Fake It ‘Til You Break It

: Chapter 13

The boardwalk is pretty fucking crowded, as expected on a three-day weekend, but for the most part, everyone who came for Krista’s birthday is sticking together.

Right now, we’re all in line for the trolley ride that takes you from one side of the coastline and drops you on the opposite end. Demi ran ahead with the girls and is almost in the front, while I’m stuck several spaces back with a few guys from the team.

Of course, I’m not the only one with eyes on her.

Alex snakes his way through our crowd, slithering right in line beside her.

She’s talking with her friend Ava when he inserts himself in their conversation.

Her head snaps his way, and instantly she throws her head back, laughing at whatever lame ass joke he’s spit.

“Now they look right together.”

I don’t bother to turn when Josie’s voice finds me. “Who invited you?”

“Does it matter?”

I scoff, moving forward as the next group of people are let on.

“So, is it true then?” she asks. “Did the princess see the toad?”

“Get the fuck out of here, Josie.”

“Oh, so much tension. It must not be what it seems,” she guesses.

I turn my glare on her. “What the fuck do you want? Why you standing here right now? We’re not together anymore. You couldn’t keep your legs closed, remember?”

Josie’s gaze falls a minute but comes up stronger. “Don’t judge me. You didn’t even care.”

My head pulls back. “What the fuck did you expect, me to grovel? Fucking please, Josie. You know better than that.” I lower my voice. “You didn’t come at me when you found out I slept with Sandra, but now that you heard about me and D, here you are. Worried you’ll never get another chance to slide down my dick like you’ve been able to in the past? Tell me, Josie, if you didn’t give a damn about the girls I’ve fucked since you, why you trippin’ on little Demi Davenport?”

That pisses her off. “She’s not just some girl, is she Nic?” she forces past clenched teeth.

“You’re right, she’s my girl, something you’ll never be again.”

That has her dark eyes hardening. “Look whose side she’s by right now.”

Despite myself, I do, finding her and Alex now next in line to ride.

Irritation tightens my muscles, something not missed by Josie, and a dark chuckle leaves her.

Demi chooses this moment to cut her smile this way, spotting me standing a few rows back. Her brows knit the slightest bit, the tip of her lips straightening.

Josie leans closer to my ear, and Demi’s eyes cut her way. “Seems none of us can resist a perfect white boy—”

My glare slices to Josie and she stops short, swallowing hard on her words.

“Forget about her, Nic,” Josie backpedals, a desperate flare taking over as she takes a step in. “She’ll never want you like you—”

“Hey.” Demi’s peppy voice surprises us both, even more so when she slips in front of me, leaving Josie at her back as if she didn’t see her standing here at all.

She did.

Her big green eyes stare into mine, unsure of what she can or can’t do right now, but even though she doubts her place, her voice is strong. “It’s our turn.”

“Excuse you,” Josie spits, stepping to the side slightly.

Demi’s hand plants against my chest as she turns toward Josie. She smiles sweetly at her. “Hey, Josie.”

Josie glares, opens her mouth to speak, but Demi grips my hand and tugs.

“Come on,” she says, throwing one long ass leg after the other over the chain that closes off the line and I’m right behind her.

I don’t look back at my ex once.

The ride attendant pretends she’s annoyed for us holding up the cart an extra few seconds, but a small smile tips her lips as we pass.

Demi slides inside, not letting go of my hand, so I drop right beside her.

I glance over, eyeing Alex who stands at the head of the line, only for a split second before the cart jolts forward, and he’s out of sight.

The second we’re moving, Demi lets go, scooting over several inches.

We’re both quiet the first few minutes, but it’s me who breaks the silence.

“What happened, lover boy didn’t want to ride?”

My flat tone has her head snapping toward mine.

“He did.”


She eyes me mockingly. “And then I remembered everyone thinks I’m dating someone, so I did what I would if I really was.”

“Ditch the asshole trying to get at what he knows to be mine?” I throw out.

“Make sure the ex knows where she stands,” she counters, holding my gaze. “Behind me.”

Damn if heat doesn’t spread through my groin.

It’s been a minute since anyone’s felt greedy for me. Fake reasoning or not.

“Rule number two.” She scowls.

I sit back, nodding my chin.

Let’s hear it.

“Don’t make a fool of me by sleeping with your ex while people think we’re dating or whatever.”

“Just my ex?”

