Fake Dating Alpha Hockey Captain by Riley Above Story

Fake Dating Alpha Hockey Captain by Riley Above Chapter 38

Chapter 38

It hadn’t just been that blood was spilled in the forest. No, a small, weak tree had even crashed to the ground, the wood splattered with blood flecks. I found out after taking a look, using my binoculars from my car before going to school.

I don’t understand at all, though.

There’s no way in the world a wolf would be strong enough to fell a tree. Moreover, the paw prints on the ground seemed entirely too big, more akin to a bear or something. I looked it up on my phone just to check, but while shaped like a dog’s paws, it was just too big.

I feel like I understand less of this situation the longer it goes on, with reports of wolf attacks now accompanied by bear attacks. Moreover, a new report comes out from a police leak, stating that the blood came from a human, though unidentified.

That report put my house on the radar.

Well, not my house specifically, but because it was so close to the area, they might as well have decided to target my family.

Mom would get bothered by reporters on her way to her car. They try to approach me, too, but I’ve started slipping in my car so quickly, they don’t get the chance to bombard me with too many questions.

And school…becomes

even more unbearable.

“Hey, I’m so sorry for your loss,” someone says, coming up to me.


“Ah, about Alex. He died behind your house, right?”

My face scrunches up furiously.


“No, he was ss not found dead. No one knows wherrrre he is rrright now. Ssso, keep yourrr ‘sorries’ to yourrrself.”

“Hey, hey, c’mon, Cynth.”

Hailey quickly heads over, cutting between me and the other person. I still look


Chapter 38

past her body as it blocks mine, glaring daggers at the as shole who doesn’t know anything at all.

A bunch of gossipmongers. It’s so da mn easy for them to just blow it off as Alex being dead when they’re not doing anything to help. Just sitting back, lazy, and watching the world like it’s entertainment for them.

“Look, they really don’t know he’s dead-”

“I was just trying to be nice!”

“I get that, but like, if your partner was missing and not known to be dead, would you wanna hear that? Be for real,” Hailey huffs.


“…I only said it cause hockey’s moving past him. So, I assumed he’s dead.”

I squint at the guy harder. What does he mean ‘moving past him?

Hailey pauses, giving me a somewhat anxious look. “Well, we don’t actually know if he’s dead. Don’t just jump to conclusions like that.”

“Ugh, fine, whatever. That’s what I get for being nice.”

The guy grumbles, stuffing his hands in his pockets and stomping off with his friends. But before Hailey can say anything, I stare right at her.

“What did he mean by ‘moving passst him”?”

She just slightly flinches, and something smells just a bit off. Not like it’s rotten, but more like it’s not vibrant like before. I’m not exactly sure what that’s supposed to


When Hailey turns around, her brows are scrunched with guilt.

“Okay…promise me you won’t freak out?”


“So…the hockey coach decided that the team can’t stay without a captain. So, uhm… he made Lenard the new captain.” She winces, taking a hold of my shoulders. “But:” it might just be temporary! Like, he’s standing in for him for now, but they could always give the position back to him. So, like, it’s not like they think he’s dead, but the team still needs someone to lead them. You know what I mean?”



Chapter 38

For a moment, I stare at her. I don’t realize I’m not blinking until she glances away uncomfortably.

“Why would that matterrr?”


“Why does that matterrr? I underrr-understand that the team needsss to move on. Lenarrrd can’t help it.”

Just as she starts to sigh in relief, I slip away from her hands.

“I won’t blame anyone else forrr living their livesss. But just don’t act like he’s confirrrmed dead. That’s all.”

“Oh, yeah, no. I totally get that… Thank you for understanding, Cynth.”

I shrug, opening my locker and getting my books out.

“…Uhm, so, like, I’m not really a foresty type, so going on searches is a no for me. But, if you have some time soon…would you like to hang out?”

“Not rrreally. I’m busy.”

“Ah, yeah. Right. So…maybe later?”

I look back at her after closing my locker. Her gaze, overall, seems worried for me. I don’t sense pity from her, just concern.

That eases the pric kly feeling of anger thrumming under my skin.


Sure. In a few days.”

“Cool,” she sighs. “I’ve missed you, bestie. But I know it’s rough right now. Wanna walk to class?”



It’s been four weeks now. A whole month.

I went on another few searches, though results are winding down. Not as many people care anymore, so they start dropping out.


Chapter 38

Eventually, I’m told that I shouldn’t keep going out for searches either, since it could conflict with my school stuff. Which, I know they’re not wrong. I’m basically a ghost in drama club at the moment.

But since they won’t let me search, I try the next best thing.


“No. Cynthia. We don’t have on Alex Hewlett.”

Officer Peaks gives me a tired look, staring down at me as I stand in the police station. I have just a few minutes before school since I’m used to waking up early for Alex’s practice. Instead of getting there early, I drop by their office and check

up on progress.

They constantly have very little to say.

“But what about hisss phone signal? Can’t you trrrace that? Maybe if you find that,


“I can’t really say exactly how we’ve been looking for him, but I can say it’s pulled up nothing so far. If we find any information related to Alex Hewlett, we’ll call you and let you know.”

It’s the same thing he’s been saying the past few days. It grates on

my nerves.

Are they even trying to find him? Everyone else has basically given up on searching the forest. It’s like not even the police care about him anymore.

I really want to kick myself in the chest.

Why did I never think to ask how to contact Alex’s brother? Why didn’t I ask him much about his family, even after he found out more about mine? Why don’t I know where he even lives?!

I’ve been the worst f ucking girlfriend, even as a play gesture. Even though our relationship is a lie, I should’ve done more. Maybe we wouldn’t be in the situation we’re in now if I’d done better.

A growl rumbles under my breath as I turn away, not saying anything else to the officer.

I have to get to school. Have to keep working to keep my grades up so I can graduate in the top 10% like I’d planned. Have to keep dealing with people giving me side-eyed pitiful looks as they watch everything like it’s a show put on by the


Chapter 38

drama club.

When I get to the car and think about how much everything sucks, I slam my fists. down on my car seat and scream.

It’s a tantrum. I know it basically is. I just can’t help it right now.

It’s either having a tantrum or crying until I shrivel from dehydration.

I manage to do a strange mix of both.

By the time I arrive at school, it’s still early, thankfully. My eyes got puffy, so I had to drive more carefully. I still almost hit the curb on my way into the parking lot.

There’s only a few other early people around, with more cars starting to head in as the sun rises further. I already feel a few eyes focus on me as I slam my car door closed and head to the door.

But then.

There’s a familiar smell.

It’s sour. Not rotten, but like it’s…somehow grainy and threadbare.

Still, it’s familiar and I know it well.

My heart pulses in my chest, and slowly, I turn around.

There’s a familiar black car parked not too far away from my own. The door is already slightly open, hence the smell coming from it.

The driver steps out, and everything I’ve been feeling the past few weeks washes. away in an instant with potent, knee-weakening relief.

It’s Alex.

Finally, it’s him.

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