Fallen Thirst

Chapter Chapter twenty five

Roland's POV

We get to the Clorien Museum. Everybody with their families, and extended family, and friends were all here to see expensive architectural work and items.

We are here to steal back our crest. "So Blade, how are we gonna get our crest without getting caught and sent to jail?"

"Well, if you were paying attention, there's an auction here. When we get in we bid our crest and get out."

"Seems easy enough."


Walking up to the entrance, the guard stops us. "ID's please."

We showed our ID's to him but he didn't seemed impressed.

"Your Museum ID's."

Blade and I look at each other surprised. We needed museum ID's now? What kind of world is this?!

"We don't have any museum ID's," Blade said.

"No museum ID's, no entering. Now scram."

We walk away from the entrance going back to our truck. We get in starring at the museum.

"What do we do now?" I grumble.

"We've got to get in. But how?" Blade said the last part quietly, almost to himself.

I stare outside thinking how we can get in. I notice two guys walking around back glancing around like they wouldn't want to get caught.

"Hey Blade," I slap his arm getting his attention, "look." I point. Glancing in the direction I'm pointing, he smirks.

"Let's go follow them."

Scrambling out of the car, we rush to follow them. Rounding the side, a door closes suddenly. Assuming it's those guys, we follow them in as Blade scans to make sure we're not being watched or followed.

Scurrying in the door shut behind us and we see the following scene; everyone is scurrying around getting everything ready for the auction.

"Is the five legged horse ready in the case?" Someone shouted. Several yeses were announced.

Cases of expensive fortunes are lined up ready to be sold.

We crept in the shadows hoping to not be seen. We made our way through the staff door into the hallway where thousands of people gathered. "They all look rich," I whisper to Blade.

"They probably are."

We were about to pass them when I peaked inside. I grabbed onto Blade's arm and pulled him in.

"Roland, what the hell are you doing?"

"In here is the auction."


I grabbed a paddle and we stood in the corner passing the paddle to Blade, as the room filled. People gathered in the huge white room, the tall windows let in the sunlight, brightening the room more. Blade and I pulled our hoods over our heads to block out the sunlight. Although it doesn't hurt us, it can give us Hep D and I'm not in the mood to get sick.

Everyone has gathered in, a few standing in the back since all the chairs have been taken.

"We're not bidding on anything except for the that crest," Blade whispers in my ear.

I nod stiffly.

A woman, looks to be in her early sixties, with her dry blonde hair pulled back into a bun. Her narrow face gave me the creeps as her ice cold eyes darted across the room. Her black work coat stuck tightly to her body with her white blouse underneath, her black tight skirt that cling to her legs fell to her knees. To top it all, her black point toed heels. She stood tall and powerful folding her hands together.

I shudder when our eyes met.

"Welcome everyone to the forty seventh auction at Clorien Museum."

Everyone clapped but quickly quieted down.

"We will be showing our finest and special architecture. These are worth millions. Now, let's begin."

I dreaded through the auction. Most of this stuff is useless, the five legged horse, head of a jellyfish, paintings of the important people. Who buys that stuff?

Apparently these people.

I'm starting to think that the cop lied to us. I started to zone out when I heard her words.

"The ancient Ramose Crest for five hundred."

Blade's hand immediately shot up. "Five hundred to number 183."

Another hand shot up. "Seven hundred dollars," the guy shouted.

"Seven hundred. Anyone bidding for eight hundred?"

Blade's hand shot up again. "Eight hundred. Anyone else?"

The same guys hand shot up again. "Ten hundred."

"Thirteen hundred," Blade announced.

"Fifteen hundred!"

"Twenty five hundred!"

"Thirty five hundred!"

"Sixty hundred!"

"One hundred thousand!"

That caught us off guard. "That's way out of our budget," I exclaim.

"One hundred thousand! Going once! Going twice! Sold to number 157!"

"No!" We both yelled. Our crest. Our family crest is sold to this person.

"Wait!" I yelled.

Everyone starred at us. "Sir, this person has bought the crest."

"I know, but thats our crest! Our family crest!"

"Roland," Blade warns.

"No it's not."

"Yes it is! I have proof!"

I went onto the stage and showed her my ID.

"Pft. This is a fake. That's not your real ID."

"Yes it is. And that's my family's crest. It's been in our family for over one hundred generations. And you sell it would mean that-"

"That's it's not yours anymore. If it was."

"You need to listen to me."

"Sir, I need you to go back."

"I'm not leaving."

All of the anger and pain that was built up inside me finally came down.

"Sir, this nice man bought it. There's other things you can buy."

"No! You don't understand. Our father is a monster and we need to bring him down. This is the only thing that we can use to destroy him!"

"Sir, stop making stuff up. Your not really part of the Ramose's and your father isn't a monster. Please sit down before I call security."

"Roland!" Blade yells at me but I block him out.


Before we know it, security came and held me down.

"Let go of my brother."

They're no match for me. I take all of my bottled up anger on them. I rip my arm away from his grip and elbow him in the gut. He doubled over as I punch him in the face. I heard two cracks. Ouch.

I grabbed his shoulders and kicked him in the chest.

He'll definitely needs to go to the emergency room.

As Blade ran towards me, he fought two security guards. Screams were heard as everyone tried to rush out of the room for safety.

As people were rushing out, someone hit the fire alarm. Now everyone was rushing out,

In the madness, I punched the glass until it smashed into pieces. Blade grabbed the crest and we booked it out.

Once we got to the car, we laughed.

"Never do that again Roland," Blade chuckled.

"I won't."

We settled down as Blade got the truck going.

"We're going home."

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