Fallen Thirst

Chapter Chapter fifteen

Sarah's POV

I'm worried about Blade. He's been so angry towards the others vamps that's it's been horrible. He keeps saying he's fine but we all can tell he's not.

Blade's been protecting Roland which is good but we all have a feeling there's something more.

Sapphire's and Roland's friendship is getting stronger ever second. Roland has been here almost everyday and not just delivering information anymore. Apparently, his father is getting worse each day to the point where Roland spends the night with us. The citizens of Cooperstown is still living in fear. I wish I could help them.

We are completely fine with it. Raul is now trusting Roland which is also good news.

Blade has gathered us around for a "meeting."

"Alright. I think it's time for you guys to know everything. You deserve to know but you need to realize why I've been hiding this from you. I want to protect you and not have to face the same way I did. Those vamps . . . I do know them. In fact . . . They are related to me. Roland, is my younger brother, biologically. His father is my father, everyone in that family is my family. My biological family."

He stopped to let this sink in. I never thought that they were his family. Although it makes perfect sense it still shocks me.

"The reason why I said I don't know them is because I really didn't want to remember them. They remind me of my past. Whatever Roland is going through now, I've been through."

"Wait, you've been beaten as well?" Sapphire asks.

"Yep, I took every hit. Look, I know what he's capable of and he's worse than what we've went up against."

"What about Roland, you've seem to fancy him?" Sabe asks.

"That's because he's the only one that cares for me and I care for him. We've both been through the same. I've never forget about him. He's the only one out of them all, that I care about."

"I get where you're coming from Blade, but you still could have told us, we could have helped you along the way instead of shutting us out," Lennix replies.

"I know. It's just . . . I don't want you hurt."

"Dude, we're always here for you. No matter what," Keir replies.


As we sat around chatting someone knocks on the door repeatedly. "I'll answer it." Lennix got up to open the door. We stayed silent to hear.

"Look, whatever you do, don't let him in."


"Just please don't! He'll hurt me then you! I'm already in enough trouble as it is!"

Roland panics. Blade got up to see his brother. I follow along to see the commotion.

"What's going on?"

"Father, he's coming! He going to hurt me!"

Roland teared up. I've never seen Roland tear up before which means this must be painful.

"Okay, calm down. He won't hurt you." Lennix held him as he panics. The doorbell rings.

"That's him! That's him!" Roland panics as he scurried away from Lennix and the door.

"Roland, I need you to go to the garage into my car. I then need you to drive it to an abandoned warehouse that's just outside town. It's by the forest you can't miss it. I'll meet you there." Blade grabbed his keys and handed to him. He nodded.

"Blade." I grab him.

"Sarah, hon, I'll be okay. I hav two do this, it's the only way."

"Be careful."

"I will. I Love you."

I couldn't believe my ears. He loves me. Without thinking I say it back.

"I love you too."

He opened the door revealing his father. "I know he's in here, where is he?!"

"I'm sorry I don't know how you're talking about."

"You know exactly who I'm talking about."

Raul came into action. "Actually we don't so if you kindly leave, there won't be trouble."

"Where is Roland?" Blade's father said pushing him against the wall. He started choking him but knowing him, it's not affecting him.

"Come and get me." Pushing his father away he ran out the door then his father follows.

"Blade, please be alright."

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