Falling For Storm

Chapter 2


It was Friday afternoon, and I was not sure what my plans were for the weekend yet. I was thinking of spending time in the library or maybe doing some exploring downtown to look for landscapes to sketch when Dakota asked if I wanted to help out at her brother’s bar. “We could really use the help, plus my brother pays his employees well.” I snorted at her last remark, thinking that I wasn’t his employee, so the rules probably wouldn’t apply to me.

“It’s really simple and only for two nights. We just have to wait tables or help out in the kitchen. We can even split tips. What do you say?” she cajoled with that toothy smile of hers. I was reluctant at first because I knew nothing about kitchen stuff, but I could really use the extra cash, not to mention the fact that there was not a lot of schoolwork for now, so why not?

By seven o’clock, Dakota had already started showing me around and explaining how things worked. It was not a very big place, though it looked like it was popular among locals. I was just assuming, but it really did feel like it. There were three pool tables in one corner, a small stage on the opposite side for the live band, and scattered tables and chairs in front of the bar counter.

By ten o’clock, everything was in full swing, and the place was bustling with people wanting to get drunk and unwind. Dakota was handling bar duties while I was in charge of bringing drinks to people. It was an easy enough job, but balancing the tray while it was full of bottles, glasses, and plates was kind of a hiccup. I wasn’t the most graceful woman on the planet, so it was hard for me to make it seem like I had been doing this for a very long time. In fact, I almost spilled most of the contents on several occasions on some people the entire time.

I was on my way back to get the next round of drinks when a hand came out of nowhere, groping my left butt cheek, which made me yelp and almost lose my balance. “Hey, hon,” said a deep voice from behind. Honestly, this hasn’t happened to me before, so I was stunned for a moment before irritation kicked in. I whipped around, slapping his hand away as hard as I could in the process, and came face to face with a mountain of a man sporting a long blond beard. Let me tell you, he was one hairy and scary-looking dude. “Don’t touch me. You’re not allowed to touch anyone working here or any woman, for that matter,” I hissed. I had half a mind to sucker punch him or knee him in the groin, but I didn’t want to cause a scene or get Dakota and her brother in trouble, so I just started walking away.

The asshole didn’t take my warning seriously because, let’s face it, what asshole did? So instead of sitting his huge ass down, he opted to grab my elbow and spin me around, pulling me closer to his chest. The audacity of this prick! He was grinning like a mule eating briars at me while I struggled to get away. “Let go of me!” I shouted, trying to push him away with all my might, but he didn’t even budge an inch. “Come on, hon, don’t be like that. I just wanna show you a good time, that’s all.” Ha! I knew it! I knew he was going to say that because it was every sleazy jerk’s universal pickup line.

Being in this predicament made me think about a few things. First, I was going to murder my roommate! “It’ll be fun,” she said. “It’ll be safe,” she said. Well, nothing in this situation said fun or safe, now, did it? Second, I was debating about giving him a high-five on the face with the tray I was clutching for dear life. Third, I was wondering if there were any bouncers around. I could really use some help right about now. And lastly, I was about to throw up! He reeked of alcohol, sweat, and cigarettes, which was never a heady combination if you asked me.

He kept tightening his hold on me the more I tried to pull away, sniggering from time to time. I was on the verge of having a panic attack or a mental breakdown, whichever came first, when Dakota was suddenly on my side, roughly yanking his arms. “Let her go. Now!” She spat with venom. “Or what?” the yeti-looking man retorted. “Or I’m going to break every bone in your body and shove that bottle up where the sun doesn’t shine. Try me!” I shivered upon hearing this because even though it was physically impossible for Dakota to do that, the tone of her voice said otherwise. What she said didn’t feel like a threat but more like a promise that she would actually do that. “You heard her. Let her go and get out of here,” a low voice growled. It sounded deadly and cold as ice, even more deadly than how Dakota sounded, but it wasn’t fear that gave me the goosebumps. I was certain it wasn’t; it was something else. I so badly wanted to see who it was that came to my rescue, but I couldn’t do anything yet as I was technically still stuck in Bigfoot’s arms. Damn it!

I figured that a staring contest had ensued before the “yeti” man slowly released his hold on me. Once I was free, Dakota placed a protective arm around my shoulder and quickly led me away. “Are you okay?” She asked, snapping me out of my zombie-like state. I didn’t even realize that we were already inside a certain room, which I was guessing was an office. “I-I’m. I think I’m okay. Wait, what just happened?” I mean, I knew what happened, but I was so confused about what I was feeling right now. I felt calmer than I should, and it was not making any sense. Any woman who had experienced that would’ve freaked, but not me. Not that I was brave or anything, but that voice from earlier sort of made me feel at ease somehow, like, what the hell?

“I’m so, so sorry, Amara. This hasn’t happened before. Gosh, I wish I could take it back. Are you sure you’re alright? Are you hurt or anything?” I could sense the truth and sincerity in her apology. I knew she was feeling really guilty because she was having a hard time looking at me without averting her gaze out of shame. She made it clear that I was her responsibility, and yet, this happened. It wasn’t her fault that things turned out this way. I mean, it wasn’t her fault that there were just some men who were scumbags. There was no one to blame here because, clearly, it was just an unfortunate accident. “Don’t worry about it. Some men are just really gross like that, but I’m okay now. I promise.” Dakota enveloped me in her arms, giving me a tight squeeze. I welcomed the comfort it brought. We may have known each other for a very short time, but honestly, as crazy as it may sound, she was like the sister I never had. The night may have ended a bit badly, but I still think it was good that I came, you know, for the experience, minus the groping part.

After some time, three guys burst into the office, making me jump back up against the wall behind me. There were a few things that happened at that moment. First, the guy in front stopped dead in his tracks the moment he saw me. Second, the two guys following him weren’t able to stop in time when he did, so he was accidentally pushed forward and was now tumbling towards me, causing me to squeak like a mouse. And third, Dakota doubled over because she was laughing hysterically. What the hell?!

“Oh, holy Moses. Shit! I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” the first guy said, panic evident in his voice, and then I felt him quickly move away from me. I kept my eyes tightly closed, frozen in place, arms up in fists like Mike Tyson, for a few minutes until I heard everyone laughing. What was worse was that it wasn’t just a simple chorus of laughter; they were actually whizzing and probably tearing up from cracking up. I first opened one eye, then the other, and then I stood up straight, pretending that I was cool as a cucumber, but my God, that was freaking embarrassing. Oh earth, please open and swallow me whole! More importantly, who were these guys?

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