controlled so as to disarm and incapacitate my opponents rather than cause them permanent injury. At the end of my battle dance I stand with my foes at my feet.

Elric rushes to the door. “What are you doing?!” he shouts, “Are you insane?!”

I hold my blade to his chest. The impure thought of slashing his throat enters my mind! “Tell me where to find the Ring of Blades or I will end your double-dealing right here!”

“What are you talking about?” Elric turns to Magnus, “What is she talking about?”

“Oh I think you know what she’s talking about,” Magnus replies, “A member of our party went missing last night and we have reason to believe the Ring of Blades has something to do with it.”

“Why come to me?”

“Word on the street is that you are the man with all the connections, but if you don’t know what we’re talking about then I guess you’re of no use to us.”


“So you do know something?”

“I may know where to find them, but I had nothing to do with your friend’s disappearance!”

“Then you will take us to them!” I order.

“Alright,” Elric agrees.

More knights rush up behind Elric. “Call them off or I will cut them down,” I threaten.

“Stand down,” Elric orders his men, “I have this under control.”

The knights back off as Magnus and I escort Elric outside the gates. He leads us in the direction we just came from. These bandits better have the answers I seek or the justice of Arus will be unrelenting!

We find ourselves back amongst the rows of massive warehouses on the edge of the docks. A person could get lost very easily in this maze of buildings. Elric strolls so confidently ahead of us as though he walks this path every day. It has crossed my mind that he may be setting us up. I hope Jun is fairing better than we are at this point.

Elric walks up to a warehouse that looks like any other. He knocks three times on the large wooden door. I take no comfort in the fact that none of the buildings have any windows. If this were a trap it would be a good place to spring one. The door opens. “I have some visitors,” Elric says to the unseen person inside the doorway.

“Stay alert,” I whisper to Magnus.

“You don’t have to tell me,” he replies.

We follow Elric into the warehouse. Darkness engulfs us as the door closes behind Magnus. “Arus guide us,” I chant, “Give light within the darkness.”

A small globe of light appears in front of me. It doesn’t illuminate the entire room, but it’s better than walking in the dark. The room is filled with wooden crates of varying sizes. A very narrow walkway leads to the center of the room where it opens up. Torches begin to light as we follow Elric into the open area. The torch fires form a circle around us. The room is now bright enough to see that we are surrounded by about twenty rogues.

A dark-skinned man steps out of the crowd. His head is shaved and his face is adorned with piercings. His structure is more fitting of a warrior than a thief. His armament includes a short sword and a handful of throwing daggers. He looks at Elric. “This is a surprise, Elric,” he says while twirling a dagger.

“I know,” Elric replies.

“I don’t like surprises.”

“I’m sorry, Briggs. I didn’t have much choice in the matter.”

“Well, at least you brought some scenery worth looking at,” Briggs says while eyeing me.

“Are you in charge of this rabble?” I ask.

“She’s also quite direct,” Elric adds.

“I noticed,” Briggs walks deeper into the center circle, “Yes, I lead this “rabble”. My name is Briggs. And you are?”

“That is of no importance to you,” I answer.

“Oh, but it is. You see if we can’t be civilized enough to get passed introductions then I’m afraid we have nothing to talk about.”

He speaks rather eloquently for a gang leader. I will play along for now. “I am Leaia Windamere and this is Magnus Domagus.”

“Well, Leaia Windamere and Magnus Domagus, what can we humble thieves do for you?”

“What did you do with the Orrock?” Magnus asks with a slight irritation in his tone.

“The Orrock? Oh, the Orrock was with you? I’m terribly sorry about that, but the gold the slavers offered us was just too good to pass up.”

“Where are they?!” I shout.

My anger is quickly reaching a point I cannot contain! I am terrified of what may happen if I surrender myself to this power that lies within me! Arus help me! Keep me on the path for justice!

“Now that is not polite. I’ve been kind up until now. I answered your question without fuss and this is how you repay me?”

“You will tell me where the slavers are or you and your unholy band of thieves will not leave this building alive.”

“Is that a fact? I think you forget that we have you quite outnumbered.”

“He does have a point,” Magnus whispers in my ear.

“Just stay close to me,” I whisper back.

“I have a different proposition,” Briggs says arrogantly, “We kill Magnus here and then me and my unholy band of thieves will have our way with you until you beg for mercy!”

I unsheathe my blade. “You are a fool,” I say as I point my sword at Briggs.

“Not from where I’m standing,” Briggs gloats, “Get them!”

Briggs’ men close ranks and begin to move in on us, but they are not fast enough. I didn’t want this. Why couldn’t you wretches listen to reason?! “Sword of Arus!” I shout towards the heavens, “Blade storm!”

The holy light of Arus radiates from my sword. I let go as my one blade becomes many, hovering in the air! All the blades swirl around each other moving faster and faster until they are a hurricane of steel and I am the eye of the storm! The thieves see their doom, but are cut down before they can react. The spell does not last long nor does it need to. As the magical blades become one and return to my hand I can see the devastation my malice has served. Magnus and I are the only ones still standing. Did I serve justice or my own feelings of hate?

Not all the thieves are dead. The unlucky ones will die slowly from blood loss. I do not see Elric amongst the bodies. He must’ve slipped out somehow. I guess I underestimated him. Briggs lays face down with some deep lacerations in his back. I walk over to him and turn him face up. His eyes are open. He’s alive, but he is fading fast.

“Where are the slavers?” I interrogate.

Briggs spits up some blood. “Why should I…tell you…now that I’m…already…dead?”

“Because I have the power to heal you.”

