Fantasy Justice: Incarceration

Chapter 34

Monday, May 3rd, 2060

Felorius, Unholy Alliance Territory

“Have a good night, my friends!” John shouted boisterously.

“Thanks again,” Sara said.

“Thank you for allowing me to honor your glorious victory!” He did his usual salute, which the magical girls returned. After this, he went back into his home and shut the door.

“The man loves his celebrations,” May said. She was out of her adventuring clothes, and looking very sharp in her suit.

“I can’t believe how much I ate,” Pari added. “My stomach would have exploded in real life.”

The four started toward the nearest trolley stop. Sara and Clare, walking some distance ahead, became engrossed in conversation. Pari could not help but notice how close they walked together. They seemed so comfortable with each other lately...

“What are you thinking about?” May asked quietly. She had obviously noticed the goblin player’s pondering expression.

“Oh, nothing really.”

“Can I ride to the church with you?”

“I’d appreciate that.”

At the stop the two pairs of women parted company. Pari and May ended up seated beside each other on a trolley. Due to how late it was, their car was empty. The vehicle made all its usual stops as it progressed toward the cathedral.

“So, what was bothering you earlier?” May asked.

“I was just thinking that Sara and Clare have been really close lately. And I didn’t know if Clare could be comfortable with anyone. ...Do you think they have any feelings for each other?”

“...I figured for a long time that Clare had some kinda thing for Sara. It’s pointless to wonder after what she did.”

“I suppose.” Pari had not missed May’s hesitation. “Do you think it’s more than a physical attraction?”

“It isn’t worth guessing about.”

May sounded as if she were holding something back. Perhaps she was thinking something she did not want on their show? There was need for discretion on certain subjects—such as Sara’s suggestion during practice today that they no longer leave the city through the closest gate to their destination, and that they stay off the roads. That would throw off the hunters, but having the tactics revealed on the show would have blunted their effectiveness.

“Listen...” May said hesitantly, after they had rode in silence for a time. “There’s something I’ve wanted to talk to you about for a while.”

“What is it?”

“Well, you know how you said that you wanted to face temptation, before you commit completely to the nun thing... What if we went on a date? No sex or anything,” she added quickly. “Just the two of us do something romantic, and see how we feel about it.”

“May!” Pari said, shocked. “That wouldn’t be facing temptation, that would be giving into it!”

The demon player turned away briefly. “So much for the cowardly way of doing this...” She looked to Pari once more. There was actual vulnerability in her expression—that was not something Pari had expected to see from her. “The truth is...what I feel for you isn’t just attraction, or even affection. ...I’m in love with you. I want you to give me a chance. I mean, I know you probably think of me as someone who sleeps around pretty freely—but for you, I could be exclusive.”

Pari had no idea how to react to this, which immediately caused her anxiety to kick in. She was torn between how upset she was that her friend had put this temptation before her, and how much she did not want to hurt her. “...May, I thought you understood how important becoming a nun is to me,” she said quietly. “It’s not that I don’t appreciate your feelings, or that none of me wants to return them. But I’m on a spiritual journey to give the rest of my life to God. How can you try to deny me that?”

“I’m not asking you to give up your faith,” May said defensively. “Just one part of it.”

“That’s...that’s not something you can ask someone to do!” Pari said, upset. Her turmoil felt like it was growing out of control. “I can’t deny the true calling of my heart out of convenience.”

“But how are you even so sure it’s a true calling? I mean, you latched onto this thing when you wanted to get away from Sandra—”

“How dare you?!” Pari asked angrily. “You’re going to use the same argument my parents did?”

“Maybe they were right about that one thing,” May said, now equally upset.

“How can you just sit there and keep trying to tempt me when I asked you not too?! Is looking like a succubus not enough for you?” The instant these words were out of her mouth, Pari regretted them.

And she felt even worse when May started crying. “Forget it! I guess I’m just an obstacle to salvation!” She looked away and continued more quietly. “...What the hell good have I ever been to anyone, anyway?”

“May, that isn’t—”

“I said forget it. I won’t tempt you any more.” There was a glow and the usual animation as she swapped to her adventuring outfit.

The trolley soon rolled to a stop, though it was not yet close to the cathedral. But May rose and walked away.

Pari followed her to the exit, but did not step off the vehicle after her. “May, please don’t go like this! I’m sorry I lost my temper.”

“I can’t talk about this right now. ...Just stay away.” Pari was overwhelmed with guilt. Both women were silent as the trolley carried Pari away.

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