Fate of the Empires

Chapter 13: Allegiance

I am finding that Densetsu is not that different than Athusia. I had only been in Jinsei for part of a day when I was attacked for being different. Drunken mercenaries. Easily handled, but still, the whole experience gave me such a nostalgic feeling of home. I will say this about the Densetsun people; they take pride in everything. No task seems too menial or mundane. Everything is handled with the utmost care and precision. Life itself is like a fine art to these people. The people of Athusia don’t dedicate themselves to anything as whole-heartedly as the Densetsuns.

Jinsei is a prime example of Densetsun society. It is both visually stunning and efficiently operated. One day when I am running my own empire I may borrow a few ideas from this one. Keeping the poor on the outskirts where they are vulnerable to attack. Genius! It’s population control if the city is ever under a siege. The wealthy stay protected on the inside, which is also home to the capital’s elite guards. At the center of it all, the Imperial Palace safely nestled high atop a mountain. Strategically you couldn’t ask for a better location. If our two nations did go to war I would not guarantee our side a victory.

Jun seems to have connections in every part of the world and Jinsei is no exception. The luxury of being a spy I suppose. He secured us some lodgings in the outer part of the city, but I think he could’ve done better. If it weren’t for me we would have slept on the ground yet again. Of course, the lizard is stubborn and continues to sleep outside no matter where we stay. I had a restful night of sleep, but something is bothering me.

From the moment we passed through the gates of this fine city I have felt something. I believe it is Deacon. His magic is strong. But if I can sense him, he can most certainly feel my aura as well. While I may be endangering the group with my presence here, I may also be the only one who can keep Deacon from eradicating us.

We make our way into the inner city. Thank Orin for the change of scenery. While there is no official border between the sections of the city it is very apparent once you’ve crossed over. Suddenly the roadways become paved with stone. The most curious one-person carriages run all over the place being led not by horses, but other people! The style of dress changes a lot as well. In the outer city peasants dress in whatever they have. The rags are no different than what the peasants wear in Athusia. The wealthy, however, dress in very elaborate outfits that are full of color and design. It must take them hours to get wrapped up in their layers of silky robes.

The military presence is much stronger here. In the outskirts you see the occasional patrol on the street, but here they are all over. The Imperial Army provides the best protection gold and silver can buy. Literally. Some of these wealthy merchants are not very subtle in their bribery. Who pays off a guard in broad daylight? Well, I suppose if you have the guard in your pocket it doesn’t really matter.

Jun leads us to the recruiting office in the south district of the inner city. The office itself is located within a fenced perimeter. The guards open the wooden gate as they see us approach. It’s nice to see that we are expected. I wonder what job this Motori has in mind for us. I can’t say I trust him, but then again I don’t trust anyone outside of our little group.

There is a line leading out the front door of the one-story recruiting office. Behind the small building within the fenced area is a two-story temporary barracks for new recruits. I can hear the sounds of training in the distance. A guard from the office leads us directly passed the line into the office. There is a sliding door made of rice paper near the back. I don’t understand the functional purpose of these doors. Rice paper won’t even keep sound out. Why bother having a door at all?

The guard stops outside the door. “Master Motori, the mercenaries have arrived,” the guard says through the door.

“Enter,” I hear Motori’s voice from the other side.

The guard bows as he slides the door open for us to enter. Inside, Motori kneels with his eyes closed in front of a small bowl that holds some burning incense sticks. The smoke from the sticks has a sweet scent to it. I don’t sense any magical properties to them, not like the stuff we have at Draz’zt Tharr. Interesting. Jun motions for us to kneel in front of the bowl as well. We do so and Motori opens his eyes. “Ah, you kept your word by showing up,” Motori says looking from one of us to the next, “Now let us see if you are truly honorable.”

“What would you have us do?” Jun asks.

Motori pulls out a rolled up scroll with a wax seal on it. He presents the scroll to Jun. “This message contains some very sensitive information that must make it directly into the hands of my contact at General Fang’s base camp,” Motori says very seriously.

General Fang? Any relation to Jun? Probably not. Fang must be a common name in this country. This test seems pretty straightforward and I think that’s what worries me. Nothing on this mission has been simple so why should that change now? What isn’t he telling us? “If this message doesn’t make it to my contact or if the seal is broken I will know that you cannot be trusted,” Motori says, “If I find that is the case the four of you will be sought out and executed.”

“I understand,” Jun bows as he accepts the scroll into his possession.

