Fate of the Empires

Chapter 17: The Other Side

Terrifying. That’s the only word for it. When the last face you see before falling unconscious is that of your mortal enemy. Then imagine waking up in a strange place unable to move any part of your body. There’s darkness all around. The air is hot and humid. It catches in my lungs making it difficult to breathe. Everything is strangely familiar yet that fact brings me no comfort. Where am I? What happened to everyone else? Did Slade kill everyone?

I can’t seem to focus. My head is cloudy. I can’t even think up the words for a simple escape spell. I must be drugged. Unless I took a harder hit to the head than I thought. Alright, magic is out, but I must find a way out of here before it’s too late. “I’ll bet there are many questions going through your mind right about now,” a voice says from the shadows.

Too late. Wait a second. I know that voice. Ethan steps into the dim light cast from a torch on the wall. He grins. It is clear to me now that we are deep underground in Ethan’s secret headquarters. Slade must’ve teleported me here after knocking me out. I wonder if the others are here also. Ethan steps close to me. “You, speechless?” Ethan pretends to be shocked, “That is a first.”

“You didn’t give me the chance to-” before I can finish Ethan plants a fist firmly into my gut.

The air rushes from my lungs leaving me gasping for oxygen. Ethan takes a handful of hair and yanks my head back. “That wasn’t an invitation to open your mouth!”

I think I may be on his bad side. I’ve never seen him angry. There is hatred burning in his eyes. He wants to kill me. He wants to drain the life from my body with his bare hands and yet something is stopping him. He releases his grip and steps back. He takes a deep breath to compose himself. “Did you know that Deacon and I trained together at Draz’zt Tharr? Of course, I went by another name back then.”

You learn something new every day. “He and I were best friends,” Ethan continues.

That would explain the similar psychotic natures. “He loved magic. I found that it wasn’t for me. I took a different path, but our dream of ruling Athusia always remained the same. For years we plotted in secret until we had at last devised the perfect plan…and everything was going accordingly until the four of you deviated from your mission. I blame Jun most of all, but it was you that impersonated Deacon at the royal palace and it was you that killed him!”

I think I can see where this is going. He means to torture me for information or kill me. Torture I can handle. I’m not wild about the idea of dying, but I’m not giving up Athusia to this nut because he has an inferiority complex! “He had it coming,” I grin defiantly, “And so do you.”

Pain shoots through my body as I am struck in the jaw by a very solid punch. I am definitely on his bad side! “Did I ask you to speak?!”

Am I supposed to answer that or not? I think I may get hit again if I do. I shake my head in silence. “You and the others have forced me to take drastic measures. I can no longer let things play out naturally as they were supposed to. The four of you will still be blamed for General Fang’s death, however, you all will be dead long before he is. I will have my war!”

I don’t care if he hits me. I can’t take any more of this. I spit the blood from my cut lip onto Ethan’s face. “You’re insane,” I say defiantly, “If you’re going to kill me then kill me. Or torture me if you want, but I won’t tell you anything!”

Ethan calmly wipes his face off. He laughs to himself. That can’t be good. “No, you misunderstand my intentions here, Magnus. I’m not going to kill you now. In fact I won’t lay another finger on you. The two of us are going to become very close for a time. You are going to help me kill the others.”

“Now I know you’re crazy,” I say, “Blackmail won’t work and neither will inflicting me with physical pain. You know where I come from. I’ll not serve you.”

“Oh but you will.”

Ethan pulls out a small vial. “Are you familiar with the control spell?” he asks as he uncorks the vial.

“That spell only works on the weak-minded, you fool,” I attempt to stare him down.

Ethan doesn’t break his gaze. “Yes, I’m afraid the spell wouldn’t be strong enough for someone like you, but the contents of this vial however, can enslave even the strongest of minds. You shall be completely conscious of your every action, but you will obey me.”

A potion that potent could have only come from someone with Deacon’s experience. Does Ethan know more about magic than he lets on? How long was he at Draz’zt Tharr? And what was his name then? These thoughts are trivial at the moment seeing as I have a much bigger problem, but I must know! Ethan forces the contents of the vial into my mouth. I thought I might just spit it out, but he is prepared for that. He covers my mouth and plugs my nose forcing me to swallow.

The dark liquid sears my insides as it works its way into my stomach. From there the burning grows more intense! It spreads throughout my entire body until the only thing I can do to stop myself from screaming is bite down on my own tongue. Then all at once the feeling is gone. Ethan stands in front of me, pleased with himself. “You will now obey my every command without question and you will never bring harm to me,” his words must seal the spell.

