Fall Into You (Morally Gray Book 2)

Fall Into You: Chapter 41

The place is insane.

The foyer has triple-vaulted ceilings, walls of windows that showcase incredible canyon and city views, and crown-like Baccarat chandeliers. A pair of curved limestone staircases rise elegantly to the second floor. The white marble floor gleams.

Holding my hand, Cole leads me through the entrance into the main living area, which is even more grand. Acres of dark hardwood floors are offset by white furniture and walls hung with oil paintings. A fantastical lounge has a ceiling covered in life-like faux flowers and a chandelier resembling an explosion of butterflies. There’s a bar room, a library, a formal dining room, a screening room, and a wine cellar, and that’s just the first floor.

As I stand in wide-eyed wonder gazing through the windows at the huge backyard pool surrounded by a lounge area with harlequin pattern pavers inset with squares of grass, Cole squeezes my hand.

“What do you think?”

“It’s like a fairytale castle. Who else lives here with you?”


I turn and look at him. In the warm ambient lighting, his features are softer. Maybe it’s my imagination, but his demeanor is softer too, as if by merely walking through the front door of his home, he shed a few of his hard layers.

“You live here alone? This place must be like ten thousand square feet.”

“Fifteen. On six acres.” He turns and gazes out the windows into the night. “I wish it were twenty, but I can’t find any parcels that big in the city. There’s a place in Montecito that’s two hundred and thirty acres that I’d love to buy, but the owner won’t sell.”

I furrow my brow in confusion. “Why do you want that much space?”

“Same reason wild animals need a lot of space.”

“To roam?”

“So they don’t have to bump into each other.”

“Don’t you get lonely?”

He answers after a contemplative moment, his voice soft. “All the time.”

I remember what Simone said the day I started work and slipped and called him Mr. Dark and Stormy. She said everyone at the office called him the Grinch, but thing about the Grinch was that his heart wasn’t too small. He was just unbearably lonely.

This man is a mystery. He longs for connection, but purposely keeps himself separate from the only place he can get it. Other people.

“Hey. Handsome.”

He glances at me.

“Thank you for bringing me here. It means a lot to me.”

Blue eyes shining, he reaches out and caresses my cheek. He murmurs, “Beautiful Shayna. Thank you for coming. I love having you here.”

Emotion swells in my chest, expanding until it’s hard to breathe. I want to look away from him to hide, but I can’t. The force of his gaze is too powerful.

I don’t know what it is about him, but I’m drawn to him in a way I’ve never been drawn to anyone else. To his mysteries and his moods, his longing and his loneliness, all the parts he keeps hidden from everyone for reasons yet unknown.

I know he’s got secrets. I know he’s not perfect. But I’ve never known anyone I wanted to understand more.

“I could get addicted to the way you’re looking at me right now,” he says, his voice throaty.

“If I ask you something, will you answer honestly?”

“I’ll always be honest with you.”

“When you’re not sidestepping, you mean.”

That earns me a smile. “What’s the question?”

“Can I trust you not to break my heart?”

A look of pain crosses his features. He closes his eyes and exhales a quiet breath. When he opens his eyes again, they’re filled with anguish.

“Why do you think I keep saying we can’t have a relationship?”

That shouldn’t hurt as much as it does. I almost wish he’d lied to me. But I guess that’s what I get for asking the question.

I look away, out into the night. “Okay,” I whisper around the lump in my throat. “Fair enough.”


“No, let’s not ruin this. We have tonight. And we have Shanghai lobster. And if you’re very, very good, I’ll let you convince me that we should go skinny dipping in that enormous pool.”

He gathers me into his arms and hugs me, pressing his face against my neck. We stand like that for a while, holding each other and breathing, until I feel tears well at the corners of my eyes and pull away.

He’s already breaking my heart, and we haven’t even eaten dinner yet.

Taking my hand, he leads me through a set of open French doors onto the terrace. The air is warm and still, perfumed by the cascading honeysuckle vines climbing the balustrade. We sit at a small round table draped in white linen and set with fine china and crystal. White tapers in silver holders add a romantic glow to the setting.

Overwhelmed, I take in the view.

“You’re quiet,” observes Cole, spreading a linen napkin over his lap.

“I’m processing.”

He nods, accepting that answer without pressuring me for more. Then he pulls his cell from his jacket pocket and dials a number. To whoever answers on the other line, he says, “We’re ready.”

He disconnects, shuts his phone off, and slides it back into his pocket. Then he takes my panties from another inside pocket and holds them to his nose. Looking at me, he inhales deeply.

Embarrassed, I shake my head and look away.

“Don’t be shy.”

When I glance back at him, he’s grinning.

“You’re strange.”

“You told me that the night we met. Do you remember?”

“Yes, and I was right. Put those away, please.”