“There are those that do not want this information to reach General Fang so be swift,” Motori says as he pulls out a map of the surrounding region, “This map will show you the location of General Fang’s camp.”

A mark indicating the base camp is located in a forest to the north of Jinsei. This looks to be a fine waste of our time. “Memorize the location as you will not be taking the map with you,” Motori says as he rolls the map up.

“Is there any other information you have for us?” Leaia asks.

“No, do you require more than what was provided?” Motori responds.

“We have all we need to succeed,” Jun says.

“Excellent,” Motori says, “I will have your transportation readied immediately.”

Motori bows. What is with all the bowing in this country?! Bow when you enter. Bow when you leave. Bow when someone gives you a compliment. Bow when you give someone a compliment. How much respect does a person need to be shown? Jun bows in return and we all follow his lead. Motori stands. “Wait here,” Motori moves to the sliding door, “I will return in a moment.”

Motori exits the room closing the thin door behind him. Jun does not look pleased. “What’s on your mind?” I ask him.

“I was wrong,” Jun says, “This is not a test of loyalty.”

“Yes, something feels wrong about this mission,” Draccus adds.

“There is no mission,” Jun says.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“No member of the Imperial Army would just hand over the location of the commanding general’s camp, especially not for a test of loyalty.”

“Do you think it’s a trap?” Leaia asks.

“No, this is the test.”

“I’m not following you,” I say in confusion.

“Look, if we do as he asks we will be taken off in a carriage or caravan lead by Imperial soldiers. We will probably get attacked by hired thugs on our way to a phony camp where Motori will be waiting to tell us how we failed. Look at the signs. Would any of you in Motori’s place trust us enough to deliver such an important message?”

I hadn’t thought about it like that. I’m sure there is a lesson to be learned here, but I could really care less. “You’re right,” Leaia says, “Considering the strategic layout of the city it would make no sense for the army’s general to be positioned in the north woods.”

“So you’re saying there is nothing on that scroll,” I say.

“Nothing of significance.”

“Do we call their bluff?” Draccus asks Jun.

Jun nods. “What if you’re wrong?” I ask.

“If I’m wrong then we are dealing with an army that would easily be crushed by the Athusians so there would clearly be no threat from an invasion.”

Ask a stupid question… “Fair enough,” I reply.

I hear footsteps outside. A moment later the door slides open. Motori leans into the room. “Please, follow me,” he says.

The four of us follow him back outside to the fenced courtyard. There is an armed caravan with an escort of six Imperial soldiers. In the center of the caravan is an armored carriage. Steel plating! The carriage has steel plating! These Densetsuns go all out when they’re pulling the wool over your eyes. “I look forward to working with you further once you have completed this task,” Motori says with a false smile.

Jun faces him. “There is just one thing before we go,” Jun pulls out the scroll.

“Yes?” Motori says inquisitively.

Jun tosses the scroll to me. “Magnus, would you be so kind?” he asks with a grin.

You had better be right. “Exuro,” I say to ignite the scroll in my hands.

I drop the burning parchment to the ground. I wait for a reaction from the surrounding soldiers, but everyone remains very still. Motori approaches Jun slowly. “Why would you do that?” he asks very solemnly.

“We are not fools Lieutenant,” Jun answers calmly, “Don’t treat us as such.”

“We know you wouldn’t just hand over the location of General Fang,” Leaia adds, “We could be spies from a rival nation for all you know.”

“And we know you did not get to your current status by making such mistakes,” Draccus says.

“So don’t waste our time,” I say with an edge, “Do you have something real for us or not?”

“Well met,” Motori says, “You live up to your reputation. The truth of the matter is I have already looked into your background and you check out. Your feats along the Eastern Athusian coast are impressive to say the least. Your band is known for getting the job done at any cost and I like that. In fact, upon hearing your names, General Zhao Fang himself, approved you for assignment.”

The general of the Imperial Army approved us based on hearing our names? Something doesn’t sound right there. “Please accompany me back inside for your real briefing,” Motori says motioning us back to the recruiting office.

We follow the Lieutenant into the back room of the office and again kneel around the ceremonial bowl. We do a lot of kneeling in this country as well. I understand these traditions are intended to promote discipline, but that’s overrated anyway. “The fact is that our nation is on the brink of a war with Athusia,” he starts off.

Tell us something we don’t know. “This war is not the will of our people nor of the Emperor, but our intelligence tells us that Athusia is mounting an offensive against us and we are prepared to fight if we must.”

That explains why they are recruiting so far outside of the capital. “Is the intelligence on this war effort accurate?” Leaia asks.