Suddenly I can move again. I want to kill Ethan where he stands, but I can’t get my body to cooperate. I am powerless against him. “Now I want you to travel back to Densetsu and kill Jun, Leaia, and Draccus. Feel free to use any means necessary.”

“It won’t work, the three of them can easily take me out,” at least I can still say what I want.

“Still mouthy are we?” Ethan shakes his head, “But perhaps you’re right. Maybe a little practice is in order. Before going to Jinsei you will stop off at Jinwu.”

No! “You will kill every inhabitant and burn the village to the ground,” Ethan’s orders shatter any fighting spirit I had left, “Now go.”

I immediately open a portal that leads to Jinwu. I can’t fight this no matter how hard I try. Someone stop me! I’ve never been a man of faith, but may the gods intervene to stop what I am about to do!

It is nightfall in Densetsu. Jinwu looks so peaceful in the dark. Most of these simple folk are probably bedding down for the evening. I can see light from only three houses, one of which is the home of the kindly fisherman and his family that took us in when we were here before. I take in the vision of this sleepy village one last time before it turns to hell at my hands.

I am completely lucid now. Every spell in my arsenal is at my disposal. I have no idea what I am truly capable of and I never thought this is the way I would find out. If only I could put my mind in another place to block this out, but I have no control. All I can do is try to warn them. But how? Wait. If I attack the docks first the blast should wake everyone up. Yes! I aim for the one of the empty fishing boats. “Exuro!” A ball of fire launches from my hands as I say the ancient words.

The fiery explosion of the boat rocks the calm waters of the port. Debris rains down onto the small houses that are closer to the docks. It worked! I see lanterns being lit and villagers start filing out of their houses in confusion. No! I start lobbing fireballs at the villagers! “Run!” I shout, “Get away from here!”

People scatter, but not nearly fast enough. The first victims are an elderly man and woman. They don’t even make out of the door of their home before it is completely engulfed in flames. Their cries of agony send shivers down my spine, but I helplessly continue the scourge. I have to help these people the only way I can! “Exuro densa!” I say to increase the intensity of the flames.

Burning alive is the worst way to suffer. You don’t die quickly. Does anything go through your mind besides the sound of your own screaming? You feel the writhing torment of your own flesh melting off your body layer by layer. The pain grows worse, each passing second lasting an eternity, until finally your nerves are completely gone and you feel nothing. The lucky ones suffocate from the smoke in their lungs before the burning gets too severe. By summoning flames hotter than the magma rivers of the underworld I seek to spare these people the slow anguish of dying in regular fire. With any luck they won’t feel anything at all.

Men. Women. Children. No one can escape the wrath of hellfire I lay down on this once placid place. I try to close my eyes so I don’t see the carnage, but it seems I can’t even choose what I do or do not look at! I see a small group of fisherman and their families nearing the woods. One of them stops and looks at me. It is Toru. I can’t even begin to express the look of betrayal in his eyes. He breaks from the group and moves towards me. “Don’t be a fool, man!” I shout at him.

“Why are you doing this?!” Toru demands, “You said our village would be safe!”

“I don’t want to kill you, but I can’t stop myself!”

No…I feel it starting. The energy is gathering in my hands! I look up and passed Toru. I lock eyes with Aiko and Sumiko. No! Not them! Toru sees what’s happening. “Get out of here!!” I try to warn them.

Toru turns and runs for his wife and daughter, but he is too late. The fire leaps from my hands! Aiko, Sumiko, and the rest of the group vaporize right in front of Toru! The concussion knocks him to the ground. He wastes no time getting back on his feet. He grabs a trident off the ground. His betrayal has turned to rage. He rushes me! Maybe he can end this! “Get down!” I warn him, “Exuro densa!”

The ball of flame passes just above Toru’s head as he ducks under it. He keeps moving. He is close. Yes! Come on! You can end this. Don’t waste time! Throw it. Throw it at me! Kill me! But he doesn’t throw it. He charges blindly in his pursuit of revenge. He is within a few feet! No. No, not again! “Fulgor!” I cast another spell.

Lightning discharges from my palms, striking the trident. Toru flies back and crashes to the ground. He doesn’t get up. What have you done, Ethan? No, not Ethan. I did this. It doesn’t matter who is controlling me. I did it. I will remember it. I will be forced to live with it. Why couldn’t you just kill me?! Ethan, you son of a whore!

