Fall For My Ex’s Mafia Father

Chapter 124

Chapter 124
“What is the deal with you two?” She asks, her smirk deepening.
“I mean, you're engaged to this Daniel guy, but all day our conversation has been
Kent Kent Kent.”
“Well,” I say, scoffing a little bit, “Daniel's not really in control of the family and
hasn't been making a lot of decisions about my life — that's all been Kent.
Honestly, Daniel is really nice to me —"
“Really nice to you?” Janeen says, raising an eyebrow now, adding to her
skeptical expression. “Honestly, the way you talk about Daniel, he’s just some
nice little puppy you play with sometimes. The way you talk about Kent, though,”
she laughs a little bit, shaking her head at me. “Are you sure he isn’t the
“Ew, Janeen,” I say, arranging the features of my face into an expression of
disgust that, if I'm being honest, I don’t actually feel. “He’s like...old.”
She shrugs. “Some of my older gentlemen are my best clients.”
“Well,” I say, tossing Heathcliff's comb into its bin and facing her directly. “Kent is
not my client. So, you can end that line of thinking right there.”
fonvord and smiling
Chapter 124
eagerly at me. “I can tell you like him- and he’s hot
“Janeen!” I say, getting upset and stomping my foot like we're four years old
She laughs, but backs off. “Okay, sis,” she says, coming and putting an arm
around my shoulders. “Whatever you say.” She pulls me with her out of the stall.
I open my mouth to protest further but she waves me off, looking towards the
front of the stables.
“Look, I have to be getting back so that I can help dad with some stuff before
work tonight.” She turns back to me then, looking me from head to foot. “You
going to be all right, if I leave you here?”
I shrug. “I've survived this far, I'll probably make it a few more days at least. Do I
get to see you again?”
She gives me a smile. “Yeah, that’s part of the deal. Kent is going to let me see
you on the regular, which I think is good. I miss my little sister. Any messages for
dad before I go?”
I feel tears spring to my eyes again when I think of him. “Just tell him I love him?”
I say, sniffing and working to hold them back. “And that I'm okay?”
Janeen nods, wrapping me in a hug. “Be careful here, Fay baby,” she whispers in
my ear as she holds me tight. “The media has been saying a lot of shit about
organized crime in the city right
Chapter 124
now. I think it's getting bad-like some kind of war is brewing. You
stay out of it as best you can, okay?”
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She pulls back, then, looking me
seriously in the eye. I nod eagerly,
feeling every bit the little sister then,
following my big The content is on
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chapter there!
sister’s advice. “I'll be careful,” I say, giving her a smile.
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“ »

Good,” she says. Then, she glances

, 0
down at my hand, where I'm wearing
« 5
my engagement ring. “But if you do
die, please make sure to leave me
that in your will. I would retire
immediately. Buy a The content is on
Novelxo.org! Read the latest
chapter there!
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I laugh, then, unable to help myself.
She laughs at her own joke too,
giving me a kiss on the cheek and
heading out to where a car is waiting

to take her home. God, I'm so glad to
have my sister back. And so grateful
to Kent for setting it up. The content
is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest
chapter there!
What ever could have made him do it? I head home, eager to find

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