“It comes from our most trusted agents.”

“The Kodasai,” Jun says.

“Yes. How did you know about them?”

“You didn’t think we’d just take a job without checking out our employers first, did you?” Jun smirks.

“I suppose not,” Motori pauses a moment, “Well, I can assure you that this information is good.”

And that might explain the Kodasai that washed up in Jinwu, but what happened to make him wind up that way? “So where do we come in?” I ask impatiently.

“I have reason to believe that someone within our government is leaking false information in order to cause the war. General Fang would like the four of you to investigate.”

“What reasons do you have to think there is a traitor in your ranks?” Draccus asks.

“Densetsu and Athusia have never had serious border disputes before. For the most part our two empires have simply kept an eye on each other. It is true there has been no trust, but there has been no animosity either. Why after all this time would they want to attack us? There is no logic in it. If it is land they want, the Borathian Empire is vastly larger. And the Imperial Army is the finest in the world so we would not be an easy target. It doesn’t add up.”

“What reason would someone have to push for a war?” Leaia asks.

“There are too many manipulations in the world of politics for me to speculate on why, but I assure you it is an attempt for someone to gain power.”

“Is there anyone specific we should be watching?” Jun examines Motori very carefully.

“The suspicions I have presented you are those of General Fang. He may have specific individuals he wants investigated, but I will let him share that with you.”

“So we really are to meet with him then?” I ask.

“Yes, we will be leaving shortly.”


“I will accompany you so that you know I’m not trying to deceive you again. That and you won’t be permitted into the inner city without me.”

Looks like we are finally getting somewhere. With this sort of an assignment we will have complete reign to gather whatever information we need. Of course it may be beneficial to actually check out the General’s concerns as Ethan may have a partner inside the Imperial Army. “When do we leave?” I ask.

We find ourselves in the belly of the armored carriage making our way towards the very center of Jinsei. The four of us sit inside while Motori and the driver sit up front by the horses. No humans pulling this transport. Too bad. It would’ve been funny to watch. The interior of this carriage feels more like a prison than a means of travel. The steel plating covers the windows. The only way to see out is through very small slits. The seats are made of a hard wood with no padding and the constant bumps of the stone streets are killing my hindquarters!

Jinsei is a lot bigger than I gave it credit for. We have been traveling most of the day and we are still not there yet. These simple people need to learn a teleportation spell. We could have met with this General Fang hours ago. We had better get there soon. I would really like a hot meal and some Imperial hospitality.

The carriage slows to a stop. I hope this means we are finally at the gates to the inner city. I hear talking outside, but I can’t make it out. I’ve never been the patient kind. I open the door and poke my head outside. “Are we there yet?” I ask.

“There’s a body in the road ahead,” Motori answers.

I look around. We must be on a protected roadway. There are walls that run the length of the lane on both sides. Behind us, I can see the outer part of the city for miles. We are at a much higher elevation than before. At a distance in front of us I see what appears to be a large gate with many rooftops behind it. Blocking the path ahead is a saddled horse with no rider. Lying on the ground in front of the horse is a body. The horse was probably spooked and threw its rider. What an inconvenience…for us I mean.

Two members of our six-guard escort ride up to the body to check it out. The armor of the Imperial Army is very impressive. It is both ornate and functional. While the armor isn’t as constricting as Athusian armor it looks as though putting it on would be a rather involved process. It fastens in many places. The overall design of the armor gives the wearer more agility than defense, which fits the Densetsun style of combat, killing your opponent with the single stroke of a sword.

What is most intriguing about the Densetsun armor is the facemask that is worn under the helmets. Each warrior mask has a different face and each one is quite demonic. The intention is to shake your adversary with fear to help ensure your victory in combat. Maybe I should try to rule over these people instead of my own. With me as their leader we could own the entire known world! Emperor Domagus. I like the way that rolls off the tongue.

The guards look the body over. One of them looks back at Motori. “It’s a peasant farmer, Master Motori,” the guard says, “He’s dead.”

“What is a peasant farmer doing this close to the inner city without an escort?” Motori quietly asks.

Suddenly the mild discomfort I’ve felt in the pit of my stomach since we came to Jinsei becomes a wrenching nausea. Deacon is close by! “Magnus, do you feel it?” Leaia asks as she gets out of the other side of the carriage.

“Yes,” I answer, “Jun, didn’t you say something about getting attacked on the way to see the General?”

Jun gets out of the carriage. “That was with the original scenario,” Jun says, “Why?”

“Because you are about to be very right,” Leaia says.