He folds them carefully and places them in the outer breast pocket of his jacket, arranging them until the panties look like a pocket square.

“I don’t want to know how many times you’ve done that before, but you’re entirely too good at it. Please don’t tell me you’ll wear them into a meeting.”

“Oh, these are coming with me wherever I go.”

He laughs at my expression. I love his laugh, open and unguarded, loud and happy. The sound thrills me. I sit and stare at him, mesmerized.

Eyes glowing, he leans across the table and takes my hand. “There’s that look again.”

“What look?”

“The one I’m addicted to.”

“The one you said you could get addicted to, you mean.”

“Apparently, one hit was all I needed.”

Blushing, I look down at the table. “You’re just laying it on thick because I said that thing about skinny dipping.”

“You know I’m not.”

I glance up. Our gazes lock. My nervous system slams into high alert and starts lighting my body parts on fire. How does he do this to me?

“You’re so fucking beautiful. Goddamn, Shay. Goddamn.”

His voice is low and vehement, and his eyes are shining. I wish I could take a picture of his face so I could remember him at this moment, so I could look at it when things get rough between us, which I know they will.

I whisper, “Thank you.”

He leans over and kisses my knuckles just as two young men arrive at our tableside. They’re wearing long-sleeved white dress shirts, black slacks, and black vests with the word Spago sewn in white lettering on the chests.

“Good evening,” says the taller blond one. “I’m Brett. I’ll be serving you this evening. Christian is assisting me.” He nods toward his companion, a slender young man with a beautiful smile and big, dark eyes.

Cole leans back into his chair, crosses his legs, and folds his hands in his lap. He watches me with unwavering intent as our servers set plates of food in front of us and pour wine into the crystal goblets.

Brett gestures toward my plate. “For our first course, we have pork belly dumplings with black vinegar, chili oil, and ginger, paired with Wolfgang’s favorite dry Austrian Riesling. Bon appétit.”

They withdraw, leaving me more overwhelmed than before.

Because of course he would, Cole notices.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. This is just…incredible. You went to a lot of trouble. I hope you don’t think I’m the kind of girl who wouldn’t be happy getting takeout from a pizza joint.”

His voice turns soft. “I know what kind of girl you are. And don’t worry about the effort. It’s my pleasure.”

“Still, Cole. This is a lot.”

“It’s worth it just to see your expression.”

“Well, thank you. For everything. But don’t think I expect—”

“I’m going to give you things,” he interrupts. “Nice things. Things you deserve, things it will make me happy to give you because I know you’ll appreciate them, but also selfishly because I know how good it will make me feel to provide them for you.”

I exhale a shaky breath, wishing I didn’t feel so unsteady. “Okay, but don’t be disappointed when you come over to my place and I serve you SpaghettiOs from a can.”

“Are you kidding? They’re my favorite.”

Smiling, he picks up his wine glass and takes a sip of wine. I do too, glad for a distraction from the whirlwind of emotions crashing through me. Then I decide to be bold and just say what’s on my mind.

“I’m not sure how this is supposed to work. You don’t want a relationship, but you want to give me things. You said I don’t ever have to worry about anything again, but you also said that thing about only having a series of one-night stands.”

“You said that. I just agreed with it.”

“You know what I mean.”

“Eat your dumplings before they get cold.”

Another sidestep. How annoying. I keep that thought to myself as I pick up my fork and stab a fat little dumpling. I’m aggravated for all of ten seconds until I start to chew, and the flavors explode on my tongue.

“Oh. Oh my God. This is…holy wow, this is good.”

“Holy wow?” he repeats, chuckling.

“Don’t make me throw a dumpling at you.”

“You can throw anything you want at me, baby.”

His voice is so soft and stroking, his eyes so warm, it makes me shiver. I drop my gaze to my plate to avoid giving him a glimpse of everything I’m feeling. If he does, he lets it go without comment, instead pausing to take another sip of his wine.

We finish the first course in comfortable silence. Well, he seems comfortable. I’m bursting with questions I have to swallow along with my food. The second course arrives just as I’m about to ask him about Axel again, which hopefully would give me an opening to ask about Emiliano…and then everything else.

Christian clears our plates. Brett sets two new ones in front of us.

“Shanghai lobster with curry sauce and crispy spinach. Bon appétit.”

Bemused, I watch him leave. “Do you think he gets in trouble if he doesn’t say bon appétit every time he sets a plate in front of someone?”

“It’s just a fine dining thing. Oh shit.”

Surprised by the sudden change in his tone, I look at him. “What’s wrong?”

“I never asked if you like lobster.”

“You’re right. You didn’t.”

He waits for me to continue. When I don’t, he raises his brows. “Well?”

“I’m allergic, actually. Deathly allergic. I break out in hideous hives.”

