Faking It (Fake boyfriend Duet 1)

Chapter |♠ 15: Me and Him ^Him and Me

I'm staring out the window as the teacher drones on in front of the class. I can't pay attention to the lecture when my mind is somewhere else. Its on Gunther. The day after Gun went over to my house to apologize. Like I said, I had no intention of making him work for it for a long time. So when he came knocking on my front door the following night with a bouquet of roses in his hands, I jumped into his arms and kissed him stupid.

We were inseparable since.

"Yvonne and I are heading to Vicente's later." Cash, Yvonne's boyfriend tells me as we stroll down after last period. "You and Gun should join us."

"Actually, I have to catch up on something. Maybe next time."

He searches my face. "Everything okay, Nikky?" Aww Sweet cute Cash. He's such a blessing. With his jet black hair and amber eyes, Yvvone managed to succumb to his charms just afew days ago.

I chuckle. "Yeah, I'm fine.Everything's fine." I pat him on the shoulder and stroll down the maze-like hallways which are kind of empty for some reason. Where the hell is Gun or Daph? A shiver rans down my spine just thinking of our next make out session with Gun. With a smile, I cross the parking lot, spotting a big crowd of students by the trees, with their phones taking pictures of something in them.

Grey monkeys. Cute grey squirrel monkeys. Daphine is in the crowd too taking pictures with Yvonne who's waving her phone around like a maniac. I head towards them before something not far from it catches my attention.

Not something —someone. And not just someone.. A couple kissing. My steps move to a halt, my body going completely numb when recognition sets in.

Gunther and Gabriella.


My boyfriend –kisssing an FFB who's got a huge-not-so-secret crush on him.

My head is spinning. My ears are ringing. My knees are threatening to buckle under me. Everything around me blurs to nothing until they're all I can see. Bile works up my throat, as Gun pulls away, his eyes fixed on her.

"You feel it too don't you? This thing between us." Gabriella trails her hand down his chest. "Leave that poor excuse of a fake girlfriend and come be real with me. You're secret will be safe with me I promise."

Gun grabs her hand, and drops it harshly, stepping back. Then as if he finally senses my presence, he flicks his eyes in my direction, his face pale when he sees me. "Nikitta."

Hearing my name, Gabriella follows his gaze. Surprise crosses her features before a triumphant smile replaces it. I ignore her, focusing my tear-brimmed glare on Gun, whose face is filled with guilt and panic. "

"Red, please."

"No." I shake my head. Then I'm turning on my heel and running away, ignoring his calls as tears run down my cheeks.


"There must be some kind of explanation for what you saw. I mean, Gunther couldn't do something like that. He wouldn't dare cheat on you with Gabriella. He's in a relationship with you, not her?" Rodney tries to assure me as I cry my eyes out in my room. "Maybe you should talk to him first."

After running from the parking lot, I tried calling Daphine but she didn't pick up her phone, hence I called Rodney, asking him to come to my house. Which he didn't hesitate to do when he heard the sniffles through the line. And even though his best friend trampled on my heart, I just needed to talk to someone, he's a friend too.

I blow my nose into the tissue and toss it into the growing pile of used ones in front of me. I don't care how gross I'm being right now.

God, I can't believe Gun did that to me.

But do you really? Zac warned me about what Gun would do, but I took a risk and look where it got me. A sob escapes my lips, sending fresh tears running Down my already soaked cheeks.

"Oh, hon. Come here." Rod wraps his arms around me, letting me cry on his shoulder.

And that's what I do, I let it all out— all the hurt, all the pain —hoping that its nothing but a nightmare. But it's not. It's all real, and it hurts soo much.

"I wish I never fell for him." I tell Rodney when I pull away. "This wouldn't have happened. Maybe I should have taken Zac back, he wanted me anyway."

Rod shakes his head vehemently. "I really think you should talk to him."

As if on cue, my phone beeps on the nightstand, signalling another text message. It's been blowing up since I got home, and I've looked enough times to know that it's Gun.

"Red I'm sorry."

"Can we please talk?"

"It's not what you think."

Bringing my gaze back to Rodney, I snap. "So he can rub their hooking up in my face?" I clench my jaw, shaking my head. "I don't think so."

Rod is about to respond when Daphine walks into my room. "Rodney is right. You need to talk to him."

I wipe me eyes, before gaping at my best friend. "He told you?"

"Yep." she smirks. "He knew I would kill his sorry ass if I heard it from anyone first."

Rod scoffs and rolls his eyes. "So, because of that, you're taking your brother's side?" I say.

She frowns at me, coming closer. "I'm not taking his side. I'm just saying, talk to him. You'll see that you got it wrong and its all just a misunderstanding."

My eyes flare wide as my jaw drops. She thinks it's all a misunderstanding? Wat. The. Actual. Fuck. I feel my blood boiling even as I stare at her. "Get out!" I shove her away.

She looks taken back. "What?"

"I don't needed you here. Get out!"