I suddenly feel something hit me lightly from behind. I turn to find Toshi. He is wearing his Orrock costume. It has a tail. He made a tail. The tears I’ve been holding back pour freely from my eyes. This brave boy hits me with his bamboo stick. He is trying to defend his village. I’m going to murder him and I can’t stop myself! What kind of gods sit in the heavens and let an atrocity like this occur?! If you’re so powerful, stop me!! Someone stop me…someone kill me…please…

I’m alone. Surrounded by the charred remnants of Jinwu. The sky is covered in a blanket of smoke and the air reeks of charred flesh. I have done unspeakable things and I’m haunted by the faces of those I have slaughtered. Aiko, Sumiko, Toru, Toshi…

I once thought I had a black heart, but I now realize I never knew true darkness until Ethan. I now see what my power is capable of when abused. I have become what I hate and it seems this journey will continue. I must now make my way to Jinsei and attack the three people I have come to think of as family. My only hope is that they kill me…and kill Ethan shortly after. No, death is not good enough for Ethan. Make him suffer.

I slowly make my way into the bamboo forest. Ethan’s voice echoes through my head telling me to go to Jinsei. He has shown me a darkness that I will never fully recover from. The twisted master has probably been watching his puppet the entire time, laughing to himself. It is time to go back to the Imperial City and see what fate has in store.

It is late in the night when I teleport to the vicinity of the group’s spiritual energy beacon. I am back in the outskirts of the Imperial City. They were smart to leave the base. I see the safehouse. My heart sinks as I approach the outside. I have to give them a fighting chance. They have to stop me. “Exuro!” I say to hurl fire at the house.

The entire front wall collapses inward as the blast shakes the streets. The smoke clears and I look inside. It is empty. Yes! They’re ready for me. “Magnus!” I hear a familiar voice from behind me.

I spin around to see an empty street. I was expecting Jun. He must know something is wrong or else why would he hide from me? “Jun,” I say seemingly to no one, “You have to stop me!”

“What did Ethan do to you?” I hear Jun’s voice again.

“He’s controlling my body,” I say to Jun wherever he is, “I’m here to kill the three of you. You have to end this. I don’t care what you have to do to me. I’ve become a monster! I’ve killed so many innocent people…”

By this point people from surrounding houses have come out to investigate the sound of the explosion they heard. Jun steps out of an alley. He is in his armor and ready for a fight. “No, Ethan is the monster,” Jun looks me in the eyes, “You are not responsible for what you do here. Don’t ever forget that.”

My body instinctively reacts by launching a half-dozen magic bolts at Jun. He easily dodges each one and they slam into a nearby wall. The onlookers begin to run away. It is only a matter of time before the city guards show up. “If you’re not going to kill me, you have to get away from me!” I try to plead.

“We are not going anywhere, Magnus,” I hear Leaia’s voice.

Her and Draccus step out of another alley. “We will find a way to help you, Mage,” Draccus says.

Their loyalty is so endearing, yet so futile. This confrontation can only end in bloodshed whether it is theirs or my own. Six more bolts fly from my hands at Draccus and Leaia. They bat the energy shards away with their swords. “This magic is too strong!” I shout, “There is nothing you can do!”

“I disagree,” Jun says, “Leaia, now!”

Leaia raises her sword high above her head. “Will of Arus, restrain!” Leaia speaks the words of her holy magic.

A pillar of light shoots out of the night sky. It hits me and then fades! It all happens in the blink of an eye. I can’t move! Yes! You three are smarter than I gave you credit for. Maybe there is hope after all. “I can’t move, but I don’t know how long it will last,” I say.

Jun approaches me. “Magnus, I need to know exactly what Ethan did to put you under his control,” Jun says as he examines my demeanor.

“I was groggy. He forced a potion down my throat. It was a dark liquid.”

“Then what happened?” Jun asks.

“Then my entire body felt like it was burning from the inside out. When the sensation stopped my head was clear, but I couldn’t move anything unless Ethan gave me an order. I’ve never seen magic like this.”

“No, you wouldn’t have. This is Borathian magic. It is generally used for interrogations.”

I understand how that could work. After forcing the victim to watch or commit unspeakable acts they’re willing to say anything to get the spell removed. “Is there a counter-spell or an antidote for the potion?” I say as I feel my fingers start to twitch.

“There is, but Ethan has it,” Jun says.

