Fallen Thirst

Chapter Chapter seven

Blade's POV

My father is a very important and busy man. He's the most fearful man in our town. If anyone disobeys him there will be consequences. Some people say that it's hard to get on his hood side, which is true. Other people say that he kills to get his way yet he's not classified as a mafia killer.

Rumours say that he's sleeping with other women behind my moms back, which isn't a surprise. If it's true my mom can't do anything about it. She'll have to deal with it.

My mom doesn't deserve him but I don't deserve her. Of course she's caring at some level but she won't protect. Her disappointment gets to me.

Sometimes I even wonder why they had kids, or at least me. Sometimes I don't see what the point in living in a home where the parents don't really care about them.

I just wish I had a better family.

A family who cares about me and won't abuse me for doing the wrong. Instead to teach me or talk with me kindly.

Parents to love.

I'm in bed not caring to get up or do anything today. I'm not hungry even though I haven't eaten in a five days. I've lost a lot of weight.

My siblings have noticed and maybe my mom but she doesn't do anything. Roland, the youngest sibling of all of us who's three years old. The little one waddles in my room to check on me.

He climbs into my bed and lays with me asking if I'm hungry or want anything or how I'm doing.

Speaking of, my door creaks open and Roland walks in bringing me a piece of bread.

I slowly sit up as he walks to my bed the trying to crawl up.

I lift him up sitting on my legs.

"Here Bwade. I bought you tis."

"Thanks buddy."

I take and nibble it.

"Are you sick?"

"No Roland."

"Ten why won't you come out?"

"I'm just not happy right now."


I sigh. "Because I'm depressed."

"What's depwessed?"

"It's when someone is way too sad to do anything. They don't care enough to do anything."


I nod slowly. He hugs me tightly.

My mom walks in. "Supper's ready."

I help Roland off the bed as he runs out. I set the bread on the bedside table.

Laying back down I zone out, thinking of how this family would do better without me. What it's like to be dead.

I mean, it would get me out of my misery.

But I won't. My siblings need me.


We walk through the forest to the other side. We needed to talk some sense into them, especially him.

We make it to the Vanetts old home, which is now their home. Raul went to the door while the rest of us stayed down. He rung the doorbell and waited.

My hands tremble in nervousness. I calm and collect myself. Amber notices my trembling state.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just . . . Still shocked from earlier."

"Don't worry, we're confronting them."

Someone answers the door as I mask my worried state.

I couldn't believe it, she doesn't look a day over forty. My mother stood there with her blonde hair in a messy bun. Yes, she has blonde hair. I got my hair from my father. Most of my personality traits are from my my mother and my look traits are from my father.

"Yes, how may I help you?"

"One of my family members ran into your leader earlier today, claiming that he is now the ruler of this town."

"Oh, why yes. My husband is very controlling when he wants people to follow him. He loves it when he has control over citizens."

"Okay, we'll you do realize that this town is for free citizens. They're not meant to be controlled over."

"Well you clearly don't us then."

"We don't need to."

"But when we got here, people were out and about into utter chaos. There was no control. My husband stepped up and did what's right for the town," she argues.

"What's right for the town? Telling people to not come out unless if they need to?"


This is why I hated them.

I heard someone walk behind us, Victoria, Lennix and Amber stands on guard ready to strike.

Our fangs are ready to attack on the person who dares to sneak up. As the steps near we turn around ready to fight.

"Woah, calm your fangs," the familiar voice that I haven't heard in years.

"Claire," I sneer.

"Blade Ramose! It's been a long time since I've seen you!"

"What are you doing here?" Lennix asks.

"Why I live here. What are you doing here?"

"You live here?"

"Did I stutter?"

"Who are you?" Amber asks.

"Why I'm Marie Claire. Ramose and Rivera used to go to school with me."

"I regret every bit of it," I say.

"What really?"


"I agree with Blade," Lennix jumps in.

"Well then. Since you don't want to talk to me I'm going inside."

She bumps my shoulder as she walks to the house.

Little did I know that my mother and Raul watched the scene play out.

I lock eyes with my mother. Her sad green eyes locked with mine, I couldn't break free. Tears welled up as she places her hands over her mouth like she couldn't believe it.

I raise my eyebrow at her. I don't miss her at all. In fact, I consider the Tandlers as my family. Victoria and Raul have taken care of me like a real family should.

She slowly made her way to me while I'm here not knowing what to do.

The others watch the scene play out.

Her bony arms wrap around my waist as she sobs into my chest.

I stiff at the action not once relaxing. The others gave me a "what the hell" face and I return with "I don't fucking know" face.

I'm confused.

"Um . . . Miss?"

She sobs harder clutching me harder.

"Okay, miss you need to release me, please."

"Your . . . A-alive!" She chokes out.

I am alive.

"Okay miss, please release him this instant," Victoria cuts in.

"Why w-would I l-let g-go of my s-son?"

"Son?" The four of them chorused.

"I'm sorry but you have the wrong person. I'm sorry to whatever happened to your son."

"No no no. Don't tell me don't know who I am? I'm your mother."

"I'm sorry but I don't. I promise you you have the wrong person."

I gently push her away from me. The others from inside the house comes running out along with him.

She let me go taking a step back but hoping of having space, I'm crushed with the others bringing me down.

Tears of joy cried through my ears. It's good to see my siblings but I don't want to deal with any of them. I've moved on from them.

As they crush me I managed to escape their grasp. Standing up I back away from them.


"The hell?!" Amber shouts.

I know Amber, I know. I take my distance from my siblings as they gave me the look of heartbreaking.

They shower me with questions.

I had enough.

Luckily, Raul beat me to it.


Everyone stopped. I mouth a "thank you" to him. I notice a young boy who looks like a teen standing by my father.

"Look, we came to tell you to move. Go away. Go buy a house somewhere else. You don't need to come to our town just for you to rule like it's your own. The citizens that live in this town deserve to be free!"

"You don't come on our property and tell us what to do! This is my town now!"

Raul shook his head in defeat.

"Let's go."

Raul walks away with the others following behind. I stand watching the others walk in their home.

"Let's go Roland." The kid that stood by their father continue to watch me. There's a look on his eyes that he knows who I am, but afraid to show it.


He jumps and scurries inside.

That's my cue to leave.

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