Draccus climbs out of the same side as Leaia. As he does four figures leap over the surrounding walls. They are a blur, moving very quickly towards the two guards in the front. The guards are taken down before they know what hits them. The four figures now stand in front of our path with the guard’s bodies lying before them. They are wrapped in tight fitting brown material that covers them head to toe. Who are these masked warriors? “Kodasai?” Motori says in a shocked confusion.

The rear guards move up to join the other two others as they advance on the assassins. Motori hops down from the driver seat and draws his curved sword. He rushes into battle to join his men. The carriage driver has no time to react. A wave of intense heat approaches rapidly from behind us! “Get down!” Leaia shouts as she pushes Draccus away from the carriage.

Jun and I dive out of the way just as a huge fireball crashes into the steel coach! It explodes sending shrapnel everywhere. Leaia is engulfed in the flames! “Leaia!” Jun screams as he rushes to the burning carriage.

Deacon! He glides down from the sky where he must’ve been following us. His cold stare is fixated on me. Deacon’s abuse of magic makes him appear so much older than he really is. His dark purple robes hang down below his feet as he floats in the air giving him the appearance of a spectral phantom. My blood boils at the sight of him, but I can’t focus on him right now! Where is Leaia? I look back towards the carriage. Jun and Draccus push debris out of the way. Leaia stands up from the flaming wreckage and steps out of the fire. She is unharmed! What unholy magic is this?! Everyone is awed by this including our attacker. I turn my attention back to him. “What are you doing here, Deacon?!” I shout.

“I’ve come for you Magnus!” Deacon answers with a crooked grin.

“Why are you getting in the way of our mission?!” Jun questions.

“You don’t need high mage Domagus to complete your mission,” Deacon says, “I have a score to settle!”

I don’t know what his job is for Ethan, but it is apparent now why he continues to attack us. His hatred of me is making him irrational. Not that he’s ever been fully sane, but now he is just being an ignorant knave! All this over a mage duel that happened years ago.

“You attacked all of us!” Leaia shouts.

“So my aim was a little off,” Deacon laughs, “You don’t look hurt, so shut up!”

“I’m going to finish you off like I should’ve back at Draz’zt Tharr,” I threaten, “I will handle this Jun.”

“No,” Jun responds, “If he wants you he has to take on all of us.”

Draccus and Leaia draw their swords. I quickly look passed the flames to see Motori still fighting the Kodasai. They must be under Deacon’s control. Motori looks to be holding his own so we can direct our full attention at Deacon. And, trust me, we’ll need to! “Glacies!” I shout an incantation.

I summon north winds that condense and compact to form an enormous ice shard that hurls towards Deacon. He doesn’t move. He doesn’t even blink. The ice shard disintegrates right in front of him! No! Oh, I see it now. He’s wearing an anti-magic amulet. It negates any arcane magic that is sent at him from another. This is not good. “My turn,” he says.

Deacon has mastered the art of casting to the degree that he no longer has to speak the incantations aloud. With a wave of his hand an ice shard shoots right at me! I don’t have time to get out of the way! I have to act fast. “Aegis!” I cast quickly.

A magical barrier forms around me just in time to absorb the impact of the ice spell! It knocks me down, but I am unscathed. Deacon turns his attention to Leaia. “Let’s see if you can walk away from this one!” Deacon says overconfidently.

Deacon throws a lightning bolt at Leaia. She holds her sword out in front of her. “Shield of Arus,” Leaia speaks her holy spell, “Reflect!”

As the lightning hits Leaia’s sword it is reflected back at its caster. Good girl. His amulet won’t stop his own magic. The bolt knocks Deacon out of the air! Now he will be really angry, but maybe we have a shot at this. If we could just get the amulet off his neck. “I could use some help over here!” Motori shouts from the other side of the burning wreckage.

“I’ll help the Lieutenant,” Jun says, “You three finish off Deacon!”

Jun rushes over to Motori who is beginning to get overpowered by the extremely skillful ninjas. Deacon stands. Smoke billows off his robes. “Clever,” he says quietly, “But I won’t underestimate you again.”

Draccus charges at Deacon. An invisible magic wall shoots out in all directions knocking Leaia and I to the ground. Draccus manages to jump over it! He must’ve sensed the shift in the air. He continues towards Deacon who is quite surprised. Draccus gets within melee range and Deacon summons a magus staff. They battle each other as Leaia and I regain our footing. The force of Draccus’ strikes are too much for Deacon to handle. Draccus severs the magus staff in two and it dissipates. Leaia and I rush towards the fight.

