Falling For His Unwanted Wife by Miss Cloe

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 

Alaric’s POV 

“I did not have any affair with anyone. That’s the truth.” 

My original intention was to be honest with Farren because I felt guilty for misunderstanding her. It had nothing to do with wanting her affection or improving our relationship. 

I simply wanted to clear my name and dispel any doubts about us violating our 


However, when I witnessed my wife walking with the weight of the world on her shoulders, I started saying things that were not part of my plan. 

“I’m hungry. Let’s grab something to eat,” I blurted out before turning away. 

Who was it that said I would never share a meal with her? 

It was me. 

After we got married, I told her not to welcome me back or cook dinner for us to enjoy together. Yet here I am, breaking my own rules. 

I’m certain she’s laughing at me right now. Yes, I must look pathetic and… 

“Sure,” Farren interrupted my thoughts with her response. 

I turned my head back to her. And to my surprise, she was smiling widely at me. 

For a moment, there was an illusion in my eyes, like the time stood still. Perhaps I was taken aback by that beam. I mean, this is the first time I saw her smiling genuinely at 

  1. me

Honestly, I hadn’t been the nicest to her lately, so I never expected her to smile at me 

like that. 

“I’m hungry too. I’ll whip up something real quick. Just wait,” she said. 

Farren left the living room and headed towards the kitchen. 

Once she was out of sight, I finally let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. 

I tilted my head, wondering why her smile had such a strange effect on me. After 


How Laser Cutting Can Boost Your Productivity and Profita 

Chapter 9 

gathering myself, I decided to follow her into the kitchen. 

As I sat at the dining table, I watched my wife preparing our dinner. 

She’s still dressed in her office uniform, with a brown apron on top. As she started. cutting the vegetables, she appeared focused on her task. 

While watching her, my mind wandered to Loki. He has high expectations when it comes to choosing a woman to date. The fact that Loki fell in love with my wife means. that Farren met his standards. 

My gaze returned to her, taking in her appearance from head to toe. 

‘She’s beautiful, I have to admit. And even though she’s not wearing the alluring dress she had on at the bar, she still looks quite attractive.’ 

But is physical appearance enough to like someone? 

Is it solely based on how they look? 

I’ve never really been fond of anyone in the past, so I’m a bit unsure. However, I do appreciate someone’s usefulness and talents. Farren, on the other hand, easily agreed to her grandfather’s request for us to get married, even though she didn’t know me. This gave me a negative impression of her. 

She seemed quite fragile. However, when I witnessed her standing up to a bully on the street, she suddenly appeared strong. 

I initially thought she was like other women who could easily be charmed by a handsome man like Loki. But she turned him down and proved to me that she stays. true to her words. 

I really wonder what kind of woman my wife is. 

“It’s getting pretty warm,” she whispered softly. 

I watched as she reached into her pocket and pulled something out. Then, she gracefully lifted her arms and tied up her flowing hair. 

Without even realizing it, my gaze was drawn to the smooth, pale skin of her n*eck. 

After a few seconds, I felt the urge to look away and pretend like I hadn’t noticed. anything. 


How Laser Cutting Can Boost Your Productivity and Profits 

16:21 Thu, 29 Feb GBB. 

Chapter 9 


I kept my eyes fixed on the ground, feeling like time was standing still. Until she broke the silence, saying, “Dinner is ready.” 

Farren set down a pair of plates on the table. In front of me sat a plate of tomato pasta.. It’s a humble dish. 

“I only made this because we’re low on ingredients in the fridge,” she mentioned. 

“I wasn’t anticipating anything,” I responded, grabbing the fork. 

After all, inviting her to dinner was a spur–of–the–moment decision. 

I savored the tomato pasta without any high hopes. However, the flavor caught me off guard. 

I gazed at the dish. It appeared quite plain. 

But why did it taste so incredibly delicious? It even surpassed the expensive pasta dish I had at my favorite restaurant. 

Farren, with curiosity shining in her eyes, asked, “How is it? Does it satisfy your taste buds? 

It wasn’t just satisfying; it was the absolute best. I avoided her gaze and nonchalantly. replied, “It’s just fine,” as I continued devouring the meal. 

She let out a sigh of relief and said, “Phew, I’m glad you liked it. I was worried you wouldn’t because I forgot to add one ingredient. Next time, I’ll make sure to go grocery shopping. We really need more food in the house.” 

I stared at her, my l*ps parting to tell her not to bother buying groceries. After all, I had no intention of sharing meals with her again. 


“If she’s going to cook, that means I’ll get to enjoy delicious food every day.” 

