Faith with Wolves

Chapter 13. His Friends


My eyes slowly flutter open and I feel something heavy draped across my body, it's Caleb's large muscular arm. He's asleep beside me with his arm wrapped around my waist.

I can't help but stare at my handsome mate. His black hair is tousled and a few strands are on his forehead. He's naked still and I can see all of his toned body including his massive hard-on. My mate even has a slight smile on his face like he's dreaming of something nice.

His eyes slowly open and I smile at him. He smiles back and pulls me closer to him so I'm tucked into his side. His voice is low and raspy and I find it incredibly sexy as he says. "Good morning my beautiful mate."

"Morning," I whisper as he sniffs the crook of my neck. He starts kissing my neck and then pulls away.

"Last night was incredible. Are you sore?"

I am pretty sore. After the first round, we took a shower where we had sex again. Then we cleaned up and I lost count of how many times we got lost in each other's bodies last night. We eventually passed out in each other's arms.

"Hmm maybe a little, but I could go for some more." I rub my hand up his chest and he grabs my butt cheeks squeezing them.

"I'm going to take you from behind. By the time I leave today I don't want you to be able to walk." he threatens or is it a promise?

It takes us two hours to leave the bedroom. When we finally emerge from the bedroom we're both dressed and starving. Luckily Iris had cooked lunch. I was quiet most of the meal. I'm so embarrassed because I forgot I had a roommate with super hearing. I really hope the walls are soundproof and she didn't hear me.

After eating, Caleb had to go back home and return to his alpha duties. He was supposed to train his warriors but his gamma Marcus took over for him. I haven't met him yet but Caleb says he's nice.

Now I'm at work with Ruby. It's slow today but I've been keeping busy. I've dusted, got gum out from under the tables, and organized the alcohol. I have so much energy and I'm in such a good mood I can't sit still.

As I wipe down the counter Ruby walks up to me and nudges me. "You're cleaning again? Faith you're way too happy. Did you have ice cream for breakfast again?"

I put the rag down and faced my friend. "Nope, I had sex with my mate."

Her jaw drops. "What? Oh my God! Why didn't you tell me this earlier? We've been working for six hours. This is huge news or is it small ordinary news?" She raises an eyebrow and I can't help but laugh.

"It's huge news. I'm so sore. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. We hardly got any sleep."

Ruby screams dramatically. "Ahh, I can't believe it! I know you guys were intimate but I didn't think you went that far. You naughty girl." She teases me and I blush.

"I do feel naughty. We had sex in the shower and now I can't stop thinking about all the other places we can do it."

"I'm happy for you. Caleb is a nice guy and I guess that talk with your mom helped."

I nod. "It did we talked about mates and how strong the bond is. We even talked about safe sex."

"Good. You guys did use protection, right? I don't think you want a baby right now."

"Umm about that." I start to ramble when Ruby grabs my arm unexpectedly.

"You didn't use a condom? Faith I expected more from you. He didn't bring it up?"

I shake my head. "No. Should I be worried?" I'm such an idiot my mom just talked to me about birth control and condoms and I used neither.

"Maybe but I know werewolves usually have kids young. If anything his wolf side will be wanting to knock you up anyway. It's a dominance thing of showing other wolves you're taken."

"I think I should get on birth control just in case. Can we go now before we leave for the club?"

Ruby and I are meeting Caleb and his friends at the club he owns tonight. He wants me to get familiar with his friends. I'm not sure how well it will work because vampires and werewolves hate each other but I'm willing to try.

"Sure let's go now. I know a doctor who works 24/7. She'll hook you up and you can go back to screwing your wonderful mate."

I can't help but smile. "He is wonderful. I think I love him."

Ruby scoffs. "That's the sex talking. Give it a few days and you'll be thinking differently. Lust and love get confused for the same thing a lot, trust me."

We finish cleaning and get ready to leave early for the night. I know Ruby only wants the best for me but she's wrong. It's not lust. The last two months with Caleb have been the best. I've never felt this way about anyone. I do love him and I hope one day he will love me too.

"How do I look?" I ask as I twirl around in the red bodycon dress that Ruby let me borrow for tonight.

"Smoking hot! Caleb won't be able to take his eyes off you." Ruby compliments me as we grab our phone and purses leaving for the night.

"Thanks, I love your black mini skirt and your green dress Iris. We're going to be the hottest women in the club." I compliment my best friends who smile in return.

Caleb and his friends are already at the club. Ruby, Iris, and I are joining them. I always see them at the bar but we don't talk much. This will be my chance to get to know them better. Maybe I can show them not all vampires are bloodthirsty killers who hate werewolves. We can all get along, right?

