Faith with Wolves

Chapter 10. First Date


I'm sitting at my desk in my office trying to do paperwork. I'm supposed to be going over some of the peace treaties we have with neighboring packs. Instead, Dallas showed up insisting he had to talk to me. All he's been doing is pacing the floor and complaining about my mate. I'm seconds away from throwing him into the wall.

"I can't believe your mate is a vampire!"

"She's a danger to the pack."

"I thought you were going to reject her. Why did you ask her on a date?" he asks and finally stops pacing to stare at me.

I'm stumped on an answer. I did have all intentions to reject her once I tracked her down. I found out her name and everything, Faith Wilder. Just thinking about her name has my heart racing in excitement.

But once I saw her I froze. She was talking to someone but my focus was all on my mate and how beautiful she looked. Her dirty blonde hair flowed freely down her back. She was wearing jean shorts with a black shirt that hung off her shoulders. Not to mention her stomach was exposed showing off her belly ring.

I was mesmerized. All intentions of rejecting her went away. I've dreamed of her every night since finding out she was my mate but it's been worse since my wolf admitted it to her. It's just constant sex dreams of marking and mating Faith. In one dream she even bit me and I liked it.

I thought the moon goddess made a mistake. That Selene was punishing me for something. But maybe, just maybe she made Faith my mate for a reason. So I asked her on a date. Then I can find out so much more about her and why she's so special.

Clearing my throat I lock eyes with my beta who's still seething. He doesn't know why I asked my mate on a date and I'm not going to explain that I'm excited to see her again. He can think whatever he wants.

"She's my mate Dallas. Selene chose her for a reason and I'm going to find out why."

He scoffs. "Well, I hope that reason doesn't get us all killed." He says and storms out of my office slamming the door behind him.

It's time for our date and I'm meeting Faith at O'dells. It's obvious she doesn't trust me enough to tell me where she lives. Which is fine because I don't trust her to come to my pack lands either. She's a vampire. Werewolves and vampires don't mix. Yet here I am nervous yet excited for our date.

I park and hop out of my black sports car. Faith is standing outside the bar and when I see her my breath hitches and my hands start to sweat. She looks beautiful. She's wearing a light pink dress with some white Converse.

We meet halfway and I grab her hands feeling shocks spread throughout my body. "Faith you look beautiful, wow." I just can't stop staring at her.

She blushes. "Thank you. I think you look handsome Caleb." I love the way she says my name. It rolls perfectly off her tongue gaining all my attention.

"We should go, come on." I pull her along with me and open the passenger door for her. She gets in and I close her door and hurry to my side.

The whole drive is peaceful silence as we casually sneak glances at each other. When we reach the entertainment center I realize the drive was too short. Now I have to share my mate with the outside world and she looks too beautiful to share. I don't want anyone to see her but me.

We get out of my car and my hand instantly finds her again. I've never been a fan of PDA but with Faith, I just want to keep touching her. It must be the mate bond making me so clingy.

Once we step inside Faith looks all around in awe. "Wow, this place is huge. Where are we?"

"It has many places an arcade, bowling, movies, and even go-karts. I thought we could bowl unless you're hungry. We can eat first." Actually, I have no idea if she eats food. She's a vampire they like blood. "Umm, you do eat human food right?" I ask hoping I don't sound like a jerk.

She laughs. "Of course, I do! My mom is a human. But I've never been bowling so let's do that first." She smiles at me.

I'm so happy I didn't offend her. My mate is so easygoing and cheerful. She's even better than I imagined.

I clear my throat nervously. "Really? well, now I have to go easy on you." I tease her as we walk towards the bowling area hand in hand.

"Please I'm naturally talented. I'll figure it out and win." She sounds so confident I decide to make things interesting.

"Okay well, how about a bet? If I win then I pick our next date."

She hums and bites her bottom lip. "Deal. if I win then I'll pick. I'm thinking girly romance movies or painting our nails."

Faith is hilarious because I would never do either of those. "Deal."

An hour later I'm winning at bowling. Faith keeps throwing gutter balls and I'm trying my hardest not to laugh. She goes again and the ball starts down the middle then rolls over into the gutter not hitting any pins.

She sighs and turns to me. "This is impossible. Who invented this game?" she pouts sticking out her bottom lip and she looks absolutely adorable.

I stand up from my seat and wrap my arms around her shoulders. She's like 5'5 and I'm 6'0 so I tower over her. "How about I help you? it's all about posture."

"Please," she begs and I can't help but smile. She has me whipped already and it's just the first date.

"Come on." I lead her over and she grabs her red bowling ball. I stand behind her and grab her arm helping her hold the ball. My hand on her waist grips her tightly and her mouthwatering scent of strawberries and roses floods my nostrils. "Spread your legs like this." I open her legs with my knee and she gasps. "Then take a deep breath and lean your arm back just enough," I whisper in her ear.

"L-like t-this." she nervously answers. Her back presses into me more and I'm sure she can tell how hard she's making me. We're not even doing anything and I'm so turned on from the sexual tension between us.