Draccus swings at Deacon, who teleports behind the Orrock. Draccus catches Deacon with his tail, which knocks him towards us. Leaia wastes no time in attacking. Deacon avoids her for a moment while he casts his next spell. Suddenly Leaia is surrounded by eight Deacons! It’s an illusion spell. Only one is the real Deacon, but at his level of arcane mastery even the illusions can hurt you. Draccus and I join the fray. I summon a magus staff to keep the illusions away from me while I search for the real archmage.

Leaia cuts down two of the illusions and Draccus rips open another three. When the illusions are killed they explode in a burst of light. I’ve got it! The illusions don’t have the amulet on them. I see Deacon. I push past two illusions, but before I make it to Deacon I feel the ground erupt behind me! The earth itself projects up and launches Draccus into the air. He lands hard. The illusions get in my way once more. I use the magus staff to fight them. “Leaia, I need a blade storm on Deacon!” I point out the real Deacon as I shout.

Leaia slices through another illusion. “Sword of Arus,” she casts, “Blade storm!”

Just as Leaia’s blade leaves her hand she is struck by the same earth spell that took down Draccus. Fortunately, her spell is already in motion! I drop to the ground as the tornado of swords cuts down the rest of the illusions, centering in on Deacon. When the spell finishes I look up to see Deacon standing completely untouched! I guess the amulet protects against holy magic as well. “Fool!” Deacon taunts as he walks towards me.

I look around. Leaia and Draccus are unconscious. I suddenly feel constricting around my throat as I am lifted off the ground by an unseen force. It’s hard to breathe! I hang in the air while Deacon laughs at his victory. “Still second to me afterall,” Deacon gloats.

I’m starting to get light-headed. The constricting gets tighter! “Do you have anything you’d like to say to me before you die?” Deacon laughs again.

“Actually…I do,” I barely manage to squeeze the words out, “Letum…imperium.”

The look on Deacon’s face changes from pleasurably watching me die to one of horror. He grabs his chest! He finds that the amulet is not there. It seems it was cut off during the blade storm. Too bad he didn’t notice. His hold on me releases. I drop to the ground gasping, taking in as much oxygen as my lungs will allow. That was too close. Deacon collapses to the ground. He starts to convulse. Blood pours out of his every facial orifice. He dies very slowly and I get much satisfaction when his screams are quelled by the sound of him choking on his own tongue.

The death spell is not one used very often by any of my order. It is highly effective, but it takes ten years off the caster’s life and I already feel the aging. It is a high price to pay, but better ten years older than dead I always say.

Jun and Motori run over to our battle site. I guess they took care of the Kodasai. Motori helps me up while Jun checks on Draccus and Leaia. “Are they alright?” I ask.

“They’re alive,” Jun answers.

“If I had any doubts about a traitor in our ranks they have been laid to rest,” Motori says.

“The Kodasai?” I ask.

“Yes, they are our most trusted warriors. If someone has their loyalty this treachery goes much deeper than I ever would have imagined. We must get this information to General Fang as quickly as we can.”

Leaia starts to come around and Jun helps her up. “Did you kill him?” Leaia asks me, still disoriented.

“Yes, thanks to you,” I reply, “Your spell saved my life.”

Motori stands over Deacon’s body. “Who was this man?” he asks.

“Someone who has been trying to kill us for a while now,” I answer.

Draccus wakes and stands on his own. “Draccus, can you ride?” Jun asks.

“Yes,” Draccus says.

“Good, we should leave here now.” Jun addresses everyone.

Jun and Motori round up the horses from the dead guards. Leaia casts some healing on the three of us. So soothing! I should get hurt more often so I can have her do that regularly.

I pick up Deacon’s amulet off the ground and tuck it away with my spell book. It’s useless now, but I’ll keep it as a trophy. I stare at Deacon’s corpse for a moment. Hmm…since I killed an archmage that should mean I am now an archmage myself! Ha! “Magnus, what happened to you?” Leaia asks.

“What do you mean?” I ask in return.

“Your hair has grayed a little on the sides,” Leaia says.

Yes. I almost forgot about that. No more abusing magic for me. I’ve got my looks to think about! “Just a side effect from a spell, that’s all,” I say, “Nothing to worry about.”

We all ride the guards’ horses as fast as we can towards the gate to the inner city. All the while I revel in my victory over Deacon Amberlin, 2nd degree archmage of the Black Flame! One threat down, two more to go! Slade and Ethan look out! Magnus Domagus is coming for you!

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