Fake Dating Alpha Hockey Captain by Riley Above Story

Fake Dating Alpha Hockey Captain by Riley Above Chapter 33

Chapter 33

“Hey, Alex?”


He drives me home later that night, both of us seeming a bit weighed down with tiredness. Still, he has his full attention on the road, though he only uses one hand.

“Did you know Oliver was ss cheating on me?”

He pauses for a moment. “Hmm?”

“When we first met, you sssaid to go to the parrr-party. So, I went and found Oliver therrre. Did you tell me to go because you knew?”

“Ah…yeah. ‘Bout that,” he murmurs, his brows scrunching. “I didn’t know you two were dating at first until you said it then. I did know he was hanging around Danielle and they were kissing, though. So, I put two-and-two together. Still…ah, telling you like that wasn’t a good idea.”

He glances at me quickly.

“I’m sorry.”

But I shake my head.

“I forrrgive you. If you hadn’t told me, I would’ve thought he was ss-still being good to me.”


“You could’ve been less of an as sshole about it, though.”

“Hah, yeah.””

He drives us back to my place, parking. We sit in silence for a moment, then he turns to me, tapping his finger on the steering wheel.

“I’m really glad you could come.”

“Ah, of courrrse. Thank you for inviting me.”

“So…nationals is this coming weekend. Are you free? Or, maybe you have a play? …I

Chapter 33

don’t think you do, yeah?”

I shake my head, “No, there’sss no play this weekend. I can come.”

When he smiles, there’s a warmth to it that makes me feel just as happy as he


“Hehe, cool. I’ll give you a ticket ASAP.”

I’m about to thank him when he leans in. He’s caught me off guard a few times before, and he still manages to do it now.

His lips press against mine, closed and soft.

Unlike our previous kisses, it’s easy to let my eyes flutter closed.

We stay like that for a moment before we part, our foreheads close. And it sparks joy in my chest here.

There’s no one around. No one to prove anything to. Even so, he moved in to kiss.


Then…I suppose, maybe, we do feel the same way about each other after all.

I don’t want to ruin the moment by pointing out that we’ve both broken the contract, so I just smile. He seems to realize what we’ve just done and laughs a little, almost bewildered.

“Right…uhm. Then, let’s get you home.”

Once again, my reputation at school takes a turn in a different direction.

Some of the more popular girls, having seen Alex and I on the dance floor together at the party, treat me somewhat kindly, greeting me when I pass. I remember seeing their faces, so I greet them back. I don’t think we’ll ever be friends, but at least they don’t ignore the fact I exist anymore.

Hailey also spills the beans about my dress with the drama club, showing off pictures of us there. The design team immediately hounds me after seeing it. asking if I’d be interested in helping them make or alter outfits so they wouldn’t have to buy them from hobby stores. I consider declining…but it really was fun.

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Chapter 33

getting back into sewing, so I’oblige.

While I like acting quite a lot, I feel that being in the background is still a bit more comfortable. Now, instead of being there because I felt I couldn’t be on stage, I’m there with the opportunity to take up bigger roles when the group needs someone.

I’m no longer the quiet stutterer who everyone ignores. I’m just… Cynthia. I’m


With nationals just at the end of the week, Alex and the other team members take a head down, back-to-work attitude. Hailey and I visit, sitting in the bleachers and working on homework in the early mornings. Meanwhile, Alex and Len train harder than before, pulling off even more fantastic moves with their growing skills.

We cheer for them when they do mock games with their teams, and after seeing me bring Alex snacks, Hailey starts doing the same for Len. It’s really fun to come. up with shared recipes. She even comes over to cook at my house.

And Alex, hungrier than ever, eats everything by the end of the day, always happy with what I made. While the strength of the pine smell from that one day has faded again, he still seems more vibrant than before. Maybe it’s because he’s in his element.

He’s still glowing, even after working hard, when he hands me my ticket to watch the game.

Breitbart Community Ice Center’s rink has so many updated lights and tech that the atmosphere somehow feels more legitimate. It’s not like all the past games meant nothing, but it’s just different walking into the large stadium and seeing its numerous, surrounding seats.

The air is charged with tension, some people wearing the color of their chosen teams. Entire crews with cheerleaders and half-naked guys with their chests painted arrive. The black and burgundy red of the Redmond Chillers contrasts with the white and blue of the Easton Ridge Leopards.

Hailey and I find good seats, wielding red and black cheering sticks we can bang together to make noise. Still, I’m not sure the team can hear us over the absolute cacophony echoing around us.


Chapter 33

The players skate out into the rink, and my eyes lock onto Alex’s form. They haven’t put on the helmets just yet since there’s still announcements and such, so I’m able to see him in full form.

He’s not the largest person there, but he stands out, all dark hair and warm-toned skin. Unlike his usual grins, he looks more serious, focused. As the announcements ring out, he looks around a bit, looking for people he recognizes.

I raise my hand and wave it, and he sees me, a handsome smile spreading on his face. He then turns back to the opposing team, even more eager than before.

It’s a bit strange he stopped looking after seeing me. Is none of his family here? Not even his brother?

Well. It’ll be okay. I’ll just have to cheer for him loud enough to make up for their absence.

I wait as a band plays the national anthem, then the starting lineups get ready, Alex facing off against a guy on the other team.

A referee drops the puck between them.

Then Alex immediately swipes the puck to another Chiller, and the game begins.

There’s cheering all around me as they immediately head toward the Leopards’ goal. Immediately, I can tell it’ll be a battle. These guys are much more. competitive than some of the previous teams.

The puck slides from stick to stick, not staying with one player for too long to keep the opposing team from sticking onto anyone.

It takes an entire six minutes before anyone scores. The Chillers get the first point.

Immediately, Chillers fans jump up to their feet and scream with excitement! While I don’t scream myself, I start banging my cheering sticks together while Hailey holds up a sign she made with Lenard’s face on it.

Back and forth, they skate all over the rink, knocking into each other and banging against the walls.

Lenard uses his stick to protect the goalie and stop a goal.

Alex takes a shot, taking the second point to raucous applause.

Chapter 33

One of the Leopards slip past one of the defenders, striking one point against us.

It feels closer than it’s ever been.

Once it gets to the 3(rd) period, it’s 4 to 3 with us in the lead.

There’s only two minutes left.

Under the cold air, I smell the slightest hint of pine, Alex breathing deeply.

My eyes lock on him, staying on him the instant he moves.

One of the Leopards has the puck, sweeping closer to the Chillers’ side. If they make another point before the end of the 3(rd) period, it’ll take us into overtime.

A Chiller sees him aiming for a shot, getting down and falling to his stomach, sliding in the way. The Leopard managed to send the puck off, but it was drawn off kilter. A Chiller, Lenard, catches the puck and heads back.

The two on defense and the goalie stay behind, but Alex and another head to the Leopards’ side with Lenard.

Lenard stays near the wall as two Leopards encroach on him.

Alex stays near the right, one on him.

As though reading each other’s minds, Lenard sends the puck to Alex.

He catches it, but his back is to the goal.

The Leopard tries to block him.

With his stick, Alex switches the puck to the backside and, with a glance backwards, sends it between his blocker’s legs.

The goalie on the Leopards’ side…

Couldn’t keep up.

A sound blares as the goal gets announced.

I, caught in the energy of things, finally scream in excitement.


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