Fall of Snow: A Dark Mafia Romance (Frost Industries Book 3)

Fall of Snow: Chapter 22

The moment her body relaxes into mine, I know she’s asleep. The soft snores that follow allow me to breathe a little easier, reminding me she’s still here with me.

A man like me doesn’t feel fear. There’s nothing on this earth that scares me, except losing Snow. That scares the fucking shit out of me, and tonight it was a very real possibility. Somehow, a man was allowed into the restaurant wearing a black ski mask and holding a handgun that he subsequently aimed at my woman.

Storm is looking into how this could have happened with three security teams on the premises, but I have a feeling the guy came through the kitchen. It’s the only way he could have got in without us knowing about it, and I curse myself for not having a team through the staff areas. I know the owner, and he would have understood the need to keep my woman safe.

But it’s too late for could have, would have, should haves.

It doesn’t take long to make it back to the house, most of the traffic from earlier cleared. The moment the car comes to a stop, I’m climbing out with Snow held securely against me. I don’t know how I’m ever going to let her out of my arms again. I need her to be safe, and the only person I trust with her safety is myself.

Mrs. Chambers stands at the open door, her eyes locked on the small bundle in my arms. Snow’s out for the count, the exhaustion allowing her to hide from the reality of tonight for a little while. I’ll allow her to sleep until the doctor arrives, and then I’ll need to wake her so they can assess her.

“What happened?” she whispers.

“Someone shot at Snow,” it’s all I can manage. If I spend too much time thinking about what could have happened tonight, I’ll lose it, and I can’t do that while I’m holding Snow. She’s already frightened, she doesn’t need to be afraid of me on top of that.

Mrs. Chambers gasps, her hand covering her mouth as she closes the front door behind us. “Is she okay?”

“I think so. The doctor will be here shortly to check her over.”

“Take her into her room. I’ll bring her some tea and get her a change of clothes for when she wakes.”

“She’ll be in my room tonight.” And every other night from here on out. I could have lost her tonight, and I’m not willing to waste another moment. She’s mine. And therefore, she should be in my bed with me every night. I gave her time, more than I wanted to in fact, and now it’s time she takes her place by my side.

Mrs. Chambers makes a sound, but she doesn’t say a word as I take long strides toward my bedroom. The space is dark and masculine, but I suspect I will have to concede on some changes to keep my queen happy. She can do whatever the fuck she wants as long as she spends every night in this bed with me.

I lay her down carefully and the moment her body isn’t pressed to mine, I’m tempted to pick her up again. Snow rolls to her side in her sleep, curling up into a small ball, holding herself tightly. I’m not the only one who was afraid tonight. No, my little Snowflake was terrified. Whether she admits that is likely an entirely different story.

Mrs. Chambers walks in behind me, her eyes focused on my sweet Snow curled up around herself, the worry clear in the older woman’s eyes. She’s very fond of our newest resident, and I suspect she likes having another woman in the house. For so long she looked after ruthless men, it must be a change to have Snow here.

Her hands are full of things for Snow. A cup of tea which she places on the nightstand, a pile of clothes and the bathrobe I’ve seen my sweet captive wear as she wanders the house late at night, all of which she puts at the end of the bed. “I’ll get her changed before the doctor arrives.”

“I’ll do it,” I tell her, reaching for the silk pajamas in the pile. They’re a simple light pink shorts and camisole duo, but I already know it’s going to be hard to keep my hands off her tonight.

“I don’t know if…” she starts.

“I almost lost her tonight,” I snap. “I’m done being patient, so from here on out, I’ll be the one to coddle her when she needs it.” I don’t mean to sound so harsh, but my patience is wearing thin tonight, and all I can think about is wrapping myself around my woman and reminding myself repeatedly she’s okay.

Mrs. Chambers looks as if she’s about to say something, but instead she nods curtly and turns on her heel. If I were a normal man, perhaps I would feel guilty for my tone, but she should know better than to argue with the men in my family. We don’t take kindly to being questioned.

I turn my attention back to Snow and frown. Her tiny body shakes, her head moving from side to side like her dream has taken a turn. I reach for her, brushing her blonde locks from her cheeks.

“Snowflake,” I murmur quietly, perching on the edge of the bed beside her.

Snow’s head thrashes from one side to the other and her body tightens at whatever images her mind is conjuring.

“Snow,” I say a little louder, not wanting to startle her from her nightmare.

Her blue eyes fly open and meet mine. There’s something behind them that seems to settle when she sees it’s me beside her, but perhaps that’s wishful thinking.

“Where am I?” she whispers, her eyes taking in the new space she’s in. My bedroom is one of the only rooms in the house that I’ve kept locked since her arrival, not for any other reason than I suspected she may try to kill me at some point and didn’t want to make it easy for her. But my captive has been more docile than I expected.

“My room,” I tell her. “Let’s get you out of this dress and into something more comfortable.”

She stares at me for a moment before her eyes drop to what she’s wearing and then to the change of clothes I’m holding. “I can do it.” She reaches for the shorts in my hand, but I quickly move them from her grasp.

“I know you can do it.” I drop the silk to the bed beside her and begin pushing her satin gown up her legs before she can argue. “But I’m going to do it for you.”

Her eyes track my movements, the skin beneath my hands pebbles the higher I push her dress. Is my girl turned on? My lips twitch at the idea that despite her better judgment, she feels the pull I’ve felt the last ten years, but her eyes remain glued to my hands.

“Elijah,” Snow whispers, the worry in her voice evident.

I sigh, stopping my movements to touch my fingers to her chin and lift it until our eyes clash. “I’m not going to take advantage of you. I told you I wouldn’t touch you until you begged for it, and I meant it. Just relax and let me take care of you.”

She worries her bottom lip between her teeth, considering me for a moment before she nods slightly.

I drop my hands back to the hem of her dress and move it up over her thighs. She lifts her ass just enough I can push the tight dress past, and then I whip it over her head.

My mouth dries when I allow my gaze to fall upon her perfect body. All milky white skin and hard rosy nipples. The only clothing remaining on her body is the tiniest thong I’ve ever seen in my life, and it’s making it difficult to keep my promise. It’s not the first time I’ve seen her naked, or close to at least, but this is different. This time she’s right in front of me, her soft skin within reach.

Snow’s body is a temptation I can’t refuse.

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