We take a taxi to the club because we all plan on drinking. Once we walk into the club I can sense Caleb. It's like my body is pulling me in the direction he is. I push through the crowds of people dancing and head upstairs to the third floor.

Once I reach the top VIP area a security guard in black cargo pants and a yellow shirt stops me. He holds out his arm keeping me from entering. "Authorized personnel only." He states leaving no room to argue.

I point inside. "But-"

"She's with me. Let her and her friends in." Caleb says walking up in large strides. I can sense his dominating alpha presence from here.

The security guard sighs and moves the rope letting us in. I rush up to Caleb hugging him. He holds me tightly as he spins me around and sets me on my feet.

"I missed you." He whispers and puts his face in the crook of my neck.

"I missed you too," I confess. It's only been a few hours since we saw each other and I feel like it's been way too long. The memories of us having sex replay over and over again.

Caleb cups my chin. "You're tempting me into saying forget our friends and taking you to my office. It doesn't help that this dress barely covers your body." his blue eyes rake over me.

I press my thighs together. Gosh, I didn't realize I was that turned on just from being in my mate's arms.

Blushing I apologize. "I think you're the one tempting me Caleb. But we shouldn't disappear yet. Let's go by our friends." I almost completely forgot about them. I can't help but get completely lost in my mate when he's around.

"Not before this." He says and plants a gentle kiss on my lips. I deepen the kiss as his arms on my waist tighten. His lips move perfectly against mine and it's so hard to pull away.

"Are you two going to kiss all night or what?" A loud voice interrupts us, it's Dallas.

We pull away and Caleb chuckles as he grabs my hand and we walk over to the large L-shaped couch our friends are sitting on. Wolves on one side and a large space between Ruby and Iris separates them.

Caleb sits on the large couch between our friends and pulls me onto his lap. His friend I don't recognize smiles and puts out a hand for me to shake.

"We haven't met yet. I'm Marcus, Gamma of the Blue Moon Pack." he smiles at me. He seems nice so far. He has sandy blonde hair, green eyes, and freckles all over his face.

I shake his hand. "Faith Wilder, Caleb's mate." I smile at Marcus who has a look of recognition on his face.

"Wilder? As in the vampire king? I knew you were a vampire but not royalty." He stands up and bows dramatically making everyone laugh around us.

"Don't bow to her, you idiot," Dallas remarks in a nasty tone. Yup, he still hates me.

I laugh and Marcus gets back in his seat. He pours two shots and hands me one. "Seriously vampire or not I'm happy Caleb found his mate. He was always so grumpy before."

Caleb elbows him. "I was not. Do you want extra border patrol?" he threatens making Marcus chuckle.

"See? he bullies me. He's always pushing us super hard in training but since he's met you he's so soft like a teddy bear. Please tell me you're secret?"

"It's sex!" Ruby blurts out and my face instantly reddens up and I down my shot. It's vodka and burns the whole way down.

I glare at Ruby. "That's my cue for us to go dance, bye boys!" I stand up quickly and grab Ruby dragging her with me. Iris follows closely behind me. "Why did you say that?" I berate her as we head toward the dance floor.

"Please it's no secret you two are fucking!" she teases me and I ignore her.

The three of us get some more alcohol in us from the bar downstairs. I was too embarrassed to go back by Caleb and his friends. I can't believe Ruby announced my sex life for everyone to hear. Everyone on that floor was wolves so I know they heard it.

Ruby, Iris, and I dance for a few songs before the wolves come to join us. Ruby must be drunk because she willingly dances with Dallas who can't keep his hands off her. I switch between dancing with Iris and Caleb. Surprisingly my mate is a wonderful dancer and I catch lots of girls checking him out. I try to keep my jealousy at bay.

As the song starts to end Marcus walks up to me and Caleb. He whispers something in his ear about another alpha being here. Caleb looks at me with a sad look. Tonight was supposed to be about fun not business.

"I'm sorry baby I have to go talk to him. Normally I would ignore him but he's asking for me."

I stick my lips out pouting. "Will you hurry back?"

"I promise. After we can go in my office and I'll make it up to you." Caleb winks as he pulls away.

"You better!" I shout at him as Marcus drags him away.

I turn to Iris who is a few feet away. "Want to go get another drink with me?" I ask. I'm just now feeling a light buzz. I can handle at least one more drink before I stop for the night. I'm not trying to be drunk just relaxed.

"Sure." She smiles and links her arm with mine. I can't help but giggle. We used to walk around the royal palace like this all the time. When Iris wasn't working we were practically inseparable.

The bar is crowded so it takes a few minutes before we get a drink. When we do we sit at the bar and drink them. I'm not sure what I'm drinking but it's pink and has a cute umbrella in it. The bartender Ralph recommended it. He's a werewolf also. Pretty much everyone here is a werewolf or human except Iris and me. Not awkward at all.

