Faith with Wolves

Chapter 17. Rogues


"I have to go," Caleb says backing away from me He looks worried and I'm sure someone mind-linked him.

"What's going on? maybe I can help."

He shakes his head and grabs my hands. His ocean-blue eyes are full of worry as he speaks. "No. I need you to stay here. The packhouse is the safest place to be. The elderly, children, and women who aren't trained will be coming here. I need you to protect them. Can you do that?"

I suck in a sharp breath and nod. "I can. I'm their Luna right?"

"You are. Be safe, please. I can't lose you." He kisses my forehead and heads for the door. I follow him out of the room and down the stairs. I can smell all the werewolves and I'm sure they can smell me.

We walk past a crowd of them our hands interlocked together. Caleb stops and faces all the wolves staring at us. They look scared and confused except for three familiar she-wolves who glare at me.

"I'm sorry I don't have time for a more formal introduction. This is my mate and your Luna Faith. Yes, she is a vampire but regardless of rumors about her kind you will treat her with respect. I expect everyone on their best behavior." He ends and the front door opens. Caleb shifts into his large black wolf his clothes now destroyed as he runs toward the border.

My hands nervously fidget together as I see everyone staring at me. "Umm like he said I'm Faith. I know I'm not what you were expecting but I wish you no harm." Amber turns her nose up at me but I continue. "I know I have a lot to learn about wolves but we can save that for later. If any rogues come near I will protect you, I promise that."

Amber is the only one to speak up scoffing at me. "Please you obviously tricked our alpha into thinking you're his mate. She probably compelled him. She'll probably kill us all. That's what her kind does!" she shouts earning me some dirty looks which makes me more nervous.

Even though I want to rip her in half I keep my cool. So far no one else is protesting, just a jealous Amber so I continue. "I'm not your enemy. I'm sorry if other vampires hurt any of you or your family members but it wasn't me. My dad is Zane the vampire king and we only want peace. I only want peace." I finish.

Slowly one by one wolves of all ages come and introduce their self to me. Even a few children hug me and ask me to take them to the park when this is over. Amber must have stomped away somewhere because I didn't see her among the crowd surrounding me.

As the last person leaves I go to the window hoping to see Caleb heading back this way. I wish I was a wolf right now and I could mind-link him. I have no idea if he's injured or needs help. I should be out there fighting beside him. I'm not a wolf but I'm trained in combat. My parents made sure I would be able to defend myself.

I keep watching out the window hating how quiet it is when a few rogues appear. Their bodies are covered in scratches and blood. They look at each other and then the packhouse when they start charging right toward the front door.

I back away from the window wondering if I should stay put like Caleb said or go fight. The rogues start scratching at the door and walls trying to come in. The terrified pack members around me are whimpering in fear and a few are even crying. They're scared and I hate it.

But I can't leave because I promised Caleb I would protect them. Not being able to fight makes me feel so useless and I close my eyes wishing I could just surround the packhouse in some sort of protective bubble. Then I could protect them without breaking my promise to Caleb.

"Luna look!" a woman yells and rushes over to me. She grabs my hand and pulls me to another window. What I see outside shocks and amazes me.

The four rogues are now far from the packhouse. They're snarling and clawing at some blue fluorescent light. Blinking my eyes a few times I still can't believe it. Did I do that?

Finally, Caleb and a few other wolves arrive. They jump on the rogues ripping them into pieces. I'm not even shocked at the blood and violence. They finish them off and then come towards the pack house. Whatever force was blocking the rogues from entering must not affect them.

Caleb shifts outside the door and grabs a pair of shorts before he enters. He unlocks the door and comes straight to me. He pulls me into a hug rubbing my back and sniffing my neck. I don't even mind that he's covered in his enemy's blood. His touch is so comforting.

"I'm so glad you're okay," he mutters under his breath and pulls away. He moves a strand of my hair behind my ear and smiles at me. "You protected everyone," he adds.

"I just hid inside. I didn't even get to fight anyone."

He shakes his head. "I have no idea how you did it but some bright blue wall came up. It surrounded the pack house keeping the rogues that slipped away out. We were able to get the injured inside to safety and kill the last remaining rogues."

"It could have been something else. I don't even have any fairy powers besides healing."

"It was you I could tell. Only someone as caring as you could create something that special."

The words I want to say get caught in my throat. I have no idea if that was me. I've never been able to do anything like that before. But I also have never been in a situation where I had to save such a large group of people.

My arms snake around Caleb who lifts me up and begins to carry me away. We head upstairs to the alpha floor but towards a different side than earlier. Everything this way smells like Caleb and I just want to wrap myself in it.

We stop outside a wooden oak door that Caleb kicks open and closed. It's a large bedroom. I'm carried to the large king-size poster bed. Caleb lays me down and hovers above me.

"I really want to mark you, Faith, my wolf is begging me and I don't think I can deny him his mate much longer."

The close proximity and Caleb's alluring scent have me wet between my thighs. I want nothing more than for him to mark me and make love again. But we can't, I need answers first.

I sit up making Caleb back away. "We need to talk first. I followed you the other day. I saw you talking to Malachi. What is he planning and how are you involved?"

Sighing he stands up and shifts foot to foot nervously. I have a feeling I'm not going to like what he has to say.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I should have told you the moment after our first date. Malachi wants to be king again. He's been asking other packs to join his cause. He even has rogues working with him?"

"Did he send those rogues today?"

He nods. "Yes, it was a warning. I told him I wouldn't be a part of his plan anymore. I shouldn't have joined him in the first place. My dad refused Malachi but when he got sick I got angry and joined the cause." He swallows hard and his eyes gloss over like he's getting a mind link.

I stand up and grab his hand. "What's going on Caleb? What is Malachi planning?"

"He's going to attack the Royal Palace."

Gasping I pull away from my mate. He looks hurt by my reaction but what did he expect? He planned on attacking my home. Was he going to kill my parents? If I was still there and we never met would he kill me too? I'm his mate but he hates vampires so he might not have cared at the moment.

My shoulders slump and I can feel the tears brimming in my eyes. My mate's strong arms surround me and I find myself crying on his chest.

"I'm so sorry Faith. I should have told you. But understand if you were there I wouldn't have hurt you. The mate bond keeps us from attacking our mate."

I look up into his guilt-ridden blue eyes. He's on the verge of tears also. "And if I wasn't your mate?"

He cups my face and presses his lips to mine giving me a gentle kiss. "I could never hurt you, Faith, ever."

He wipes my tears away and I nod. "I could never hurt you either. But we need to tell my dad about this. He needs to be prepared."

Caleb sighs and pulls away. "He already knows. Dallas mind-linked me. He's here he wants to talk."

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