“Promise me…you’ll heal…me.”

“I promise.”

“Their ship is anchored…on the north side of the…port…near dock…sixteen. They sail…today. That is…all I know.”

I place my hand on Briggs’ chest. “By the will of Arus your wounds are binded,” as I chant the holy incantation a healing glow transfers from my hand into Briggs’ body.

Briggs falls unconscious. He will live. Magnus walks up behind me. “Did he talk?”

“Yes, we need to get to dock sixteen right now.”

“Alright,” Magnus turns towards some crates, “Exuro!”

Fire ignites on the crates! “What are you doing?”

“Creating a distraction in case Elric returns with his knights.”

“I promised I would heal him!” I point to Briggs.

“And you kept your word! Now let’s get out of here before this whole place goes up!”

The fire quickly spreads from one crate to the next. I hastily follow Magnus outside before the flames go out of control. I stop just passed the door and look back at the burning warehouse. Magnus grabs me. “What is wrong?”

“I have to pull him out of there!”

“Why? If he lives he will only try to get revenge and we don’t need that right now! So come on!”

Magnus drags me away from the warehouses. I feel horrible inside, but he is right. If there is a chance to save Draccus I need to focus entirely on that. We run as fast as we can towards the docks. Briggs said the ship leaves today. I only hope we get there before it does.

It is late afternoon by the time we reach dock sixteen. Some dockworkers load up a very small merchant ship with crates, but it is the only ship in this area of the port. I stop one of the workers. “Excuse me, was there another ship in this area?” I ask the sweaty worker.

“Yes, but that ship left hours ago,” the worker answers quickly then goes right back to work.

I look at Magnus. “We’re too late.”

“It’s alright,” Magnus attempts to comfort me.

“No it’s not! I should’ve tried harder! I should’ve been faster!”

What is this?! Tears?! What is wrong with me?! Pull it together! Stop being so weak!

“Leaia, this is not your fault! You and I did the best we could. And we both know it will take a lot more than a few slavers to take that lizard down. We will find him. Did that thief say anything else that might help us?”

“No. Nothing.”

“Alright. Let’s just get back to the inn. When Jun returns we’ll get in contact with the Shadow Guild and find out where they were heading.”


“I don’t know, but we’ll find a way! We will catch those slavers and we will get Draccus back.”

“I thought you didn’t like him.”

“Our personal feelings are irrelevant here. He is part of our team and we need him to carry out this mission so I will do what is in my power to rescue him.”

This is a side of Magnus I never thought I would see. Is there really a decent human being underneath all of that bravado and arrogance? I believe he genuinely wants to see Draccus again no matter how he tries to hide it with false team spirit.

Magnus runs over to the dockworker I spoke with. “You there, what was the name of the ship that sailed from here earlier?”

“That would be the Ocean Master, sir.”

“Do you know where it was going?”

“No, sir. Sorry.”

“It’s alright,” Magnus tosses the worker a silver coin, “Thank you.”

The worker’s face lights up. “Thank you, kind sir! May the gods smile upon you!”

“Let’s head back to the inn,” Magnus motions for me to follow him.

“We need to be careful,” I walk after him, “Elric will be searching for us.”

“I’m not worried about him. Let’s just hope Jun hasn’t gone missing too.”

It is nightfall before we reach the doors to the Black Widow Inn. Of course with the sun down the inn has gone back to its normal mausoleum-like appearance. Alarra is absent from the desk. Instead there is a young girl in her place who is almost her mirror image. The girl is barely taller than the countertop. “Hello. Mother has gone out for the evening. She has left me in charge. I’m Gwyneth. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

The girl offers her little hand along with an angelic smile that is too precious to resist. Magnus takes her hand and bows. “Hello, Gwyneth,” I say cordially, “May we go up to our rooms?”

“I think that you may,” Gwyneth gives us a big smile that exposes her bright teeth.

“Thank you, madam,” Magnus says in return.

We make our way up the dark stairwell to the second floor. I scan the hall before proceeding to my door. Magnus stops with me. “Are you going to be okay waiting for Jun?” he asks, “We can always meet him at the Gemini Tavern if you don’t want to stay here.”

“I will be fine. I should try to get some rest anyway.”

“You know where my room is if you need anything.”

“Thank you, Magnus.”

“You’re welcome.”

I open the door to my room and look inside. It’s dark, but other than that everything looks as I left it. Magnus starts down the hall towards his room. He stops about half way and looks back at me. “We worked well together today,” he says with a smile.

“That’s because you weren’t being yourself.”

“What? Charming, witty, irresistible.”

He might almost be all of those things if he wasn’t so full of himself. “Try pig-headed, arrogant, and obnoxious.”

“Am I really that bad?”


“Well, I’m starting to like this teamwork thing so I guess I’ll have to work on that.”

Magnus turns and continues on to his room. I have a little chuckle at what he said and go into my own room. I light a few candles before kneeling on the ground at the base of my bed. There is much to think about until Jun returns.

Jun. Where have you been all day? What have you been doing? Are you okay? I can’t bear to lose anyone else today. You had better return unharmed so that I may hurt you myself! I damn you for making me care. I am a warrior before I am a woman and I shouldn’t feel the way I do. Do you feel anything for me? Oh, I need to forget about this! This is not like me. I am a warrior. I take a deep breath to clear my mind. I think about the events of today.

A lot of lives were ended by my hands. I have done a lot of killing and I am not proud of it. Have my actions been just? Have I conducted myself as a holy cleric of the Arusian order? I must pray to Arus for guidance…in more ways than one.

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