Faith with Wolves

Chapter 3. Werewolves


They don’t move. They just stare at me wondering if I’m going to make a move to attack. Despite my dad trying to create peace between all supernatural creatures fights still happen, People go missing and some are just murdered out of spite.

One of the Werewolves with shaggy brown hair and brown deceitful eyes has a cocky smile on his face as he steps toward me and leans against the bar beside me. I haven’t taken my eyes off him but he seems focused on Ruby.

“Hey, beautiful. You need me to rescue you from this bloodsucker?” He asks her then looks at me with disgust on his face.

I try my best not to give him a reaction. We’re in neutral territory so the wolves can’t attack me unless I hurt them first.

Ruby rolls her eyes. “Unlike you Dallas she is my friend. So go back over to your pack and I’ll bring you some food.”

I look behind me to see the other wolves have sat down at a booth beside one still standing in the same spot. His eyes are closed and his fists are balled up. He looks like he's trying to calm himself down. I just hope he doesn’t shift in here. The humans in here would freak out if they saw a werewolf.

“Come on sweetheart. You know you want me. I promise I’ll be gentle.” The wolf Dallas flirts with Ruby and I turn to look at him.

“Aren’t wolves supposed to wait for their mate? Some crap about the moon goddess and all.”

The wolf turns to me with a furious look on his face. “What do you know about the moon goddess vampire?” He growls and I hear a louder growl behind us. It’s the same guy who never moved.

“Leave her!” He shouts and all heads turn his way.

Finally taking a better look at him I notice he's the hottest guy I have ever seen. He has wavy jet-black hair. His eyes are my favorite color ocean blue and he has a sharp jawline. Dressed in black jeans and a white cotton shirt I can see his toned body.

“But Al-” Dallas protests.

“This is neutral territory. We’re here to eat and drink not fight, stand down.” He growls at Dallas who puts his head down and slumps over to their table.

I turn back to Ruby. “What's up with those guys?” I whisper. Ruby looks over at the werewolves who are too busy conversing to listen to us.

“Sorry about that Faith. They usually aren’t so hostile. Dallas is a huge flirt but harmless. I just try to ignore them.”

“It’s okay I’m leaving anyway. I’ll text you tomorrow to meet up. Have a nice night.” I smile and leave a tip since my meal was free like always.

“You too girl.” She answers and I get up and leave out of the bar. But before I leave I turn and look at the mysterious wolf again. There is just something about him but I can't figure out what.

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