She frowns but doesn’t ask for more. She should.

“Demi, I won’t be fucking anyone.”

“That’s not my business, but if you do, at least avoid people we know or go to school with. I’ll do the same.”

A scoffing laugh leaves me, and I shift on the seat. “You’ll do the same?” I crack. “Meaning you’ll fuck if you feel the need, but not someone we know and not your boyfriend?”

“Fake boyfriend.”

“Same fucking thing.”

“Not at all.”

“You’re a virgin.”

She gapes, slowly shaking her head. “I’m not a virgin, Nico.”

My muscles curl, my eyes locked on hers. “Don’t play with me.”

“I’m not.” She gauges me. “I thought you knew this and were just teasing me when you said it before.”


Her eyes widen, panic flashing across her face. “No way.”

“Who, Demi? When?”

“Look.” She turns toward me.

I don’t let her speak. “A boyfriend would know these things.”

“Not necessarily,” she argues. “Girls lie about this stuff all the time.”

“Are you for real right now?”

“I’m not telling you,” she snaps. “So you can stop with all your angry eyes and this deep chest voice thing you’ve got going.”

I throw myself back in the seat, looking away from her, glaring out the window.

“You should have ridden with Alex. Might have been able to cut this thing quicker.”

“I’m sorry, am I cramping your style so soon?” she cracks. “Don’t forget you’re the one that said we needed more time. If you wanted to get it on with your ex, who you must have invited because Krista and Josie don’t even like each other, then you should have said something.”

My eyes slice to her. “If you think I’m gonna back out of this so easy, and for pussy I’ve had plenty of, you’ve got a rude awakening coming. I said I was all in. I am.”

“So this is some sort of ‘Nico Tantrum Time’?” Her brows lift jeeringly. “Can I expect this type of shit every time things don’t go your way?”

My eyes narrow but she doesn’t back down right away.

She stares, attempting to read me, but after a moment she looks off, randomly saying, “She was jealous.”

“Let her be.”

Demi hesitates before asking, “Do you want her to be?”

“Why do you care?”

“Well, asshole, if you do, you might as well use me.”

I glare. “Use you how?”

“I bet she’s planning to come back to the hotel for dancing tonight. Obviously, I’m all over that. So, if you want to go…”

“If I want to go?”

“Yeah.” She shrugs.

“If you’re going, I’m going,” I tell her matter-of-factly. “Possessive, keep you in arm’s length, boyfriend, remember?” I lean in. “And so there’s no confusion in that pretty head of yours, I don’t give a shit what Josie wants, does, thinks, or sees. Fuck her. I will never touch her again, but I’m not interested in purposely trying to piss her off either. She gets mad seeing us together? Oh fuckin’ well.” I confirm, “This isn’t about making anyone jealous.”

She considers my words a moment. “It’s not?”

I shake my head.

“What is it then?” Her tone is doubtful. “What are you hoping to gain?”

So fucking much I could say right now, none of which I should. Instead, I go with a solid amount of truth. “I want everyone to believe it.”

“Believe what?”

“That you want me.”

She shifts in her seat, looking at her hands. “I guess that would be the first step in faking being together.” She glances my way, but only with her eyes. “Making people believe we’re into each other.”

“It won’t be hard.”

That has her lips smashing to the side to hide her grin. “Is that right?”

I nod. “Everyone will see how attracted you are to me.”

Her eyes narrow, but just as quick a loud laugh leaves her, and I hold in my smirk.

“Did we just make up?” she teases.

“That what you call a fight?”

She chuckles, looking away. “You know, I’m not afraid to admit I think you’re more than okay looking,” she clowns. “So, I guess all we really have to work on is getting them to believe you are into me.”

“They already do.”

Her mouth drops open slightly, and she smiles. “Nico Sykes, so sure of himself and his unspeakable plan, even though, to everyone around, you and I together will have come completely out of left field.”

I ignore her statement. “I’m gonna need you to use football references from now on.”

“Should we use code when we want the other one to do something, go all Peyton Manning and shout ‘Omaha’ when we need to cut and run?”

“Cut and run?”

She nods with a grin. “It’ll happen, you watch, and are you not impressed I know who Peyton Manning is?”

“Everyone knows who Peyton Manning is.”

“Thanks to his horrendous acting in those insurance commercials, right?”

I laugh and she gapes at me, blinking hard.

“Multiple laughs in a day from the silent killer?” she mocks.