"Like that, and release."

The bowling ball flies from her hand and rolls down the lane straight down the center. This time it knocks all the pins over earning her a strike.

Faith pulls away and claps her hands before she engulfs me in a hug. "I did it! I can't believe it. Thank you! I never would have done it without you!" She's so happy and excited as she squeezes me.

I pull away just enough to see her smiling face. I cup her chin and stare into her beautiful gray eyes. "You did it, you're amazing."

She shakes her head smiling and we just stare into each other's eyes neither of us is in a hurry to step away from the other.

A loud rumbling makes Faith pull away blushing. "Sorry, I guess I am hungry. Time for dinner?" she asks I nod and grab her hand again.

We go to the food court and Faith gets nachos topped with jalpenos and other spicy toppings. I get a chicken sandwich and fries which I share with Faith. Like me, she has a pretty big appetite. Which surprises me because she's so fit. She must work out a lot.

"So tell me about yourself?" Faith asks after she's finished eating.

"Well, I'm nineteen and I'm taking business classes online right now. I'm next in line to be the alpha of my pack. I'm an only child but Dallas annoys me like a younger brother. I like the color green but lately, I can't stop thinking about the color gray."

"I'm an only child too. My mom calls me her miracle baby since I wasn't supposed to be born. Blue is my favorite color. Do you have any pets?"

I shake my head. "Nope. I think it would be strange for a wolf to have another animal as a pet."

She tilts her head to the side confused. "Really? I don't think it would be weird. I always wanted a dog or cat. I had a goldfish once when I was seven but I kind of forgot about it and it died. I cried for a week and my dad said no more pets." She shrugs.

I run my hand through my hair nervously. "Umm, what was it like growing up in the royal palace?" I ask and she looks like she's about to panic before she takes a breath and answers.

"It's my home. I know all the staff by name. We're like one big family. My maid Iris is my best friend. I was home-schooled which was boring but it gave me more time to train. The only time I ever really left is to go see my uncle Theo and his kids or Aunt Kandy and Ruby."

"Kandy is your aunt?"

She shrugs. "She's my mom's best friend. I've known her and Ruby all my life. We're family."

I nod. I don't like talking about my family now that my dad is sick but she's my mate she needs to know.

"My dad's sick," I state. "He's dying actually, wolfsbane poisoning. I wasn't supposed to take over until I turn twenty-one but now I'll have to take over sooner."

Faith reaches over and grabs my hand. "I'm sorry about your dad. I can't imagine losing a parent. I hope a miracle happens and he gets better. Is your mom still alive?"

"She is. Her name is Alice and she helps me run the pack. My lu- my friends help out a lot too. Dallas may be a jerk but he's a good beta."

Faith tells me more about her and I try to focus but I'm too distracted. I almost let it slip about needing my Luna. I'm not sure what Faith knows about werewolves but an alpha's mate, the Luna is supposed to help run the pack. With Faith being a vampire I don't know how it will work. My pack won't accept her. I'll either have to rule alone or choose a Luna.

After eating, we go drive go-karts around and then play laser tag. Faith was way better at those, especially laser tag. She was way faster than me it was like she was popping out of the shadows to shoot me. I had no chance of winning which I didn't mind. I like seeing her happy.

But I still can't believe how sheltered Faith's life has been. They barely let her leave the castle unless she had a bodyguard which was her parents mostly. She also said her parents didn't want her drinking and the night I saw her at the nightclub was her first time at one. I told her my pack owns it and she was shocked.

Now the night has come to an end and I'm struggling to let her go. We had so much fun and I learned so much about my mate. I like everything about her. She's kind, funny, and caring. The perfect woman for me. If only she wasn't a vampire.

We stop by her truck and she leans against it. "Well, this is me. I had a wonderful time Caleb. Thank you for the best first date ever!"

I'm shocked by her words. I knew her parents were overprotective but she didn't date either. "This was your first date?" I ask and she nods. "I'm happy it was with me," I admit and she blushes.

"Me too. Have a nice night Caleb sweet dreams." she smiles and I cup her face and lick my lips as I stare at hers.

"Can I kiss you, Faith?"

Her eyes light up with excitement. "Yes, please."

I lean in and connect my lips with hers. The kiss is soft and warm. I grab her face with both hands and she deepens the kiss. Our lips are molding perfectly together and I lick her bottom lip begging for entrance.

She opens up and her tongue collides with mine. Our bodies are snug against each other and she moans into my mouth. She tastes so good but it's our first date so I have to take things slow even though my body's betraying me. My hard cock is straining against my jeans now threatening to break free.

I pull away and place my forehead on hers. Both our lips are swollen as we stare into each other's eyes. Her gray eyes are golden now and so beautiful. It's like she's looking right into my soul. I've never felt this way with anyone else before. One date, one kiss and I'm hers. Screw my pack, she's my mate I won't reject her. I have no idea why I thought I could defy our bond.

"That was my first kiss." She whispers and I smile.

"I want to be the first and last man you ever kiss Faith, you're mine."

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