"This is delicious." I smile as I finish off my drink and look around the bar. I can spot Ruby far away talking to Dallas. Sober Ruby might hate Dallas but drunk Ruby is all over him. "Look at Ruby." I point.

Iris scoffs. "I thought she hated him. She always complains about him flirting."

I shrug. "I guess it's a thin line between love and hate."

She nods. "Do you want to go dance again? I need to stretch my legs."

I hop off the bar stool. "Yeah let's go."

Iris and I head through the still-busy crowd. A few people stare at us but don't say anything. I know the werewolves are weirded out by two vampires being here even though it's still technically neutral territory. Vampires and Werewolves usually avoid each other.

We're halfway through the crowd when three she-wolves stop in front of us blocking the way. They're all dressed in skimpy dresses and too much makeup plastered on their face that makes them look ten times older than they probably are.

"Excuse me," I say politely. I haven't had any issues with wolves all night. I don't want to start now.

One she-wolf with bleached blonde hair and fake extensions steps forward. "What are you doing here vampire? Don't you know this is a wolf's den?"

I hold my hands up to surrender. "Look this is neutral territory and I'm just here to dance and drink like everyone else. My friend and I don't want any issues."

Barbie scoffs. "Really because I saw you getting cozy with our Alpha earlier. You need to back off Caleb. He wouldn't want a bloodsucker like you. No matter how desperate and easy you are."

I growl and I feel Iris tugging on my arm as I take a step closer to the she-wolf. "You better watch your mouth. You have no idea who you're messing with." I threaten and growl again.

"Caleb is her mate," Iris states making the wolves laugh. Barbie flips her hair over her shoulder and speaks up again.

"Please everyone knows Caleb is single. Matter of fact we have plans after this to go back to his house. He needs a real woman to satisfy his needs." She flashes her phone with a thread of messages between her and my mate.

"You're lying!" I growl and I feel my fangs come out. The she-wolf looks scared for a moment before she smirks.

"Me lie? I don't need to. We've had sex before it's bound to happen again."

I can't listen to anymore. My anger overwhelms me and I punch the wolf in the face. She swings back at me and misses. Chaos erupts as her two friends try to jump in but Iris growls and grabs them. One gets loose and grabs my hair from behind. I elbow her hard making her let go.

Everyone around must see us fighting because I hear shouting and people running up then a loud male voice. "Stop!" he commands and the wolves back away and I let go of the one I had in a headlock. "What the fuck is going on here? Explain!" Caleb shouts looking between me and the she-wolves.

The Barbie points at me instantly. "This crazy vampire attacked me. I think she wanted my blood. I was so scared. Wilma, Wendy, and I were just protecting ourselves. She and her friend attacked us."

I scoff at her accusation. "Really? You stopped me and Iris. We were just going to dance." I growl and Iris grabs my arm keeping me from attaching the wolf as she snuggles up to my mate's side.

Caleb still looks livid. "I expected better from all of you. Amber you and the girls go back to the packhouse now." He demands and she winks at me as she squeezes his bicep.

"Sure I'll be waiting for you," she whispers and walks off swaying her hips too hard.

Caleb turns his attention back to me. "Did you attack them?" he asks and I can't believe him. He's really siding with that slut and not his mate.

"Are you serious? She attacked us!" I point between me and Iris.

"I'm just trying to get the full story. My pack mind linked me and told me a vampire hit Amber. Did you hit her first?" he asks and I look down at the ground. Of course, the blame is all on me, not the terrible things Amber said to me.

Looking back up I glare at my mate. I really thought he was different but he's just like the other wolves. Assuming the worst of us vampires. He didn't even ask if I was alright. Just went straight to accusing me of starting a fight with one of his little girlfriends.

"Iris let's go." I grab her arm and start dragging her away with me. Caleb runs up to me and grabs my other arm making me stop.

"Faith where are you going? I'm not done talking to you."

I yank my arm away. "Well, I'm done talking to you. I was an idiot to think you were different." I can feel the tears threatening to break free but I won't let him see me cry. He doesn't deserve my tears. "You didn't even ask if I was okay? You're only worried about a crying fake Amber. Why don't you just make her your Luna? It's obvious you trust her more than your own mate."

He looks guilty as he reaches for me again but I take a step back so he doesn't touch me. "Faith please, it's not like that. I-"

"Have you slept with her?" I ask and the look of horror on his face tells me all I need to know. "I thought so. Enjoy your night Caleb." I glare at him and take off with Iris right beside me.

Once we've walked far away from the club I blend into the shadows and run the rest of the way home. I can't help the tears that fall down my face the whole time. I thought mates were supposed to love you not hurt you. Ruby was right and it hurts a lot more than I want to admit.

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