“Look we’re running out of time here,” I feel mobility returning to my hands completely, “Is there any other way to reverse this?!”

“We could kill you and find a way to revive you,” Jun doesn’t sound too sure of himself, “That should work.”

“You may have to kill me anyway,” I say, “Leaia’s spell isn’t holding!”

Jun takes notice of my hands. He turns to the others. “Get down!” Jun shouts.

So much for hope. “Exuro!” I launch a fireball at Draccus.

The quick reflexes of my lizard friend allow him to dodge the direct blast of the fireball, but the force of the attack still throws him through the side of a house! I know it will take more than that to bring you down, Draccus. Don’t disappoint me.

Almost the entire effect of Leaia’s spell has worn off. My body can move, but thankfully, very slowly. My attention is drawn to Jun. I fear his skill above Leaia’s and my body will undoubtedly attack him next. “If you have a plan now would be the time for it,” I shout, “Fulgor!”

“Katachi kage!” Jun says and vanishes before the lightning bolt hits him.

That clever half-breed has more tricks up his sleeves than I do. I love it! I turn back to Leaia who is already charging me. She leaps in delivering an armored elbow to the side of my face before I have time to react. I’ll bet she’s wanted to do that for a long time. I go down, but not for long. This spell I’m under must make me immune to feeling pain because I’m back up and fighting in an instant. I am no good in close combat like this, but I should have known that my body would adjust. “Muto brevis,” I say.

I am quickly out of melee range. It takes Leaia a moment to see where I went and in that moment…“Exuro!”

No!! She won’t be able to get out of the way! “Katachi kenrou!”

Jun appears out of the shadows. He shoves Leaia out of the way of the blast, but is hit by it himself. He’s knocked back a good distance before hitting the ground. My attack did not go unanswered however. I look down to find that Jun got two throwing daggers out before he was hit. One dagger sits in my upper thigh while the other is lodged in my right hand. Clever. That will slow my casting down! “Leaia, hurry up and finish this!” I shout at her as she once again closes the distance between us.

I fire off some magic bolts before Leaia reaches me, but she easily avoids them. Her sword is ready to end my suffering. “I’m sorry, Magnus,” she says as she attacks.

She buries her sword into my chest! I feel the life draining from my body, but this isn’t over yet. Damn. I place my left hand on her chest. “Vexatio!”

A surge of energy transfers from my hand into her body, knocking her back. I know she’s alive, but she’s not getting up any time soon. Sadly there may be enough left in me to finish this the way Ethan wants. Wait! I hear something. I turn to see Draccus standing in the opening of the house he was knocked into. He doesn’t waste time rushing me. He throws his blade from where he stands. I have no energy to dodge it. This is how it should be. His monstrous sword hits me in the stomach. The force of the attack knocks me to the ground! I pull the swords out of me, but I have no strength beyond that. It is finally over.

I see a darkness surround me, but I know this is not death. There is magic in this darkness. I can’t see. I feel someone take hold of me and I can’t fight it. I hear the laughter of a child. A girl. Gwyneth? Alarra? What is going on? “Relax, Magnus, everything is going to be alright,” I hear the voice of Gwyneth, “For now you should sleep.”

I cannot express enough how much I am getting tired of waking up in strange places with no idea of what is going on. It’s hot. Very hot. I hear screaming. The constant and unrelenting sound of torture. It’s unbearable! Everything around is covered in a thick mist. I can’t make much out. I attempt to move. I can stand. I have control over my body again. But something isn’t right. Nothing feels quite real. I have no magic power here. I need to find out where I am and more importantly where the others are. Are they safe? I remember we fought. They were injured and so was I. Darkness. Gwyneth! Where is Gwyneth?

I find my way to a wall. As suspected the wall is warm. It feels like it is stone. I must be underground again. I feel my way along the wall until I reach what I believe is a hallway. The hallway leads to another and that one leads to yet another. This must be some kind of a labyrinth. The screams continue to echo throughout the countless passages. I must keep going.

I finally see the flicker of green light up ahead. Shadows dance on the walls through the mist. I am not expecting anything hopeful, but I must press on. I make my way towards the light. The screaming becomes louder and I hear laughter. It is deep. Creepy. The mist thins as I enter the room. “Welcome to my domain, Magnus Domagus of Draz’zt Tharr,” the deep voice sounds very pleased.

