Fall For “My Husband’s Uncle” By Janet Macadam

Chapter 170

Chapter 170 

Rubby Lawson, the mother of Carlos Lawson, gazed upon her son with displeasure

I don’t like the way you talk to me.” 

She said coldly. Carlos gritted his teeth and suppressed his smile before replying evenly. It was you who taught me to speak in such a way. You instructed me to show no fear when facing a stronger opponent and to stand firm and display determination and charisma. You taught me all this, don’t you remember?” 

I taught you these, but not to use them against me!” 

The frown of Rubby Lawson deepened and her voice grew stern

Carlos shrugged apathetically and leaned against the swivel chair. He rocked it gently twice before inquiring, Mother, do you have any instructions for me since you’ve come back from recuperating” 

I just wanted to see you. Yet every time I implored you to join me in a video chat, you refused. Ned is unable to tend to your needs, Susan is occupied with serving Edith, and young Sam is barely capable of caring for himself, let alone you. Though I wished for Meggie to attend to you, you forbade anyone from staying overnight. The servants must leave at their appointed hour, leaving me fearful that you are unable to care for yourself. Thus, I came to see you.” 

Motherare you concerned about me?” 

A mischievous smile tugged at the corners of Carlosmouth as his attractive eyes lifted slowly, revealing a glint of intrigue

You’re my son. How could I not be concerned about you?Rubby Lawson retorted angrily

Mother, surely you jest. From the very beginning, I was naught but a pawn in your game for power. While other children played with blocks and read comics, I was forced to bury myself in books. After Father’s passing, you seized control as a woman without the proper name. You needed me to aid you, much like a medieval empress ruling from behind her son. You raised me to these heights, yet deprived me of so much. You never showed me a mother’s love. And now you speak to me thus? Do you not see the absurdity?” 

Lawstom is not mine. I merely manage it on your behalf. Your ambition knows no bounds!” 

Carlos held nothing back, his words sharp as poisoned blades, piercing Rubby’s heart

She was taken aback, her breath catching for a moment

So their bond had frayed this much

Time had passed, yet he could not let go

She frowned and asked, Must you speak to me in such a manner? Is there no room for compromise?” 

No,” he replied

And what about Edith? She is Glenn Meyer’s niece, and she deceived me. Who should bear the responsibility for this? Edith or the Lawson family?” 

I will bear it!” 

Carlosexpression shifted at the mention of implicating Edith and he spoke without hesitation

Rubby Lawson trembled slightly at his words

She had learned from Ned that Carlos held Edith in high regard, but it was more than that he cherished her like a precious treasure

It seems you are not invincible after all,” she said. You exposed your weakness so readily. Do you still wish to challenge me in this way?” 

I will protect my wife at all costs. The incident five years ago will never happen again.” 

Carlosface darkened and he spoke through his teeth

You know as well as I that I was gravely disappointed in you five years ago. I pray such a thing never happens again. It is a stain upon the Lawson family and a laughingstock to others. Carlos, I have always desired for you to sever all ties of emotion and love, to remain unswayed by anyone. But you are too tenderhearted, much like your father. If you cannot be ruthless, then become strong enough that even I cannot shake you. When that time comes, you will have the chips to bargain with me and reclaim the Lawstom.” 


Carlosbrow furrowed in disbelief as he stared at her

Reclaim the Lawstom… 

Was she reluctant to let it go

For Rubby Lawson, he had always been a pawn, a tool for her use until she held all the shares of the Lawstom in her grasp and kicked other Lawsons out of the game. After that, he would be finished

And Carlos had no hope of victory, for his greatest weakness was firmly in the grip of Rubby Lawson

Just as man has the power to conquer nature, Rubby Lawson had the power to conquer him

Chapter 170 

Mother, you raised me. Do you truly believe I would fall for such words? I am nothing but a pawn to you. When I have outlived my usefulness, you will cast me aside. Spare me your hypocrisy. The door is there you may leave.” 

Rubby Lawson’s heart skipped a beat at his words, an inexplicable sadness welling within her

She gazed deeply at Carlos, the ungrateful son she had raised herself 

He was formidable, ambitious, and powerful

Rubby Lawson was proud of her masterpiece, but as time went by, she realized that their bond had frayed beyond repair

He no longer trusted her and was always on his guard

At first, she had used him, but they both overlooked one thing

Even the strongest had their weaknesses.. 

Can one truly sever all ties of emotion and love and still remain human? Perhaps he would have become a beast long ago

But when Rubby Lawson sought to make amends, it was too late

Even so, she was still proud of Carlos. She had invested so much in him

She taught him how to conduct himself, how to work independently, and how to rise above all others

Even when he first proposed to marry Natalie Huffam, she had given her blessing without hesitation

The wife she sought for him was not chosen for wealth or status, but for compatibility

If he was cold, she would find someone warmhearted

If he was domineering, she would find a submissive woman

If he despised superficiality, she would find someone both beautiful and intelligent

And so she found Vanessa, who at least on the surface seemed to fit the bill

But Vanessa was replaced by another person

It was an unexpected turn of events that led Carlos to the woman he loved, and Rubby Lawson was glad for it

Yet she could not bring herself to speak such soft words after years of a strict upbringing

She sighed softly and turned away without another word

As soon as Rubby Lawson emerged, Ned approached her wheelchair and asked, Mrs. Lawson, you look troubled. Did you quarrel with Mr. Lawson again?” 

When have we not?she replied

You are a tough woman and Mr. Lawson takes after you. It is only natural that tensions arise between two tough people like the two of you.” Ned smiled amiably, his perception clear

Rubby Lawson knew this to be true, yet she was at a loss. She had always played the role of the superior and now found herself struggling to switch to that of a mother. She did not know how to show her softer side

Ned, what do you suggest I do?” 

Perhaps you might start with Edith,he said sagely. If she has the power to change Mr. Lawson in such a way, perhaps she can also improve your relationship.” 

That girl?Rubby Lawson frowned and muttered

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