Fake Dating Alpha Hockey Captain by Riley Above Story

Fake Dating Alpha Hockey Captain by Riley Above Chapter 48

Chapter 48

It takes some talking, convincing. I slide past details leading anywhere near werewolves, sticking to more human-based facts. She listens intently as I explain what I can to the best of my ability.

At first, she balks immediately when I mention that I’d be leaving to help before school’s over, perhaps even missing graduation. We argument about me finishing classwork and ensuring my safety, not wanting me off in who knows where with a boy and his family. Neither of us budge on our points.

Then, after a while, she sighs.

“You’re serious about this?”

I stare into her eyes, feeling every bit of passion I have in my body channeling through my veins.

“The mossst serious I’ve been in my life.”

She examines my resolve, looking for any chip or c rack in it. Then, she hums, her shoulders sagging.

“…Finish all your homework. No leaving until all your papers and tests are in.” “I will.”

“Call me or send a message every day. If you miss one, I’m calling the police.” “Uhm… How about everrry other day? Jussst in case I forget.” “Cynthia.”


“When you get back, we’re having a graduation dinner for you. Alex better attend and explain himself.”

“I’ll sssee if he can.”


“I can’t contrrrol other people, Mom.”


Chapter 18


She then pulls me into a hug, holding me tightly.

“If I find you in a ditch somewhere, I will pull your soul back into your body and go kill your boyfriend myself.”

“I’ll be surrre to warn him,” I sigh, hugging her just as tightly back.

You’re not a little girl anymore. But you’re still my baby. Remember that.”

“I will, Mom. Thank you.”

She leans back, gazing down at me before pushing my bangs away and kissing my forehead.

The next few weeks feel like a blur. My focus keeps jumping between subjects with an underlying anxiety beneath it all, but I manage to stay consistent.

Alex and I become close at school again, glued to each other whenever we’re able to be around. Hailey’s put off by it at first, but when he apologizes and tells her an abridged version of why he disappeared, she and Lenard forgive him. Though, Hailey’s pretty staunch until he apologizes to me again in front of her, after which she accepts it.

With Mom’s help, I’m able to get classwork from my teachers earlier than they planned. I also put in my resignation from drama club for personal reasons… But Mrs. Taylor gives me an assignment she’ll accept as a final act as participation in the club for the rest of the year.

I work on clothes for drama club, finish homework, and hang around Alex and Rita, eating lunch with them every day when I can.

Then, June arrives. Everything’s set up, and I turn in my last assignments on June 3(rd). My final dress for drama club, an altered gown with royal blue cloth, is fitted perfectly for Hailey.

Early morning on June 4(th), there’s a knock at my door.

I’m already packed up, clothes prepared and in a single backpack I’d readied for myself. My bag on my back, I head to the front door, passing by Mom’s bedroom.


Chapter 48

She’s still asleep, having worked late the night before. Still, as promised, I enter in and lean over, hugging her. Sleepily, she wakes and hugs me back.

“I’ll be back, Mom.”

Better be, baby.”

She gives me a parting kiss on my forehead, and I get up to leave. But Mom gets up, too, pulling on a bath robe and walking me to the door.

When I open it. Alex is there, Rita in his car on the street. He gazes at me softly, but startles when he looks up and sees Mom.

I don’t have to look back at her to know she’s glaring.

“…If she’s not back in one piece, I’ll find you, young man.”

“Yes ma’am.”

She waits at the door until I send her a picture of Alex’s license plate, and she watches us leave until we drive too far off for her to see.

“Huh. That’s a good mom you’ve got,” Rita says, turning a corner.

“…Yeah, she isss.”

After picking up some breakfast at a fast food joint, we’re on the road for a good while. Buildings become less frequent, replaced more and more by tall trees. looming on either side of the road.

I’m not sure how far we go, but we go for a long while before stopping at a motel by mid-morning There, the three of us wait for a while in the lobby, drinking bad coffee and watching whatever shows up on the TV. Then, Alex and Rita get up, and I follow, heading outside to a bus that pulls up at a lonely bus stop.

When I get on, I realize it doesn’t look like a normal bus. There’s barely any people on it, most of them asleep or ignoring our existence. Something feels peculiar about the people, in a different way than Alex and Rita do.

Even the driver seems strange, their hairless brows raising slightly when I get on, but looking at Rita and Alex, they say nothing. They don’t even take any payment, and we simply get on without doing anything. We head to back left side and sit, with Alex beside me and Rita in front of us.

Chapter 48

The ride is so calm and comfortable, the seats surprisingly plush. I end getting drowsy, listening to Alex and Rita murmur things to each other. As I doze off, I feel Alex pull me away from the window, letting me lean my head against his side.

Feeling him breathing lulls me to sleep.

“Cynth. Hey, wake up.”

I snuffle, my eyes opening up blearily. When I look up, Alex is there, smiling in that softly fond way he’s been for the past few weeks. His usual energy from before hasn’t come back, muted by continued grief.

“C’mon, we’re almost there.”


We get off, getting out in what appears to be the middle of nowhere. Looking around, I realize we’re not even on a concrete road, with only dirt and trees surrounding us. The bus stop we exit at looks somewhat old, with vines growing on some of the metal, but the seating and shade maintained well.

We don’t stay at the stop, walking back behind it and into the trees as the strange. bus drives off.

“Uhm…therrre was ss… Something weirrrd about that drrriver.”

Rita blinks at me, surprised. “Oh, you noticed? Hmm… Maybe you have some seer’s blood or something in you.”


“They weren’t human,” she explains, taking her shoes off. Alex does the same. “No one on that bus was human but you.”

A shudder runs up my spine. “O-Oh…”

“Don’t worry. You weren’t in any danger with us around. Besides, you smell so much like Alex, there’s no way they would’ve tried anything.”

“Hey-” Alex cuts in, grumbling.

Rita only laughs and starts shaking her head, her body starting to shift.


Chapter 48

“Put ourrrr shoes in yourrrr backpack, would you?”

“Oh, yeah.”

I take out a plastic bag I’d packed for old clothes and start putting their shoes in it. As I do, I realize that this shift is different.

There’s still the telltale cra ckling and changes to their body, but this time, the hair on their heads disappears. Completely replaced with fur, even their clothes seem to shift out of place, fur growing through them. Their bodies elongate and change, letting out little huffs and growls until they’re done.

Crouched to the ground with their shoes in the bag, I stare up at them in awe.

There’s two very, verylarge wolves in front of me. Alex has brown coloring with a white undertone along his chin, neck, and stomach. Rita’s just a tad larger than him, much to my surprise, with reddish-amber fur that’s thick around her neck.

Less than wolves, they’re almost, if not already, the size of bears when on all four legs.

Alex comes closer to me, nudging my arm with his nose and letting out a rumble. He then turns to his side, looking at me expectantly.


So. Riding on his back, then.

When I stand up, he’s still almost as tall as I am at 4′ 11″. Rita lets out a huff I could almost interpret as a laugh before Alex growls at her, lowering down so I can get

on much easier.

…A slightly h or ny part of me once imagined me riding him. Like, sexually.

But, this really wasn’t how I expected to do it.

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