Green flames burn in trenches that line the walls. At the far end of the room is a large chair made of…bones. Human bones! They are ornately strewn together to form a disgusting throne for my apparent host. The figure on the throne becomes more visible the further I venture into the room. He is tall. He has a humanoid shape, but his skin is gray almost like ash. His short hair is white and his eyes glow green like the flames along the walls. “Please, come closer,” he says with a grin.

His teeth and fingernails are black and razor-sharp from the looks of them. His left hand is wrapped around the hilt of a large serrated sword with a black blade that is pointed at the ground. His armor is also black and sullied with bloodstains. The stench of death surrounds him. “Who are you?” I ask nervously.

He laughs. “I am Lord Thenndrar,” he continues to laugh, “Sound familiar?”

I’m dead. I am in the underworld! Thenndrar is the Lord of Suffering in the underworld. I must’ve died from my wounds. I know I was not a model citizen, but the Realm of Suffering? “Why am I here?” I ask.

He laughs again. “I thought that was obvious,” he jokes.

“I realize that I died, but why am I in your realm?”

He seems to find my every question humorous as he laughs again. “I requested your soul,” he stops laughing.

Requested my soul? I am clearly not up to date on underworld politics, but I didn’t realize souls were something to be traded on a whim. Thenndrar sees the confusion on my face. “Worry not, Master Domagus,” he says, “This is not your time.”

“What do you mean?”

“You will not be staying, but you will be back soon and then you and I will be spending a lot of time together.”

“What do you mean I’ll be back soon?”

“Oh, I don’t want to spoil the surprise.”

“Why me?”

“I need an able lieutenant and your soul is an exceptional subject, mortal.”

“What are you talking about?”

“No more questions. It is time for you to go. Your soulbound is calling you.”

What? What is he talking about? What is going on?! Everything is starting to fade away. The screams subside. Instead I hear voices. Gwyneth. Alarra. Everything is getting so bright! I close my eyes.

I open my eyes to find that I am in an inn room. It is fairly dark, but seems normal in all other regards. I am lying in a bed and I am in a great deal of pain. Alarra and Gwyneth stand by the bed. Was I dreaming before? “I thought I lost you,” Alarra says.

I guess not. “What…happened?” I discover it hurts to speak.

“You died,” Gwyneth says, “We brought you back.”

“Why did you…help me?” I cough out the words, “You do not even know me.”

“I know you better than you think,” Alarra answers.

“What do you mean?”

“Sometimes the fates of souls are crossed before they reach their mortal bodies. These souls are bound to each other and in life they try to find each other, but mortals are frail and they don’t always live long enough. I have kept myself alive for three generations waiting for you and I wasn’t about to just let you die.”

This is all very strange and mildly disturbing. I cannot deny that I feel drawn to Alarra and Gwyneth, but this is a lot to take in. Thenndrar did call her my soulbound. Could this all be true? I have so many questions and not the strength to ask them. What is most important to know right now? “Are my friends…alive?” I ask.

“Your friends are strong and wise,” Gwyneth says, “They will be okay.”


“Your friends were right,” Alarra adds,” By killing you they freed you from the control you were under.”

Praise Orin! Although the atrocities I committed will be forever etched in my memory perhaps now I can find redemption. I only hope the others can forgive me for what I have done. I know Jun says it was not my fault, but I can’t let it go. I’m so tired. “I need to help them stop Ethan,” I attempt to sit up.

Alarra and Gwyneth push me back down. I have no strength to fight with them and the pain that shoots throughout my body is more than I anticipated. This sweet woman and her doppelganger are gentle with me, but the extent of my injuries do not allow me any comfort. “You need to rest for now,” Alarra says, “You would only slow them down in your current condition.”

She’s right. They are better off without me for now. “How long will I be like this?” I ask.

“It’s hard to say. Soul magic is strong, but this is the first time we have brought back the dead.”

I need a healer. I manage to let out a small chuckle. All the times I’ve wanted Leaia and her holier-than-thou attitude to go away and now she is the one person I would want to see the most. The irony. I need to sleep. “Alarra. Gwyneth. Thank you. I am forever in your debt.”

“No love, you owe us nothing,” Alarra says, “Our fates are one.”

Alarra kisses me. I was wrong. I have just found comfort. If a soul must be bound to mine I am glad it is that of this beautiful sorceress. Gwyneth kisses me on the cheek. Sweet girl. It is odd to think that this child will grow into the beautiful woman that Alarra is…and that she will want me. I can’t keep my eyes open anymore. I just need…to rest…for a bit…

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