When I spear a succulent chunk of lobster and dip it into the little pot of melted butter, then pop it into my mouth, his expression sours.


“Guilty. Oh God, this is even better than the dumplings!”

He looks at the glob of butter I feel dripping down my chin and licks his lips.

“Make sure to save some of that butter.”


He smiles. “I’ll need it for later.”

“You planning on having toast for dessert?”

“I’m planning on having you for dessert. Right over there, on that lounge bed.”

I glance over at the grouping of furniture nearest to us on one side of the pool. Four striped chaise lounges sit at the edge of the pool. A long sectional sofa and a pair of big arm chairs are arranged behind them.

Beside a lit firepit next to those is a large, comfortable looking lounge bed draped in white throws and mounds of pillows.

He grins a wolfish grin. My heart flutters.

“Pardon me, Mr. McCord, but this is strictly a business relationship, remember?”

Eyes flashing, he growls, “What I remember is how wet your pussy was when I fucked you in the stairwell, Ms. Sanders. How you said my name. How hard you came on my dick.”

My fluttering heart starts to pound, my nipples start to tingle, and a flood of warmth spreads between my legs. I fidget in the chair, confused by his unpredictable mood changes but incredibly turned-on by his words.

Unsure of how to respond, I stuff more lobster into my mouth.

Cole’s laugh is soft and pleased. “You’re adorable.”

“Don’t make fun of me.”

“Never, beautiful girl. Never.”

When I glance up at him, I find him smiling at me with a look of adoration.

Every minute I spend with him, I grow more confused.

And turned on.

But mostly confused.

What’s the big deal about relationships with him? What’s he hiding?

“How are you enjoying the lobster, madam?”

I jump in surprise. Brett has appeared from thin air at our tableside. He looms over me, his hands clasped behind his back, his gaze inquisitive.

I press a hand over my racing heart. “Oh, it’s wonderful. Just amazing. Thank you so much.”

Smiling, he nods and withdraws again.

Cole chuckles behind his fist.

“Give me a break, handsome, I’m coping as best as I can over here.”

“Hmm. Then maybe you need a change of seating.”

He stands, pulls me to my feet, then takes his chair again, pulling me down with him so I’m sitting on his lap.

He kisses my neck. “That’s better. Mmm, you smell delicious.” He reaches up and fondles my breast, pinching my hard nipple through the fabric. “You feel even better.”

“You’ll ruin the dress,” I protest breathlessly, looking around to make sure one of the waiters isn’t in sight.

His kiss turns to a bite. He moves his hand from my breast down to my thigh and pushes the hem of my skirt up. When he slides his hand between my legs, he growls in approval.

“You didn’t wear panties, you dirty girl.”

“I didn’t know you were such a collector or I would have.”

He chuckles, moving his mouth down to my collarbone as he lazily rubs his hand over my flesh, petting me but not sliding his fingers inside. He strokes his fingers all around then firmly pinches my labia, sending my pulse into overdrive.

Into my ear, he says, “Ask me to finger fuck you, baby.”

“Here? Now? But the waiters—”

“We won’t be disturbed. Ask me.”

He bites my throat again, harder this time, his hand still stroking back and forth between my thighs. My nipples are so hard, they ache. My pulse is flying, and I can’t catch my breath.

His voice turns rough. “You’re already soaked, pretty girl. It’s all over my hand. Ah, God, you’re so fucking perfect. You need me to finger fuck you, don’t you? You need me to make you come.”

Rocking against his hand, I manage a breathless, “Yes.”

“Ask me. Say please.”

I love the dominant side of him. This commanding, bossy side that comes out when he’s turned on. My excitement makes my voice shaky.

“Please, Cole. Finger fuck me. Make me come. Please.”

He thrusts a finger inside me and takes my mouth, kissing me hard, inhaling my whimper and returning it with a deep grumble of pleasure that excites me even more. I grab his face and kiss him back as I ride his hand.

When I moan into his mouth, he breaks away and orders, “Open your eyes. Look at me.”

My lids drift open. He gazes at me with eyes like fire as he adds another finger to the first and starts to stroke my clit with the pad of his thumb.

The sound I make comes from deep within my chest.

“Keep looking at me, baby. Don’t look away. Spread your legs wider. That’s it. Fuck yes, that’s it.”

I whisper his name.

He tugs on my swollen clit, making me jerk and moan in helpless pleasure. Then he starts to thrust his fingers in and out, deeply and firmly, his strong fingers delving into my core, sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout my body.

“Oh God. Oh God, Cole. Cole…”

“Give it to me, baby. Give it to me now.”

I fall over the edge looking into his eyes, surrendering to this strange magic we weave every time we’re together and hoping that in the end this spell he’s cast over me will be made of more light than dark.

Hoping, but not quite believing it will.

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