I shake my head, and lean closer to glance out the window, then wrap my arm around her outer thigh and pull her to me.

Wide eyes slice to mine.

“We’re coming up to the curve,” I tell her. “All the carts ahead of us will be able to look back as we round it, and then everyone will be waiting there as we climb off, too.” My gaze holds hers. “My girl wouldn’t be sitting so far away from me.”

“Oh, no?” She cocks a brow, playfully. “And would she… simply sit right here beside you?”

My head tugs back.

She chuckles. “Did I surprise you?” She smiles, and I lick my lips. “I’m not shy, in case you thought different, I’m also not the in your face type, so of course you wouldn’t have noticed.”

It’s not a dig at me, she’s only speaking what she knows.

What she thinks she knows.

“If you’re not shy, why haven’t you asked Hammons out already?”

That has her pausing. It takes a second but then her eyes come back to mine.

“I don’t know, maybe because while we’re friends he’s never shown interest past that. I’m sure he’d be down to hook-up or something, but I’ve never gotten the feeling he would want to date past that and I don’t know, I don’t want to waste the chance if there is one by going the fling route.”

“So you don’t want to be rejected?”

“Would you?” Her tone is sharp.

“I’ve been rejected.”

She scoffs, her eyes flicking upward.

“I have.”

“By who?”


Her head snaps my way, a small frown pulling at her forehead. “What?”


“You lie.” She crosses her arms, but her tone is unsure.



“I invited you to wake me up with my dick in your mouth and guess what?” I lean in and her brows jump. “I woke up in an empty bed.”

It takes her a second, but she busts up laughing, hitting my chest with her little hand and I can’t help but grin.

We’re at the bend now, so before she can pull back, I grip her wrist to hold it there.

Out her window, I spot our friends in the carts ahead, all of them looking around at the others, so I scoot closer and her laughter slowly dies.

“People are watching now.”


Something about the way he whispers has me swallowing.

“Demi!” Krista’s shout hits my ears.

I jolt, tugging free from Nico’s grasp and spin around to wave.

She throws her hands up, letting out a loud scream that follows each cart after hers.

Nico scoots up behind me and I lean over slightly so he can fit his head next to mine.

Trent throws his arms out to his buddy and Nico’s low chuckle wafts across my neck and I convince myself the sensation it creates is a natural response to the warmth against my skin.

“Is that Carley and Thompson?” he asks.

I look in time to see them finish their kiss. Both of them start laughing when they realize they got caught.

“Sluuuut!” Krista yells with a laugh, and then her and Trent’s cart disappears from sight, each other’s right after it.

With a laugh I turn back, my breath catching as I do.

Nico is right there, right against me, his hand sliding into my hair, mouth moving in only to skim across my cheek.

My arm shoots up, gripping his wrist as a heavy knot forms in the pit of my stomach.

“Almost, D,” he murmurs, the vibration of his word raising the hair on my neck. “Keep still.”

My features pull, my grip tightening with his.

What the hell is wrong with me?

The whistling sounds have him pulling back, a smirk on his face as he releases me and turns for the door that the ride attendant is about to open.

He climbs out and I sit there frozen, only moving when he pops his head back in, his hand extended for me to grab.

I do, and he pulls me from the cart, yanking my body to his the second my feet touch the ground.

He drops a chaste kiss to my cheek, slides a hand around my waist and ushers us forward, our friends waiting just a few steps away.

While my girls give me wiggly eyebrows for a whole two seconds, nobody else dwells or makes a big deal.

It’s as if seeing the two of us like this is normal, accepted, and we’re just another couple having fun on the boardwalk, laughing and smiling and ready for the next ride.

I don’t hate it.

As a group, we get in line for the rollercoaster, everyone chatting amongst themselves as we wait. After a few minutes, I take a second to look at Nico.

His backward hat is covering the messy top of his hair, showing nothing but his perfect fade.

He jokes with Trent and Thompson about something, laughing as he pushes off their shoulders. His fist comes up to his mouth when he smiles as if he doesn’t quite want to share it with the others, but from my angle, his white teeth shine.

I’ve never really known him to laugh much, though, I assume it’s something he does often with his friends.

I hope he does, he looks good doing it.

Thompson swats Nico’s arm, and Nico’s stare slices over – the entire group catching me staring.

His laughter slows, but the corner of his mouth stays raised.

