Fake Dating Alpha Hockey Captain Riley Above Story

Fake Dating Alpha Hockey Captain Riley Above Chapter 46

Chapter 46

I grunt as my body hits the ground, quickly looking over as I hear something crash into the trees.

The man from the school night is back, his body twisted into the werewolf’s form. His gnarled teeth gnash as he turns, preparing to jump at me as his eyes glow in the low light of the overcast forest. He lets out something akin to a roar, and I scramble to my feet to run away.

But Rita passes me, running toward him.

Her body c rackles and shifts, shoes left behind, as her smaller body gains a snout, sharp teeth, and claws. With an angry howl-like bark, she slashes toward his face, but he backs away.

And just like that night in school, they begin trying to rip out each other’s throat as quickly as possible.

I scramble to hide behind a tree and watch. My clothes get messy from the ground, my skirt feeling wet and tacky against my legs. But my attention is mostly on Rita.

She jumped into the fray for me in an instant, protecting me. Despite the fact we’re supposed to be looking for Alex, she interrupted everything to make sure I got to a safe spot.

The messy, f raz zled stranger looks even more vicious since the last time I saw him. But maybe a part of that is because, unlike against Alex, Rita’s smaller. She’s clearly outclassed by him in height, weight, and very likely strength.

Rita makes use of this, slipping from the werewolf’s grasp when he tries to grab her. She dodges and uses her speed, dashing around him and biting or slashing at him. But she can’t do enough damage at once since she can’t stay still for too long.

When she does try, the stranger turns and grabs at her, nearly catching her. I can almost hear her click her tongue again.

The larger werewolf keeps trying to turn in my direction, but Rita’s continuous attacks, while light, keep him distracted. If he gives even an inch, she could take advantage of it.


Chapter 46

As Rita keeps biting, trying to find the best way to subdue him, I pull my backpack off and dig through it. See, while civilians in the search party didn’t necessarily keep weapons, we did keep supplies to help us in case something happens. One of them is a flare gun.

But I don’t intend to get other people to come here. No, instead, though it’s not like a police gun, it’s a type of gun. Maybe it could do some damage if shot really close at someone.

I quickly think of what I learned about these things and turn the safety off.

Holding the flare gun in both hands, I shake and wait, keeping my eyes on the fight in front of me.

There’s a yelp.

The stranger grabs onto Rita as she tries to dash away after a bite. He swings her by the arm right into a tree. She’s clearly a bit winded, shaking her head.”

But without her attacking, there’s nothing between him and me except trees. I know that’s not enough.

He doesn’t try to play with me like last time. Instead, he darts straight forward, his teeth gleaming.

With a cry of shock, I lift the flare gun.

But something bounds up behind me. I hear it from the way the leaves and branches c rackle.

A body sails over my own, colliding with the stranger.

Curly hair, brown fur, and the smell of pine.

Alex pins the other werewolf on his back briefly, but the stranger uses his weight against him. The momentum from colliding with him continues as he kicks Alex in the lower stomach, up and over his body. Alex tumbles off with a growl, but the stranger doesn’t pay attention.

His eyes are back on me again. Gleaming, filled with fury.

He tries to reach for me as I stumble backwards. Rita jumps forward and bites his forearm, pinning it to the ground as teeth rip into tendons.


Chapter 46

The werewolf cries out before slamming both himself and Rita into a tree. She doesn’t let go after the first slam but does after the second. Alex is already up again, jumping onto the stranger’s back and sinking his teeth into his shoulder.

It’s vicious and b loody. Though they still wear clothes, still have remnants of their hair on their heads, it’s all animalistic.

The stranger fights tooth and nail against both Rita and Alex, constantly, obsessively, trying to go in my direction. Unlike the times before, he’s not letting up, not running away.

It’s like this is his last-ditch effort.

As though his adrenaline amped up, he roars, swinging Rita away and shoving Alex off. He hunkers down briefly, then soars toward me.

I dodge running behind and past a tree. His claws cleave g ashes into its bark.

I scramble around another tree, hearing it c rackle right behind me.

I can’t outrun a werewolf.

So, I turn around, the flare gun aimed up, just as his body slams into my own. My fingers clench, and I shoot.

We both fall hard, and he wails on top of me.

My nose fills with the smell of fur, blood, and now, burning flesh.

I shot him in the chest. His own blood gurgles out his mouth. The chemicals in the flare continue to burn, searing skin.

But he’s not done. I haven’t killed him.

He rears his head back, mouth open, red dripping between his teeth.

Alex catches up, jumping on his back. His claws curl around the stranger’s throat.

Like knives, they slice through his flesh. Blood sprays out, and I have to close my eyes, feeling the warmth hit my face.

A wheeze. A snarl. A snap.

The body on top of mine immediately sags, his full weight on me. Then, after a

Chapter 46

few moments of silence, it’s gone, lifted and thrown away.


His voice is deeper, more gravely, but I know it’s Alex. Shaking, my eyes peer open. He’s sitting me up immediately after, and he starts using his shirt to rub the blood off my face.

“F uck,f uck, I’m so sorrrrry.”

My voice is lost, driven speechless. Once he’s done cleaning, I don’t look to my right. I know the stranger’s body is that way.

Alex gazes at me with clear remorse visible in his animalistic eyes. A large, paw- padded hand brushes my hair away from my face. hair away from my face.

“Are you hurt? Did he grrrrab you?”

As I shake my head, Rita catches up. She has her hand against her temple, wincing.

“Did you get him?”

But Alex just turns, lips pulled back in a snarl.

“What the hell were you thinking, brrrringing her here?!”

“Well, we were trying to find you, as shole! You’rrre the one who ran off! What wereyouthinking, huh?!”

As they start fighting, they slowly shift back bit by bit. But I’m not really listening to their fight. Instead, I’m thinking/

The stranger had attacked me twice with the intent to kill. Though he was playing around with me in the school that time, he still seemed like he would’ve killed me. And even before then, there were the two times I heard wolf attacks outside my house.

…Even before then, the car that suddenly appeared the same day I met Michael. I don’t think he ever said why he was in town. I’d assumed he was just around because he’s Alex’s family.

I start to tune back into their argument.

“I had him!”


12:20 Sat, 23 Mar EI O

Chapter 46

“Oh, clearly you did,” Rita drawls, back in her completely human form. “That’s why he got loose long enough to find and attack us.”

“If you hadn’t brought Cynthia here and just stayed out of my s hit-”

“It’s literally my job to be in your business, Alex! Why the hell do you keep making this harder on me than it already is?!”

“Well, none of you want me to help my own f ucking brother, so excuse me for looking into s hit on my own! And you’re the one dragging humans around into werewolf business!”

“Oh, as if you hadn’t already told her what happened!”

“Uhm…” I try to cut in.

“Well, she was attacked, and she saw me! What else was I supposed to do?” Alex pulls me close against his chest. “So what she knows now? That doesn’t mean you pull her around everywhere!”

“Yeah, well, what else am I supposed to do when you took the d amn car keys and literally ran off as a wolf from school, huh? By the way, they got our furry a ss on


Both Alex and Rita snarl at each other, so I clear my throat. They both turn to me. “Actually…I think…I’m involved anyway?”

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