With that thought in mind, I sealed my l*ps and simply nodded. 

And so, dinner proceeded in silence, with only the clinking of utensils filling the dining 


As I neared the end of my scrumptious meal, I glanced over at Farren, who might be bored due to our lack of conversation throughout dinner. However, my wife seemed happy and contented. 

How Laser Cutting Can Boost Your Productivity and Profita 

16:21 Thu, 29 Feb G GG. 

Chapter 9 

I couldn’t help but ask, “Why do you keep on smiling?” 

She met my gaze and offered an apologetic response, “Oh, sorry. I’m just happy.” 

“Why?” I inquired further. 

Could it be because I revealed to her that the rumors 

about my affair were false? 

Setting my fork down on the table, I decided to clarify our relationship. “I only shared the truth with you to clear my name. Please don’t misunderstand. I informed you that I am unable to fulfill my duties as your husband and provide you with affection.” 

“I already know that,” she replied nonchalantly. “You don’t have to keep reminding me.” 

“Then why do you seem so happy?” 

“Well,” she took a deep breath. “I had a terrible day. I ran into someone I despised, I missed my grandpa, and I felt incredibly lonely. So when you came to me, told me the truth, and asked me to have dinner together, it somehow brightened my mood. Thank 


I was at a loss for words, so I just stayed silent. And then, she carried on. 

“You know, I haven’t cooked for anyone in a long time. My grandpa used to enjoy the food I made. Maybe cooking for someone filled the void I felt without him.” 

Her eyes dropped, brimming with love. 

“Do you truly love your grandpa that deeply?” I asked curiously. 


“Even though he requested you to marry someone like me?” 

The smile on her face disappeared. She avoided making eye contact with me and pressed her l*ps together tightly. 

“Your grandfather’s final wish was for you to marry me – a complete stranger. And I asked you to divorce me after a year. Don’t you feel any resentment towards him for putting you in this situation?” 

“I honestly don’t understand it,” she responded, still not looking at me. “I wish I could wake him up and ask him why. But I’ve already married you and followed his wishes. So, there’s no point in harboring any resentment towards him.” 


How Laser Cutting Can Boost Your Productivity and Profits 

16:21 Thu, 29 Feb GBB. 

Chapter 9 

Farren placed her arms on the table and stared directly at me. 

“What about you?” she whispered. “You hate me. You have no intention of living a happy married life with me. But why did you agree to this marriage?” 

Without a moment’s hesitation, I replied, “To secure my inheritance. My grandfather made it clear that I would only receive it if I married you. That’s the only reason.” 

My response seemed to render her speechless. 

“Are you disappointed?” I asked, nonchalantly wiping my mouth. “Don’t be. You’ll also benefit from this arrangement. Once I receive my inheritance, I’ll provide you with enough money to live a comfortable life. You won’t have to work anymore.” 

She placed her fork on the table and took a sip of water. Then, she reached into her bag and retrieved something. 

“Speaking of money,” she said, her tone changing. 

After a while, she placed a card on the table. It was the black card I had given her after our wedding. 

“I’m giving this back to you,” she said, pushing the card towards me. 

Confused, I replied with a frown, “Don’t you need it for anything?” 

Looking back, my secretary informed me that my wife hadn’t used my card at all. 

“I have my own job,” she explained. “If I need something, I can purchase it with my own 


My brows raised. “You certainly have a lot of confidence for someone who works in an 


“Did you do a background check on me?” I asked. 

“It’s necessary to investigate the person I’m about to share a roof with,” I stated. “You didn’t investigate me before marrying me?” 

“I… That…” She stuttered, unable to find the right words, and simply closed her mouth. 

Without missing a beat, I continued. “I’m Alaric Ford, a self–made businessman who has made a name for himself in the business world. I have plenty of money to support you, so you better take this opportunity while we’re still married.” 


How Laser Cutting Can Boost Your Productivity and Profita 

16:21 Thu, 29 Feb G B D. · 

Chapter 9 


A silence settled between us. When I lowered my eyes, I saw her hand clenching around the card. 

Suddenly, amidst the suffocating silence, her phone, which was carelessly left on the table, rudely interrupted our moment. 

My eyes involuntarily darted toward it, and despite the cracked screen, I could make out a heart emoticon next to the caller’s name. 

My wife glanced at her phone, her grip tightening around it possessively. 

With a dismissive wave of her hand, she declared, “I’ll wash the dishes later,” before abruptly leaving the dining room, completely disregarding the black card. 

The sight of that heart emoticon on her phone gnawed at me. 

Even the taste of the delicious food I had just consumed turned bitter on my tongue. 



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