"But Nikky—"


"Fine." She glares at me. "Don't listen to me and make your life miserable. I'm your best friend, and I would never give you wrong advice."

"Go with her." I tell Rodney, sniffling.

He blinks at me. "But—"

"Just go. All of you. I want to be alone." I lie on my back and turn on my side, my back facing them. A moment later, I hear my bedroom door close behind me.

I know I'm being a jerk, but just want to be alone and wallow myself in self-pity right now. I can be a pathetic mess today. "Tomorrow I'll try to be strong." I lie to myself.


I must have fallen asleep from all the moping and crying. Because the next time I open my puffy eyes and glance at my bedside clock. I see that its already close to midnight.

I missed dinner.

Sighing, I turn on my nightstand lamp. My mouth is parched, I need a glass of milk. And maybe some Ben&Jerry's Chunky Monkey. Just as I'm climbing out of bed, my phone beeps making me frown. Who would text me at this time of the night?

Gun. Gunther would.

Why is he still texting me? I haven't responded to any of his messages. Can't he take a hint? What more does he want from me anyway?

"I'm just saying talk to him. You'll see that you got it all wrong and it's all just a misunderstanding. "

I pull my lip between my teeth. Could Daph be telling me the truth? She's my best friend for God's sake, she wants the best for me. But I saw him kissing Gabriella with my own eyes. I didn't just imagine it.

Reluctantly, I reach for my phone. I'm just going to read his messages. I'm not going to respond.

Gunther: Look out your window.

I blink at the message, Huh?

Another message appears: Please.

My eyes pop wide. Is he outside right now? Tossing my phone onto the bed, I hurry to my window. And sure enough, there he is, standing in my front yard looking up my window with watery eyes.

My traitorous heart kicks up a beat at the sight of him. "What are you doing here?"

"Can we talk?"

"It's already late!"

"Please, Red. Just give me a few minutes."

I just stare at him, hesitating. Should I go downstairs? He looks so sad that my heart aches. He blows on his hands, then stuffs them into the pocket of his pants. Its cold outside and he's just wearing a hoodie.

Oh, who am I kidding?

"Fine." I sigh. "I'm coming down."

Grabbing a sweater from my closet, I put it on top of my PJ's and head downstairs, stepping out onto my front porch where Gun is already waiting.

"Hey." He breathes out, his emerald eyes locking on mine, making my heart skip a beat.

This was a bad idea.

"Hey."I mumble, hugging my middle. "Interesting time to come over." I know I should be bitter towards him after all the hurt he's put me through, but I just can't. Not with the tenderness that he's looking at me with.

"I can't sleep. Not without you. I need to clear things up. I need to make things right."

I shake my eyes and wrench my eyes away. "Gun, please. Haven't you hurt me enough."

"I didn't kiss Gabriella."

That has my gaze snapping back to him. "Seriously? I was there. I saw the two of you doing it."

"You saw her kissing me, not the other way round." He moves his fingers through his hair, messing it up. "I was heading to my car when she stopped and asked if we could talk. So I indulged her, and then the next thing I knew, she was kissing me."

I just stare at him, my lips pressed into a thin line. Is that really what happened?

"Nikky it's the truth, you have to believe me."he pleads, moving closer to me, pulling something a phone out of his pocket. Not his phone, its way too girly and very familiar. It's Yvonne's phone. He unlocks it and goes to videos, then places the phone in my hand as a video starts playing.

Monkeys are playing on trees. Grey monkeys. I think they are the ones which were at school this evening, people are cooing at the monkeys, very many voices and I notice Yvonne and Daph's voice. The person(who I believe is Yvonne) changes angle and starts filming two moneys fighting just on the right. And there I see. At the end of the video is Gun talking with Gabriella, he seems irritated, looks like she's convincing him to do whatever he doesn't want. Then she manhandles him in a kiss, and it's when I appear. Just at the time they start kissing, he pulls back quickly and it's where the video ends.

Gun then looks at me with hopeful eyes. Should I believe him— as much as I want to— the image of them kissing just can't get out of my head.

"Nikky, you've got to believe me." Then he cups my face in his hands, as if he can't keep himself from touching me anymore. "Baby I miss you. I miss you so much it hurts. Baby please."

I close my eyes and a tear falls down my cheek making him groan as if in pain.

"I really screwed up, didn't i?" He whispers, gently wiping the tear away. "Nikky please, give me a chance to fix this. Give me a chance to make things right between us. One last chance— that's all I ask."

God, it's soo hard to keep a stubborn ground when I see nothing but sincerity and determination in his eyes. Oh maybe you know, he's telling the absolute truth, a voice at the back of my head says.

I'm such a sucker for this boy.

"I love you." I say chewing on my bottom lip.

"Oh, how I love you too Red." He says flashing a huge grin, a tear escaping his eyes.

And as we kiss under the stars, I make a mental note to myself.

Screw Gabriella. Screw all the girls who will dare try to take him away from me. He's totally mine. And I'm totally his.

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