He winks, and I pull my lips in, biting down to keep from grinning back.

Such a crowd pleaser.

“Bet he winks like that right before he goes down.”

My eyes widen and I’m positive I look like a deer caught in headlights.

Nico’s questioning frown is instant, and his eyes fly to Macy.

I whip around, hissing, “Shut up!”

She smirks, turning her attention back to him. “Mm. Yeah, and that little stubble he’s got going right now, the light scratch it would put off against your inner thigh.” She nods to herself. “Oh my god, you’d be aching before his mouth even landed.”

“Macy, for fuck’s sake,” I force past clenched teeth. “Sh!”

“How often do you shave, Nico?” she shouts, leaning an elbow on me.

This bitch.

I drop my face in my hands, peeking at him through my fingers when he’s quiet longer than five seconds.

“Usually every other morning.” He reluctantly moves his eyes to her. “Why?”

“So, she needs to catch you late night.” Macy nods, crossing her arms over her chest.

Nico’s gaze slides back to mine.

“Ignore her.”

“Oh, no.” He saunters over, licking his lips, looking all sorts of cocky. “I gotta hear it now.”

His friends are right behind him, everyone in line turning to see what we’re all doing, huddling up like this.

Well, this is awesome. Nothing to do but indulge her ass.

I spin around, facing her. “Macy?”

She shrugs, grabbing a piece of Trent’s popcorn and tossing it in her mouth. “Just wondering if you use the stubble as a tool. You know, slide it across the inner thigh, maybe the stomach first on your way.” Her eyes fall to his jaw and I gape at her. “We dig that shit.”

“True dat.” Krista comes out of nowhere, raising her hand in agreement.

Everyone starts laughing and I shake my head, right there with them.

The line moves forward, so the group shifts, going back to their spots and restarting their previous conversations.

Nico slips in behind me, his chest at my back. “How ‘bout you, Pixie, that something you like?”

A light laugh bubbles from me, but I keep facing forward.

He interprets it correctly, my way of saying nice try, boy, and I’m about to tell him not to worry his pretty little head over it, like he did me, when he reminds me of the roles we are playing.

“I know you disagreed already, but as your man.” He pauses. “I should know these things, yeah? ‘Case your girls ever try to pop quiz me.” His arms make their way around me and he squeezes. “Need to ace that test, D.”

He has a point, sort of, even though he might simply be teasing, but nothing says I can’t tease back.

“You know,” I lead with a grin he can’t see. “A real boyfriend has to work hard and learn these things about his girl.”

The second it leaves me, I regret it, internally cursing myself.

Why did I say it?

I know he’s about to joke, throw out an offer, something, so I give him what he wants before he can. “Yeah, I do.”

“So you’ve been eaten out before?”

Heat spreads in my abdomen at his instant question.

“I have,” I admit, quietly.

Only a couple times, and for a few short minutes. It was sloppy, but the warmth of a mouth on me was enough to get me going. Unfortunately, not enough to keep me going either time.

He doesn’t need to know that part.

Macy was right, though. Us girls have talked about this before, and while the person who went down on me was smooth faced, it doesn’t take a lot to imagine what it would be like with someone who has occasional stubble.

A prickly face is like a rough palm, I’d think, tantalizing all on its own. Raising your pulse with nothing but a slow slide across your body, forcing the arch of your back, even when you’re still standing.

Yeah, I can get down with a rough textured hand.

Suddenly Nico’s fingertips are grazing across my shoulder blades, his palms joining as they slide down the length of my arms in a feathering manner, the barest of touches against my skin that I feel down to my toes.

“Like this?” he rasps.

My body shivers in response, and his heated chuckle only makes it worse.

“Good to know.” His arms fall.

It takes me a second, but I glance at him over my shoulder.

He’s as straight faced as ever, but those eyes…

The hint of arrogance is expected, but I wasn’t prepared for the rest.




Confusion draws my brows in, something else entirely burning low in my core.

He doesn’t look away until Trent bumps into him from behind.

With a rapid blink and a hint of a frown, he turns away.

I face forward right then and not a minute later the ride attendant opens the chain, ushering me and Nico through.

He steps ahead of me, choosing the front of the rollercoaster.

He pauses before climbing in, shifting around to look at me.

He nods his head, indicating for me to step past him into the small steel cart. “You first, girlfriend.”

Tell me why my stomach clenches.

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