Fallen Thirst

Chapter Chapter twenty seven

Roland's POV

Blade had the navigation on as he drove. He figured that it'll be faster than going the way we came from.

Music blasts as we sang along happy that we got our crest. It's sitting in the back carefully.

Speeding down the highway with hardly any cars is amazing until Blade's phone rang. I turned down the music as he answers.

Putting on speaker and setting it on the dashboard he spoke.

"Hey, we've got the crest we're on our way."

"That's great but we have a problem," Keir replies.

"What's the problem."

Some shuffling can be heard and muffled voices.

"He's got the right to know! Tell him or I'm telling him!" Sounds like Kathrine.

"You know what you tell him!" Keir passed the phone to Kathrine.

"Sarah's missing."

Blade slammed on the brakes real hard I had to grab the dashboard and look back. The crest lays safely. Good.

"What do you mean she's missing?" His voice changed immediately to a deep "you mess with me I kill you" voice.

"As in she disappeared. Vanished. No more. Gone. No trace. I can name more if you like."

"What happened?"

"She went out for a walk and hasn't returned. We though she need some space since she's worried about this whole thing, and you leaving. We checked her home thinking she just needed to be alone. When she wasn't there, we checked the warehouse. But she wasn't there either. We've checked around town and she's nowhere to be seen. No one has seen here anywhere. That was two days ago."

"TWO DAYS?! She's been gone for two days and you haven't thought to call me?!"

"I told you he would react like this if we didn't tell him sooner," Lennix answers in the background. "Dawn, five bucks."

"You were betting?" I ask.

"Well yes, I suggested we'd tell you the day she went missing. But no, they wanted to wait two days. Two fucking days!"

"Okay, first off, Blade calm down we'll find her. She couldn't have gone far. And second, start getting a search party out there. She has to be somewhere," I command.

"Yes sir," they said in unison.

"Blade get into the passenger seat, I'm driving. I need you to try contacting her. Call us and update on the search." I hang up the phone and we switch. As I drove Blade started contacting her or whatever he tried to do.

I feel horrible that his girlfriend is missing. He cares about someone and that's what he deserves. I wonder what it's like for someone like that to care for me. I remained as calm as I could while I tried calming Blade down. I suggested he drinks blood to settle himself down.


We still have another day of driving. Throughout the past couple days, Blade and I switched who's driving as we tried to speed home. Sarah's still missing and they still couldn't find her. It's the middle of the night and I'm driving while Blade is resting. He closed his eyes to drown out everything.

The poor guy is overwhelmed with the whole thing.

We took shifts. I drive at night and he drives in the day. I notice we're running out of gas so I stopped at a nearby gas station. Getting out I leave the door open as I payed and got the pump inside the car. As it filled up, Blade's phone rings. I answer it.

"Any news yet?"

"Yes, we've located her phone. She's in New York City," Sabor answers.

"What the hell is she doing out there?"

"We don't know but Amber, Raul, and Victoria went out there to check for her. How long are you guys gonna be?"

"Another day. We're trying our best to get there as soon as possible. Blade is worried sick for her, thinking all of the awful possibilities that could have happened to her."

"Poor Blade. He just can't catch a break can he? What's he doing now?"

"I told him to relax and now he's closed his eyes drowning everything out until we get there."

"Good. That'll keep him sane."

"It has. I don't disturb him until we rotate."

"What's do you mean rotate?"

"Driving shifts, but I think I'll leave him alone and just drive for the rest of the day."

"Just be careful to not tire yourself out. Just get home safely okay? We don't need anything to happen to you two right now."


The pump finished. Setting it away I got back in the car.

"I'm just leaving the gas station. Phone back and update."

"Sure will."

I hang up. I know Blade was listening in the conversation as a small smile appeared. A smile rose on my face. I'm happy that we found his girlfriend.

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